

Ellen Knox MD MRCOG

  • Subspeciality Trainee in Maternal and Fetal Medicine,
  • Birmingham Women? Hospital, Birmingham, UK

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There is a feedback loop that is created from the assessment through the interventions and outcomes which consists of the clinical reasoning process. However, this process is excluded from the taxonomy of the treatments, as the clinicians identify the treatment that results from the clinical reasoning process. In this way, we can understand better what the clinicians actually did with the patient to change the targets/outcomes (Dijkers, 2014). This conceptual model supports the need to use mutually-exclusive treatments that describe different interventions (Dijkers et al. Thereafter, another study will be conducted to evaluate if the changes produced different outcome and so-forth, as a dynamic process. However, the basic foundation is still lacking a few steps, and the study on association between treatment processes and outcome will be a continuum of this dissertation (will not be covered in this dissertation). Aim # 2: To examine the known-group construct validity of functional status scores in patients with lymphedema treated at Maccabi. Aim # 3: To describe characteristics of the patients with lymphedema treated at Maccabi between the years of 2010-2017. Imperatives for research to move the field forward Journal of Lymphoedema, 3(2), 76-79. Limitations of self-care in reducing the risk of lymphedema: Supportive-educative systems. Nomograms for predicting the risk of arm lymphedema after axillary dissection in breast cancer. Psychosocial impact of lymphedema: A systematic review of literature from 2004 to 2011. Problem-solving style and adaptation in breast cancer survivors: A prospective analysis. Practice-based evidence research in rehabilitation: An alternative to randomized controlled trials and traditional observational studies. Another look at observational studies in rehabilitation research: going beyond the holy 64 grail of the randomized controlled trial. Exercise in patients with lymphedema: a systematic review of the contemporary literature. Psychosocial aspects of upper extremity lymphedema in women treated for breast carcinoma. Long-term management of breast cancer-related lymphedema after intensive decongestive 66 physiotherapy. Predictive factors of response to intensive decongestive physiotherapy in upper limb lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: a cohort study. The indications for referral to conservative therapy are different from those for referral for surgery. Although limb volume is not the sole outcome, identifying when a patient enters volume stabilization is crucial for decision-making regarding further long-term management. It is important to note that while multiple measurement modalities are valid and reliable, they are not interchangeable; the selected method must be done repeatedly over time to assess for change. Assessment should begin with a thorough history and physical examination to establish a correct diagnosis and care plan. Each phase of the clinical evaluation must be purposeful to ensure that the patient does not go through unnecessary expensive and time-consuming tests. This chapter will emphasize the phases that need to be addressed in the clinical evaluation. Considering the importance of understanding risk factors for development of lymphedema and the limitations in our current knowledge, rigorous research with well-defined outcomes, adequate patient sample sizes, and prospective surveillance is imperative (Cemal, Pusic, & Mehrara, 2011). Primary lymphedema can be clinically classified as congenital lymphedema which can manifest as swelling from birth to 2 years of age; lymphedema praecox: from 2 to 35 years of age; or lymphedema tarda, onset after 35 years of age. In most cases, a malformation of the lymphatic system will be evident in imaging. Others still are yet to be identified and there are many more syndromes with lymphedema associated that have not been found (Brouillard et al. This may be due to the 71 large numbers in which lymphedema occurs and the years of survivorship possible with modern treatment, as well as the high visibility of the swollen upper extremity. Lymphedema secondary to breast cancer can manifest itself in swelling of the whole upper quadrant of the truncal regions (front and back of the chest wall and arm); however, usually swelling (and sensation changes) will start in a specific region and in time will progress to other territories. Another cause of secondary lymphedema is venous insufficiency in which the hypertension exceeds the lymphatic transport capacity (Bunke, Brown, & Bergan, 2009) leading to chronic edema, complicated frequently by chronic ulcers (Leidenius, Leivonen, Vironen, & von Smitten, 2005). Swelling will not always appear immediately after taking the drugs; therefore, establishing causality is difficult. However, when there are other drugs available which do not cause swelling, these patients may benefit from these alternatives. In a clinical setting, a patient who has support from a family member may be able to adhere to the treatment regimen more readily than the patient who is coping alone. For example, redness of the skin that accompanies swelling results from Erysipelas. This imaging test can evaluate dynamic response (reduced flow), areas of blockage, and dermal backflow (Bernas, 2013; Levy et al. In addition to imaging helping to define the lymphatic problem and the possible response to treatment or direction of treatment, for most patients it is the only visual confirmation that can demonstrate the alterations in the function of their lymphatic system. These images can offer confirmation of their previously undiagnosed condition and can help focus their efforts on treatment with their clinicians. Although found to correlate with lymphoscintigraphy for superficial imaging, the system cannot detect lymph vessels and structures deeper than 2 cm. Several investigators have demonstrated high spatial-resolution imaging with the use of gadolinium contrast agents (Bernas, 2013). As compressions influence microcirculation as well as venous and arterial flow, caution should be applied when vascular disturbances are detected. In this report, lymphatic anatomy and obstruction were identified, as well as the effect of obstruction on local structures and tissue composition (Liu, Wang, & Sun, 2005). Lymphedema characteristics these data are important for planning management according to patient goals, prognosis, expectations, and ultimately understanding of how to invest energy and effort. This knowledge will not change the decision as to what conservative management will be offered to the patient. However, if surgical interventions are considered, this is important information (Lee & Villavicencio, 2010). Patients with familial primary lymphedema may also choose to undergo genetic evaluation for known genes if they have siblings who may also be at risk or they may wish to have children in the future. Swelling can manifest in the extremities where compression bandaging and garments are more easily applied. Swelling of these areas may benefit from the addition of other treatment modalities, such as aquatic lymphatic therapy and kinisio-taping, which have not yet been fully studied to provide high-level evidence (Rodrick et al. Symptoms are important when setting goals for treatment, since what the patient will consider a successful outcome. One of the main issues in deciding which lymphedema classification to choose is the response to elevation. Chronic ulcers of various etiology can occur when swelling is involved and can benefit from compression bandaging. However, proper wound care should be administered and all the information regarding chronicity, depth, size, and treatment should be obtained in order for a good collaboration between healthcare providers and the lymphedema therapies (Leidenius et al. Adherence to compression garment or bandaging has proven to be the most effective means in maintaining the results of intensive therapy (Vignes, Porcher, Arrault, & Dupuy, 2011). Many important disease characteristics can be determined through the physical exam. Examples of functional observation of the lower extremities include the following activities: Does the patient have a limp Can the patient make a forward stride (the extended leg can be restricted by a scar in the groin area) For upper extremities: Is the patient independent in donning/doffing a shirt or bra Patients with functional problems should be referred to physical therapy or occupational therapy services for evaluation and treatment (Levy et al. Areas of indentation (bra, underwear, watch, jewelry, socks), asymmetry between limbs, or areas of swelling may be the first signs of swelling. For example, dry skin can put a patient at risk for cellulitis or fungal infection. Infections need to be treated prior to the initiation of lymphedema therapy (Foldi et al. Measurement of swelling the main objective of lymphedema management is reduction of volume and maintaining the results. However, it has significant limitations 80 with respect to practicality of use: the procedure is limited to the arms and lower legs; big limbs may not fit into the tank; it requires high hygiene standards; it cannot be used for patients with open wounds; and it does not measure the proximal segment of the leg. Perometry uses infrared light beams to estimate limb volume (excluding the foot and the hand for highest reliability). The advantages of perometry include high accuracy (measurement error for measuring lower extremities was found to be 81 121ml (Tan, Coutts, & Bulley, 2013), and upper limb 81ml) (Czerniec et al. The fact that the machine does not contact the skin enables measurement of limbs with wounds. Their work supports the use of segmental limb changes by perometry for decision-making, rather than the whole arm, as Katz-Leurer did with circumferential measurement technique. Evidence in the literature supports the reliability of multiple approaches for the assessment of the swollen limb, as outlined in this section. It is important to note that while multiple measurement modalities are valid and reliable, they are not interchangeable. Because of innate differences in the individual measures, comparisons are difficult to interpret when moving from one method or protocol to another. This clinical factor is important since a decision on when to fit a garment should take into consideration dietary plans, as well. This means that if a woman is starting a diet program at the end of therapy, she could reduce more of her limb size and therefore it will be wise to postpone the garment fitting until her weight stabilizes. In this situation, compression bandaging can be continued until weight and limb volume stabilize. For each classification, 83 there will be a different treatment plan offered based on evidence and expert clinical knowledge (Levy et al. The clinician needs to exclude or identify other co-morbidities that can interfere with the success of therapy. Treatment failure can lead to patient despair and lack of motivation for future attempts. In contrast, initiation of successful lymphedema therapy can lead to reduced risk of future complications, including cellulitis (Arsenault, Rielly, & Wise, 2011), improve quality of life (Kim, Yi, & Kwon, 2007), enhance function,(Jonsson & Johansson, 2009) provide tools for controlling this chronic condition (Vignes, Porcher, Arrault, & Dupuy, 2007), and set the foundation for ongoing success. Research on risk assessment for secondary lymphedema following breast cancer treatment. Erysipelas as a sign of subclinical primary lymphoedema: a prospective quantitative scintigraphic study of 40 patients with unilateral 86 erysipelas of the leg. Concurrent validity of upper-extremity volume estimates: Comparison of calculated 87 volume derived from girth measurements and water displacement volume. The consequences of long-time arm morbidity in node-negative breast cancer patients with sentinel node biopsy or axillary clearance. Predictors of functional shoulder recovery at 1 and 12 88 months after breast cancer surgery. Noncontrast three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging vs lymphoscintigraphy in the evaluation of lymph circulation disorders: A comparative study. Comparing limb-volume measurement techniques: 3D models from an infrared depth sensor versus water displacement. Lymphatic and angiogenic candidate genes predict the development of secondary lymphedema following breast cancer surgery. Complementary, alternative, and other noncomplete decongestive therapy treatment methods in the management of lymphedema: a systematic search and review. Multilayer compression bandaging in the acute phase of deep-vein thrombosis has no effect on the development of the post-thrombotic syndrome. Upper-extremity volume measurements in women with lymphedema: a comparison of measurements obtained via water displacement with geometrically determined volume. Quantitative lymph imaging for assessment of lymph function using indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography. Other drugs (Anagrelide, Atorvastatin, Cilostazol, Ciprofloxacin, Etretinate, Glatarimer acetate, Isosorbide dinitrate, Itroconazole, Metoclopramide, Drugs that may cause swelling as a side effect which can result inNicotinic acid, Orlistat, Pentoxifylline, Tacrolimus, Voriconazole) lymphedema or exacerbate an existing condition. Severity Mild: <20% excess limb volume Moderate: 20-40% excess limb volume Severe: >40% excess limb volume Note.

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of manual acupuncture for myofascial pain syndrome found treatment of myofascial trigger points reduced pain and improved pain 295 threshold in studies using a single treatment or a course of 8 treatments medicine games generic 40 mg citalopram free shipping. Further research is needed to clarify the longitudinal impact of myofascial trigger point treatments as single or multiple sessions medications 6 rights discount 20mg citalopram with visa. A network meta-analysis of acupuncture needling alone and combined with Gua sha symptoms schizophrenia buy discount citalopram 40 mg on-line, moxibustion treatments order citalopram 40mg with mastercard, or e-stim are effective in decreasing pain and in improving physical 296 function in myofascial pain syndrome symptoms torn rotator cuff order citalopram canada. In a systematic review and meta-analysis medicine shoppe purchase generic citalopram from india, acupuncture therapies with prokinetics were 305 more effective than prokinetics alone for functional dyspepsia. Acupuncture therapy is recommended for functional dyspepsia in patients contraindicated for prokinetics. Sixty high quality and seven low quality studies included in a systematic review with meta-analysis on pain and function across all pain populations found massage therapy effectively 308 treats pain compared to sham, no treatment, and active comparators. A systematic review for upper and lower extremity conditions found soft tissue therapy effective for the management of 309 heel pain and lateral epicondylitis. Stiffness and physical function showed significant improvement with treatment duration of more than 4 weeks. As indicated above, massage therapy has a low risk of adverse events when provided by a trained practitioner. Manipulation therapy safety Adverse events associated with spinal manipulation include muscle soreness or transient 141 increases in pain. Rare serious adverse events include cervical artery dissection, stroke and 322 neck injury. The most recent review of systematic reviews confirms that though rare, there is 323 some risk of significant adverse events. Mind body directed therapies for chronic pain Mindfulness, meditation and relaxation therapies chronic pain Mindfulness and meditation-based therapies focus training on moment to moment awareness of breathing and attention without judgment to transform perception and relationships to pain and the larger environment. Mindfulness and relaxation-based eHealth interventions have evidence of positive effects on health outcomes for patients with chronic pain including headache, fibromyalgia, and irritable 280 bowel syndrome. A review of patients with arthritis, chronic back or neck pain, or two or more comorbid pain conditions experienced the largest average improvement from a mindfulness 332 program in pain severity and functional limitations. Greater home meditation practice was significantly associated with greater improvements in psychological distress and self-rated general health. In a large meta-analysis, music therapy showed a reduction of chronic pain, emotional distress due to pain, and a small but statistically significant reduction in opioid and non-opioid 259 intake. Systematic reviews of guided imagery were found encouraging but inconclusive for 337,338 musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal pain. A more recent systematic review of guided imagery in fibromyalgia, arthritis and rheumatologic disorders found statistically significant improvement in pain and function, with several trials demonstrating reduction in medication 339 use. These approaches are safe, with rare adverse reactions in psychiatric patients, people with epilepsy or those who have suffered abuse or trauma where 141,324,339,340 relaxation may trigger a rare paradoxical reaction. Biofeedback chronic pain Biofeedback utilizes techniques in which a signal generated by a device trains the patient to manipulate an aspect of their physiology not typically directed. A meta-analysis of trials also found biofeedback effective for tension headache with stable benefit over an average follow-up phase of 15 months. Biofeedback with relaxation 342 therapy was most effective for children and adolescents with headache. A meta-analysis of 343 biofeedback for fibromyalgia found significant reduction of pain, with less effect established 344 in another systematic review due to variability of measures across trials. Biofeedback has low risk of harms with rare side effects of headache, fatigue or sleep 343 problems. No adverse events are reported in a meta-analysis of biofeedback for chronic back 341 pain. Yoga practice combines attention and meditation (dhyana), breathing (pranayama), and physical postures (asanas). A meta-analysis found yoga, even as a short-term 353 intervention, could be effective for pain and associated disability. A large systematic review (306 trials) identified 52 different yoga styles and techniques with the most common being hatha, Iyengar, Pranayama and integrated approaches to yoga therapy. The reviewers recommended the choice of yoga style be based on 354 personal preference and availability. In a systematic review with meta-analysis on efficacy and safety of meditative movement therapies (Qi gong, Tai chi and yoga) for fibromyalgia syndrome, yoga yielded significant effects on pain, fatigue, sleep, depression and health-related quality of 355 life at final treatment, while Tai chi showed benefit for sleep. In an access-to-care innovation for veterans, a clinical yoga program via telehealth real-time interactive video conferencing, provided comparable satisfaction and health improvements to in-person yoga, including benefit 356 for pain. No association between 360 yoga practice and joint problems was found in a large survey of women aged 62-67. Tai chi chronic pain Tai chi is a low-impact, mind-body exercise originating in China that has become increasingly popular in the West as an effective exercise for rehabilitation related to multiple medical conditions. Tai chi consists of slow prescribed movements with attention to breathing and meditative concentration. Tai chi safety In a review of 153 trials, adverse events related to Tai chi were not regularly monitored or reported. When reported, Tai chi did not result in any serious adverse events but was associated with minor musculoskeletal aches and pains not unlike other forms of therapeutic 366 movment. They share features of touch, directed exercise, strengthening, and awareness of posture and muscle utilization in the treatment of pain and postural problems. While there are fewer studies and reviews of these therapies, there is evidence of benefit for chronic pain. Feldenkrais has demonstrated benefit in chronic pain trials for neck and scapular pain in 372 people who are visually impaired. Alexander technique, Pilates, and Feldenkrais safety Adverse events related to movement therapies are low with minor events of transient pain 368,373-375 and muscle soreness. Frequency, dosage and timing of nonpharmacologic interventions for chronic pain A recommended course of acupuncture treatment for chronic pain will depend on the patient and the term and severity of the condition. In the Cochrane reviews recommending acupuncture for 297 298 tension headache and migraine, a minimum of 6 sessions was required for review. Weekly 376 treatment was common; no trials gave acupuncture more than twice per week. In a large meta-analysis that identified characteristics of acupuncture treatment associated with outcome, where average session time was recorded in a trial, the length of session averaged 376 16-45 minutes. Increased number of needle sites 376 treated and more sessions were associated with better outcomes. Therefore, referral for acupuncture therapy is recommended for at least 8 sessions, and preferably 8-15 weekly sessions of care. For a severe or acute ambulatory pain event, initial treatment frequency may be more than once per week. Acupuncture therapy delivered in a group setting is being studied as an option for 377 378 underserved populations, in line with research on group medical visits. Costs are reduced for patients and session times approximate individual practitioner-patient encounters. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of massage therapy for pain, treatment dosage 308 ranged from a single session of 1. Chiropractic and osteopathic spinal manipulation reviews include single sessions trials, trials of 4-7 session over 2 weeks to 5 months up to 12 sessions or more a month with or without 145 subsequent maintenance. Once a week sessions for 4-6 weeks was slightly superior to back 379 school or physical therapy for chronic low back pain. Movement therapies like Tai chi and yoga are typically given in group session, and have been studied in a term of intervention from 1-5 sessions per week for 6 weeks to a year for Tai 362,366 358 chi and as 12 weekly sessions of 75 minutes for yoga. Lifestyle behaviors, self-efficacy chronic pain Self-efficacy is a psychological construct based on Social Cognitive Theory, which describes the interaction between behavioral, personal, and environmental factors in health and chronic disease. Epigenetic changes happen when genes within our genome are turned on and off by environmental factors before and after conception. Altered gene expression rather than genetic code accounts for the majority of risks to health outcomes. Though pain 382 specific studies are scarce, there are many studies that document the relationship of healthy behaviors to improved overall health and a reduction of disease, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, 383 384,385 and obesity, that are associated with pain conditions. The relationships are complex, multifactorial and have reciprocal influence on each other. For example, obesity is associated 386 with inflammation and musculoskeletal disorders involving connective tissue structures, 387,388 including bones, joints and soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, persistent or severe pain impedes weight loss in patients enrolled in weight management 389 programs compared to none-to-moderate pain. Optimal lifestyle choices can improve health and pain and are tantamount to healthy outcomes. Success with healthy lifestyle choices improves patient self-efficacy and is also 392 found to improve the length of leukocyte telomeres, associated with healthy aging and 393,394 longevity. Subjects with all four factors at baseline had reduced their risk of diabetes by 93%, myocardial infarction by 81%, strokes by 50%, and cancer by 36%, and had a 78% lower overall risk of developing a chronic disease. Lifestyle behaviors can affect biology as well as self-efficacy and therefore can be viewed as a key factor impacting pain. Nutrition and pain Nutrition science is not new and though it has long been recognized that nutritional status 396,397 can either promote or reduce body-wide inflammation and can promote healing or inhibit it, most medical encounters for pain do not address diet in a meaningful way. As there is a growing awareness of the impact of nutritional status on overall health, there are more studies of nutrition 398-400 and pain. An anti-inflammatory diet is one that is high in non-starchy vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, healthy oils and whole grains with low levels of animal protein consumption. This type of diet balances tissue pH levels for optimal mitochondrial enzyme functioning and has 401 been shown to have health benefits. Mitochondrial dysfunction in turn is being recognized as a 402-404 root cause of many illnesses including pain related conditions. Turmeric, its derivative curcumin, and ginger, a related tuber, are extensively studied in both food and supplement form for pain patients. Ginger is 414,415 416-418 419 studied for its effect on nausea but also for pain, including joint pain and primary 420 dysmenorrhea. Although consumption of meals from fast food restaurants is decreasing, there has been a compensatory increase in retail purchase of highly 426 processed foods. Symptoms associated with deficiencies, especially when sub-clinical, are nonspecific and include fatigue, irritability, aches and pains, decreased immune function and 425 heart palpitations. Supplementation of deficient nutrients helps overall health and is being studied for its effects on pain. The following is by no means a comprehensive listing, but touches on some of the most prevalent deficiencies. Vitamin D is one of the best studied micronutrient deficiencies associated with pain and delayed healing. Skin pigmentation, obesity, northern latitudes and other yet unidentified factors lead to Vitamin D deficiencies. Deficiency of Vitamin D is often found in chronic pain sufferers, 427 and is correlated with muscle fatigue risk factors. While no definitive mechanism for how Vitamin D influences chronic pain development is known, supplementation of Vitamin D may 428 benefit chronic pain. It poses a low health risk, is well accepted, inexpensive and offers 429 numerous health benefits. A rapid dose of Vitamin D3 attenuates inflammation, epidermal 430 structure damage and redness from acute sunburn. Magnesium is also seen as a common micronutrient deficiency, which is being studied for its relationship to muscle spasm, systemic inflammation, insulin resistance and diabetes, hypertension, and neuropathic pain. There have been positive trials using magnesium infusions 431,432 for migraine and many emergency rooms employ this intervention. A review of the concomitant use of magnesium with opioids in animals suggests that magnesium may potentiate opioid analgesia while also mitigating some of the adverse effects of opioids including the development of hyperalgesia, improving outcomes in 435 neuropathic pain. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency has long been recognized as a cause of neurological disorders including pain. At present, we are only able to measure serum B12 which may or may not reflect B12 levels in the tissues where it is active. There are over 20 recognized genetic abnormalities affecting the cobalamin transport proteins required for intracellular delivery of B12 to tissue targets including mitochondria.

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Individualized, Multimodal, Multidisciplinary Pain Management Medications Restorative Interventional Behavioral Complementary (Opioid and Therapies Procedures Health & Integrative Non-opioid) Approaches Health Figure 10: Restorative Therapies Are One of Five Treatment Approaches to Pain Management 2. Restorative therapies play a signifcant role in acute and chronic pain management, and positive clinical outcomes are more likely if restorative therapy is part of a multidisciplinary treatment plan following a comprehensive assessment. Restorative therapies can be administered by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and others in a variety of settings. Patient outcomes related to restorative and physical therapies tend to emphasize improvement in outcomes, but there is value in restorative therapies to help maintain functionality. Use of restorative therapies is often challenged by incomplete or inconsistent reimbursement policies. The Task Force asks health care reimbursement policymakers to closely evaluate and advocate for payers to improve access to a range of restorative therapies. The following paragraphs briefy describe restorative therapies, which can be considered singularly or combined with other therapies as part of a multimodal approach to the management of chronic and acute pain, depending on the patient and his or her medical conditions. This list is not inclusive or exhaustive but instead provides examples of common restorative therapies. Therapeutic exercise and its role in the treatment of pain is tied to the underlying diagnosis for the pain. Bed rest was scientifcally recognized and prescribed as a treatment for low-back pain as recently as the 1980s,149 but high-quality scientifc evidence has since emerged establishing the superiority of movement therapies over rest. Deep tissue massage focuses on myofascial trigger points, with attention on the deeper layers of tissues. Cold and heat have been used in the treatment of symptoms of a variety of acute and chronic pain conditions. Because it treats only symptoms, the efects and duration of this therapy are mitigated by the initial cause of the pain. For instance, cold therapy has been shown to decrease the pain of hip arthroplasty on the second but not the frst or third day after surgery and did not decrease blood loss from the surgery. In fact, a review of non-pharmacologic therapies found that superfcial heat had good evidence of efcacy for treatment of acute low-back pain. However, there is evidence that, for at least short periods of time, bracing (especially nonrigid bracing) may improve function and does not result in muscle dysfunction. Most interventional pain physicians ofer interventional therapies for acute and chronic pain conditions as part of a comprehensive treatment program. Image-guided interventional procedures (using ultrasound, fuoroscopy, and computed tomography) can greatly beneft comprehensive assessment and treatment plans by identifying the sources and generators of pain. Additional research and more specifc data establishing the clinical benefts of specifc interventional procedures for specifc pain conditions would be benefcial and can further identify various procedures for specifc clinical conditions,172 particularly for certain populations, such as children. Some minor interventional procedures can be performed in the primary care setting, while other more advanced procedures require specialty training. The measure of a successful outcome depends on whether the intervention is used to treat short-term, acute fares or is part of a long-term management plan that will depend on the individual patient and his or her unique medical status. This list is not inclusive or exhaustive but instead provides examples of common interventional procedures. Lumbar epidural injections treat back pain and radicular pain resulting from chemical irritation of nervous tissue by eliminating the infammatory compounds mediating nervous tissue irritation in the epidural space. Facet joint nerve block and denervation injection are common fuoroscopy-guided procedures for facet-related spinal pain of the low back and neck area in which local anesthesia with or without steroids is injected onto the medial branch nerves that supply these joints (medial branch blocks or less commonly directly into the facet joint). These injections are primarily diagnostic but can also be therapeutic, providing long-term relief. There has been a growth in this area as part of improved perioperative pathways and the use and advancements in ultrasound-guided nerve blocks that allow for more efective anesthetic blocks. This is an area of growth and innovation for chronic pain treatment, including neuropathic pain, and for both the central and peripheral nervous systems. More recently, noninvasive neuromodulation therapies have been studied in headache disorders. Multiple level-1 and level-2 studies have demonstrated that noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation can be efective in ameliorating pain in various types of cluster headaches and migraines. Because there are opioid receptors on the spinal cord and at specifc areas of the brain, signifcantly smaller doses of opioids in the spinal fuid can provide signifcant analgesia at much lower doses than oral opioids. Implanted intrathecal pumps with catheters in the spinal fuid can supply medication continuously, and they have been used for both cancer and noncancer pain. Vertebral augmentation stabilizes the spine through the application of cement to vertebral compression fractures that are painful and refractory to medical treatment;225 this approach can include vertebroplasty (injecting cement into a fractured vertebra) or balloon kyphoplasty (using an infatable balloon to create injection space). Evidence suggests that balloon-assisted kyphoplasty is one of the most efective vertebral augmentation procedures. Research has shown that interspinous process spacer devices can provide relief for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis with neuroclaudication. The physical therapy helped me a lot and was coordinated with the trigger point injection. I also, very rarely, take a pain opioid pill, Tylenol Number 3, for severe acute ares of my pain. Unfortunately, pain specialists are typically not involved in the multidisciplinary approaches of diagnosing and treating a pain patient early enough in his or her treatment, which can lead to suboptimal patient outcomes. This trend can potentially lead to serious complications and inappropriate utilization. Individualized, Multimodal, Multidisciplinary Pain Management Medications Restorative Interventional Behavioral Complementary (Opioid and Therapies Procedures Health & Integrative Non-opioid) Approaches Health Figure 13: Behavioral Health Is One of Five Treatment Approaches to Pain Management 2. Psychological interventions, following proper evaluation and diagnosis, can play a central role in reducing disability in these patients. Furthermore, preliminary evidence indicates that psychological interventions administered prior to surgery have been shown to reduce postsurgical pain and opioid use. These approaches aim to improve the overall pain experience and restore function by addressing the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social factors that contribute to pain-related stress and impairment. This list is not inclusive or exhaustive but instead provides examples of common behavioral health approaches. This improvement is achieved by minimizing reinforcement of maladaptive behaviors, providing reinforcement of well behaviors, and reducing avoidance behaviors through gradual exposure to the fear-provoking stimuli. Patients are taught to become aware of these unresolved experiences, which include suppressed or avoided trauma, adversity, and confict, and to adaptively express their emotions related to these experiences. Patients learn that control over pain can be achieved through emotional awareness and expression. These approaches use the mind-body connection to help patients with pain develop control over their physiologic and psychological responses to pain. The overall goal of biofeedback is to improve awareness and voluntary control over bodily reactions associated with pain exacerbations. Relaxation training is often used in conjunction with biofeedback to increase physiological awareness and enhance relaxation skills. When access to providers and costs are limiting factors, evidence-based low-cost and scalable approaches delivered through telehealth and internet technologies may provide a low-burden, efective alternative to traditional treatment approaches. Health professionals should have sufcient understanding of the biopsychosocial model of pain and how to appropriately assess and refer patients for behavioral health treatment. Both a need for trained pain psychologists and appropriate incentives are required to fll the work gap. Although several organizations have identifed policy recommendations to close gaps in access to pain management services,287,288 coverage barriers persist. Although the literature exploring the efectiveness of interventions for patients with painful conditions and comorbid psychiatric concerns is limited, research suggests that regular monitoring and early referral and intervention can improve pain and psychiatric outcomes and prevent negative opioid-related outcomes. Conduct regular reevaluation and assessment, with a treatment plan and established goals, to achieve optimal patient outcomes. Individualized, Multimodal, Multidisciplinary Pain Management Medications Restorative Interventional Behavioral Complementary (Opioid and Therapies Procedures Health & Integrative Non-opioid) Approaches Health Figure 15: Complementary and Integrative Health Is One of Five Treatment Approaches to Pain Management 2. For improved functionality, activities of daily living, and quality of life, clinicians are encouraged to consider and prioritize, when clinically indicated, nonpharmacologic approaches to pain management. My right arm was ripped open down to my hand and I had some shrapnel in both of my legs and my left arm. Overall, I had 26 surgeries over 3 1/2 years in the hospital, where I started receiving alternative therapy. After I got out of being an inpatient, I told myself I was going to get of of all my meds and I did that. I watched too many fellow service members, comrades, turn into zombies just being pumped full of medications. If my foot stays down for a long period of time, it gets swollen, and I have limited feeling from my left knee down to my foot. I went through a form of visual and audio therapy and somehow that triggered those nerves to kick back in. I think a combination of acupuncture and digital medicine is, in a sense, the way of the future. The current opioid crisis has spurred intense interest in identifying efective nonpharmacologic approaches to managing pain. The use of complementary and integrative health approaches for pain has grown within care settings across the United States over the past decades. As with other treatment modalities, complementary and integrative health approaches can be used as stand-alone interventions or as part of a multidisciplinary approach, as clinically indicated and based on patient status. Examples of complementary and integrative health approaches to pain include acupuncture, hands-on manipulative techniques. These therapies can be provided or overseen by licensed professionals and trained instructors. The use of complementary and integrative health approaches should be communicated to the pain management team. Overall, most complementary and integrative health approaches can provide improved relief, when clinically indicated, when used alone or in combination with conventional therapies such as medications, behavioral therapies, and interventional treatments, although more research to develop evidence-informed treatment guidelines is needed. The following paragraphs briefy describe complementary and integrative health approaches, which can be considered singularly or as part of a multimodal approach to the management of chronic and acute pain, depending on the patient and his or her medical conditions. This list is not inclusive or exhaustive but instead provides examples of common complementary and integrative health approaches. It involves manipulating a system of meridians where life energy fows by inserting needles into identifed acupuncture points. The therapeutic value of acupuncture in the treatment of various pain conditions, including osteoarthritis; migraine; and low-back, neck, and knee pain has growing evidence in the form of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Massage and manipulative therapies, including osteopathic and chiropractic treatments, are commonly used for pain management. Such interventions may be clinically efective for short-term relief323,324 and are best accomplished in consultation with the primary care and pain management teams. Studies on massage have considered various types, including Swedish, Thai, and myofascial release, but these studies do not provide adequate details of the type of massage provided. Systematic reviews note that the few studies looking at the efect of massage on pain use rigorous methods and large sample sizes. Mindfulness enables an attentional stance of removed observation and is characterized by concentrating on the present moment with openness, curiosity, and acceptance. Yoga has become popular in Western cultures as a form of mind and body exercise that incorporates meditation and chants. Modern tai chi has become popular for core physical strengthening through its use of slow movements and meditation. It has demonstrated long-term beneft in patients with chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal pain conditions. People living with pain may use religious or spiritual forms of coping, such as prayer and meditation, to help manage their pain. Growing evidence indicates that spiritual practices and resources are benefcial for people with pain. The populations highlighted here are not exhaustive, and the special populations section on chronic relapsing conditions is intended to serve as a general category that applies to many painful conditions not specifcally mentioned. The origin of pain conditions in the pediatric age group is important because the developing pediatric nervous system can be especially vulnerable to pain sensitization and development of neuroplasticity. Psychological conditions resulting from chronic disease and pain syndromes can contribute to long-term pain. These psychological conditions can include difculty coping, anxiety, and depression. Incorporation of parents and family into pain care is especially important in the pediatric population because childhood pain can be afected by family and parental factors, including family functioning and parental anxiety, and depression. Overall, there is a substantial need for more trained pediatric pain specialists to address the often complex aspects of pediatric pain.

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Additionally, the request includes $700 million in program funds to provide resource flexibility that will support subsidy, technical assistance, special projects and equity investments. These program funds represent a significant expansion of the role of development finance in advancing U. It is an innovative, whole-of government approach to designing achievable energy and infrastructure growth programs that address the most pressing investment barriers in each market. The Budget also requests $2 million for a dedicated Inspector General to provide robust inspection, oversight, and evaluation. S International Trade Commission (Commission) is an independent, nonpartisan Federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. In accordance with its statutory mandate, the Commission investigates and makes determinations in proceedings involving imports claimed to injure a domestic industry or violate U. Pursuant to section 175 of the Trade Act of 1974, the budget estimates for the Commission are transmitted to Congress without revision by the President. Case Based Pediatrics For Medical Students and Residents Questions and Answers Editors: Loren G. Burns School of Medicine Kapiolani Medical Center For Women And Children Honolulu, Hawaii Copyright 2005, Loren G. True/False: When caring for pediatric patients, it is always more appropriate to use pediatric subspecialists than specialists who may be primarily trained to work with adults. True/False: There is a standard for after hours accessibility that all pediatricians adhere to . True/False: There is variability in the use of pediatric subspecialty care that results from factors other than availability of specialists. If a pediatric subspecialist is not available, the pediatrician has the following choices: a. Send the patient to a pediatric subspecialist regardless of cost and inconvenience. Pediatricians may be concerned about giving after hours telephone advice to parents who call. At what age does the uterine environment play a role in the growth of a child versus the influence on growth by the genetic makeup What is the approximate weight gain in grams per day for a healthy term infant from birth to 3 months of age How do the growth curves for congenital pathologic short stature, constitutional growth delay, and familial short stature look like Developmental and behavioral conditions occur in approximately what percentage of children What is the best clinical situation to try to identify children with developmental disorders from developmentally normal children Which of these following methods of identifying children with developmental or behavioral concerns has the worst sensitivity Which of the following have been proven problems regarding the standardized parent developmental screening tools An assumption that the screening test done at one point in time will discover all children with every type of developmental problem. When is the best age (out of the following suggestions) for a physician to administer a developmental screening tool Which of the following vaccines would be contraindicated in a 4 year old boy receiving immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune hepatitis Which vaccine should not be given to an 8 year old girl who has not been immunized previously Which parenteral vaccine should not be characterized as an attenuated live virus vaccine Which passive or active immunization is specifically recommended for women in the second or third trimester of pregnancy Increased risk for intussusception was observed as a rare complication following immunization with which vaccine True/False: In infants younger than 6 months of age, early intervention for hearing impaired infants is believed to improve the development of speech, language, and cognition, which in turn, decreases the need for special education. What is the best test for assessing hearing deficits in infants older than 6 months of age After failing an objective hearing screen, tympanometry testing is conducted and the results are abnormal. True/False: For most problems caused by parental child rearing knowledge deficits, there is good evidence from high quality studies that physicians can change parental behavior through simple counseling in the primary care setting 2. True/False: the anticipatory guidance issues for two year olds are very different for boys as compared to girls. Do to the child what the child does to others so they learn why not to do certain things. True/False: Children can develop fluorosis by using fluoride toothpaste and fluoride supplements. True/False: Parents do not need to supervise their two year olds who have already completed swimming lessons. Children can be offered a variety of nutritious foods and be allowed to choose what to eat and how much. It is abnormal for children at this age to eat a lot for one meal, and not much the next. Toddlers and preschoolers often lack the self-control necessary to express anger and other unpleasant emotions peacefully. This method should be considered with certain types of behaviors including impulsive, aggressive, hostile and emotional behaviors. A good rule of thumb is to use five minutes of time out per year of age (for example 25 minutes for a five year old). Which of the following has as an example, not eating all of your dinner and then not having any dessert What is the role of the pediatrician in helping parents with common behavioral problems When should a pediatrician refer a patient for more specialized evaluation of behavioral problems The school plan that includes educational programming that can take into account medical problems such as autism or mental retardation in an 8 year old child is called a/an: a. A 2 year old child with developmental delays in gross and fine motor activities can get a free program called a/an: a. Collaborating as the medical home with other related services such as rehabilitative therapists. Should not go to school because school personnel are not trained to care for the tracheostomy. Should not go to school because school personnel cannot handle any emergencies as a result of the tracheostomy. Should go to school as the parents can supervise the care of the child while in school. What are the three main areas affected in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Most children with language disorders are not usually mentally retarded, while the majority of children with autism are. Which evaluations would be important in diagnosing children thought to possibly have autism or language disorders True/False: the decision to deny speech therapy in the case at the beginning of the chapter should be appealed, since it is medically necessary. True/False: A charge is adjusted downward because it exceeds the maximum allowed for that service. True/False: A mechanism to appeal managed care decisions is contained in Hawaii State Law. True/False: Due to their large reserves, insurers have minimal budgetary constraints in spending. At the 2 year old well child check, a child is noted to have severe decay of his anterior upper teeth. True/False: During the second year of life, there is a decrease in appetite and low weight gain as children follow normal growth curves. Is a 9 kg child who is consuming 8 ounces of formula 5 times a day, likely to grow Calculate the total number of calories for a serving of chicken noodle soup: Serving size=4 ounces, total fat per serving=2 grams, total carbohydrate per serving 8 grams, total protein per serving 3 grams, total sodium per serving 890 mg. He is getting intralipids 10% (10 grams per 100cc) at 1 cc/hr and a separate infusion at 5. How many calories from carbohydrate, protein and fat is the patient receiving per day What are some clinical indications that suggest inadequate or sub optimal breastfeeding What can health care providers do to improve breastfeeding practices for their patients Which of the following sets of signs and symptoms are most consistent with 5% dehydration Which of the following sets of signs and symptoms are most consistent with 10% dehydration You calculate the 24 hour maintenance volume for a 3 kg child with severe neurologic dysfunction. He is currently being fed infant formula via a nasogastric tube at 3 ounces every 3 hours. You do a calculation and notice that he is getting 720 cc/day which is more than twice his maintenance volume. You are seeing a 10 month old infant who is thin and appears to be about 10% dehydrated. True/False: Hospitalization is indicated when a child is at risk of serious medical morbidity or abuse/neglect. True/False: If both parents are of short stature, then the child must have genetic short stature. Toddler with edema, hepatomegaly, protruding abdomen, alternating bands of light and dark hair, dry skin, and lethargy. True/False: Serum albumin is usually decreased in kwashiorkor, or severe malnutrition affecting the visceral protein compartment. Vitamin K is an important cofactor in the activation of which of the following coagulation factors: a. True/False: Vitamin D, in response to serum hypocalcemia, regulates the mobilization of serum calcium through three mechanisms: increased intestinal absorption of Ca and Phos, mobilization of Ca from bone, and increased reabsorption of Ca from the distal renal tubules. In addition, patients with B12 deficiency may exhibit posterior column defects, such as: paresthesias, sensory deficits, loss deep tendon reflexes, as well as confusion and memory deficits. List three early disease detection measures routinely administered to all newborns. True/False: Abnormal vital signs within the first 30-60 minutes of life are always pathologic and indicate an unhealthy newborn. True/False: Breast milk is associated with a decrease in the incidence of several common infections. True/False: Circumcision should be routinely recommended based on medical advantages. True/False: Normal stools from breast fed infants appear to be loose, yellow and seedy. True/False: Hemoglobin degradation results in the formation of biliverdin and carbon monoxide. True/False: Systemic sulfonamide medications are avoided in the newborn because they displace bilirubin from albumin and increase free bilirubin. True/False: Supplementation of breast feeding with water or dextrose lowers the serum bilirubin. True/False: Discontinuation of phototherapy in a healthy, term neonate is usually associated with rebound hyperbilirubinemia. Which of the following factors should be strongly considered in determining whether an exchange transfusion is indicated in a term neonate with an indirect bilirubin of 21 mg%.

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