

Roberta Fillipo, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine


Downs and Woods (1976) conditioned morphine-dependent monkeys to terminate and/or postpone injections of 2 microgram/kg naloxone suggested antibiotics for sinus infection buy cheap lquin 750 mg on line. Characteristic fixed-ratio performance was maintained by termination and postponement of naloxone injections antibiotic resistance of bacillus subtilis purchase lquin with amex. Then xiclav antibiotic buy lquin from india, the schedule oontin gencies were changed so that completion of each ratio produced a brief light flash; completion of every fifth or tenth ratio produced the light flash and an injection of naloxone treatment for gassy dogs purchase lquin without a prescription. Behavior was maintained by the injection of naloxone in these morphine dependent monkeys for as many as fifteen sessions antimicrobial yarns buy lquin 500 mg cheap. This apparently disparate effect of a presumably noxious pharmacological stimulus underlines the importance of the behavioral contingencies under which a subject is exposed to a drug in determining the later likelihood that the drug will maintain behavior leading to its administration right antibiotic for sinus infection purchase 750 mg lquin free shipping. In general, behavior is maintained by lower doses of drug in subjects with an extensive self-administration history than in subjects with a more limited history. For example, Goldberg (1973) showed that a low cocaine injection dose (12 microgram/kg) initially failed to maintain fixed-ratio responding in monkeys with a limited history of cocaine-maintained behavior, but maintained high response rates in the same subjects after a period during which responding was maintained by higher cocaine doses. The actual response rates maintained by certain doses of a drug can also be altered by a history of drug-maintained behavior. For example, Downs and Woods (1974) reported that the response rates maintained by injections of low doses of cocaine (3 and 10 miorogram/kg) in rhesus monkeys increased dramatically when these doses were retested after exposure to other cocaine doses. The rate and pattern of behavior maintained by one drug can also influence both the initial pattern of intake of a substituted drug and the dose of that drug that will maintain behavior. Initially, the spacing of amphetamine injections was similar to that maintained by the maintenance drug. Cocaine maintained responses at regular intervals throughout experimental sessions, and all substituted amphetamine doses (0. The maintenance drugs codeine and pentobarbital, on the other hand, maintained frequent Injections at the beginning of the session, followed by long pauses interspersed with bursts of injections over the remainder of the session. Thus, as a result of the pattern of injections engendered by the maintenance drug, higher doses of amphetamine maintained more behavior when substituted for cocaine than when substituted for codeine or pentobarbital. The drug used to maintain behavior in the monkey can also alter the behavior maintained by substitutions of narcotic agonists and mixed agonist-antagonists. Hoffmeister and Schlichting (1972) reported that codeine, morphine, & propoxyphene, pentazocine, and propiram will maintain behavior at lower doses when substituted for codeine than when substituted for cocaine. In addition, although the doses of each narcotic that maintained the maximal number of Injections did not vary with the drug used to engender responding, the maximally effective doses of all the narcotics except morphine maintained more injections when substituted for codeine than when substituted for cocaine. As was the case for amphetamine, such differences in behavior may have resulted from the different patterns of drug Injections engendered by the maintenance drugs. Thus, under similar behavioral schedules, the asymptotic pattern of drug intake can vary markedly among drugs from different pharmacological classes. When behavior is initially established with a particular drug, however, the pattern of intake maintained by that drug can control the initial pattern of intake of quite different drugs. Dextrorphan does not maintain behavior following one type of self-administration history, but readily maintains behavior following certain other histories. Figure 1 compares the behavior maintained by dextrorphan when substituted for codeine under these two conditions. However, as shown by the closed circles in the lower panel, the same doses of dextrorphan did not maintain responding when substituted for 0. These differences in the ability of dextrorphan to maintain behavior when substituted for codeine may be due to several factors. Dextrorphan may be relatively ineffective in maintaining behavior at high ratio requirements (cf Goldberg et al. Alternatively, the monkeysbehavioral histories may have contributed to the differences in dextrorphan self-administration. During selected sessions, various doses of dextrorphan were substituted for the ketamine maintenance dose. These differences in the ability of dextrorphan, dexoxadrol, and phencyclldine to maintain behavior when substituted for ketamine or for codeine may be controlled in part by the similarities in the behavioral properties of these compounds and ketamine. Common discriminative effects among ketamine, phencyclidine, dextrorphan, and dexoxadrol have also been reported in rats, pigeons, and squirrel monkeys (Brady and Balster, 1980; Herling et al. Similarities among the discriminative stimulus properties of ketamine and those of phencyclidine, dexoxadrol, and dextrorphan may increase the relnforcing effectiveness of the latter three compounds when substituted for ketamine as compared to their effectiveness when substituted for codeine. The control of the reinforcing effectiveness of a substitution drug by the maintenance drug Itself Is modulated by several factors. The maintenance drug is not a primary determinant of the ability of certain drugs to maintain behavior. The duration of exposure to a substitution drug and the prevailing schedule contingencies may also modulate the effects of the original maintenance drug. For example, with repeated exposure to phencyclidine or dextrorphan these compounds will maintain behavior in monkeys whose behavior is initlally maintained by codeine or cocaine (Figure 1; Balster et al. For example, environmental stimuli paired with morphine self-administration can control the degree of self-administration by subjects previously dependent on morphine. If subjects self-administer sufficient morphine to develop physiological dependence in one environment and are subsequently withdrawn and then reexposed to morphine, the probability that they will later self-administer morphine varies as a function of the similarity of the environments in which the initial self administration and reacquisition occur (Thompson and Ostlund, 1965). Rats exposed to the same environment in which self-administration originally occurred drink much more morphine after withdrawal than do rats reexposed to morphine in a different environment after withdrawal. Thus, the environmental stimuli 82 associated with previous narcotic self-administration can control the likelihood that morphine self-administration will be reestablished in post-dependent subjects. Under appropriate circumstances, environmental stimuli paired with the scheduled delivery of a drug can powerfully control the rate and pattern of ongoing drug-reinforced behavior (see review by Goldberg, 1976). Following exposure to certain behavioral schedules, stimuli paired with the administration of drugs such as cocaine and morphine can control behavior in the same way as do injections of the drug themselves. Moreover, the environmental stimuli associated with prior nonoontingent administration of one drug can control the later self-administration of a second drug. For example, under appropriate conditions, stimuli associated with narcotic antagonists can produce conditioned changes in the rate of morphine self-administration by morphine-dependent subjects. In morphine-dependent monkeys, administration of the antagonist nalorphine increases the rate of responding maintained by morphine. With a history of repeated exposure to nalorphine, these increases occur with a much shorter latency and can be elicited by environmental stimuli paired with nalorphine (Goldberg et al, 1969). Such conditioned stimuli can produce large but transitory increases In morphine self-adminis tration in morphine-dependent subjects. These conditioned stimuli are also capable of eliciting certain of the signs of morphine withdrawal, including emesis, salivation, changes in heart rate, and disruption of the rate of food-maintained operants (Goldberg and Schuster, 1967; 1970). These latter oonditioned stimulus effects, in contrast to the effects on morphine self-administra tion, are remarkably resistant to extinction and persist after monkeys have been withdrawn from morphine for two to four months. A history of exposure to nalorphine can also control its potency in altering rates of morphine self-administration. In monkeys with a limited history of nalorphine injections, high nalorphine doses (1 to 3 mg/kg) suppressed the rate of morphine-maintained responding. This increase was transitory, however; the second injection of 1 mg/kg nalorphine did not Increase morphine self-administration, and all succeeding 1 mg/kg nalorphine Injections markedly suppressed morphine-maintained responding. It is likely that, with repeated exposure to low doses of nalorphine, interoceptive stimuli associated with the injection procedure became conditioned stimuli for increases in morphine self-adminis tration. The Initial effect of the higher nalorphine dose was then a conditioned increase in responses maintained by morphine. Recently, Herling (1981; unpublished observations) has presented evidence that a history of exposure to the narcotic antagonist naltrexone may also produce conditioned changes in the rate of narcotic-maintained behavior in nondependent monkeys. In these experiments, responding was maintained by codeine or food in alternate components of a multiple reinforcement schedule. Low doses of naltrexone antagonized the actions of codeine, increasing the injection dose of codeine required to maintain behavior and the cumulative dose necessary to decrease rates of food-maintained behavior. Higher doses of naltrexone suppressed responding maintained by all doses of codeine. In certain monkeys, some doses of naltrexone initially increased the rates of behavior maintained by codeine but suppressed behavior following repeated exposure. This suppression of codeine-maintained behavior by naltrexone was often greater than the effect produced by sub stituting saline in the session; i. Although a history of drug administra tion is not necessary for many drugs to function as reinforcers, prior exposure can increase the likelihood that certain drugs, such as ethanol, will maintain behavior. While it has been demonstrated that physiological dependence is not necessary for a drug to function as a reinforcer, the conditions under which such dependence is maintained can control the later self-administration of the drug. Once drug-maintained behaviors are established, the particular drug that maintains behavior can influence the Initial pattern of intake of a new drug and thus the dose of that drug that will maintain behavior. Additionally, under certain conditions, similarity between the discriminative stimulus effects of the drug that previously maintained behavior and those of a new drug can increase the likelihood that the new drug will function as a reinforcer. Finally, stimuli that have been paired with drug administration can powerfully control later drug-maintained behavior, the direction of such control being determined by the conditions under which such pairing occurred. In summary, both the type of drug with which a subject has experience as well as the contingencies governing that experience contribute to subsequent drug self-administration. Continuous-access phency clidine self-administration by rhesus monkeys leading to physical dependence. Phencyclidine discrimination in squirrel monkeys: Generalization to structural analogues and structurally dissimilar compounds. Variable interval responding maintained by Intravenous codeine and ethanol injections In the rhesus monkey. Codeine and cocaine-reinforced responding in rhesus monkeys: Effects of dose on response rates under a fixed-ratio schedule. Naloxone as a negative reinforcer in rhesus monkeys: Effects of dose, schedule, and narcotic regimen. Comparable behavior maintained under fixed-ratio and second-order schedules of food presentation, cocaine Injection, or a -amphetamine injection in the squirrel monkey. Aversive properties of nalorphine and naloxone in morphine dependent rhesus monkeys. Conditioned nalorphine induced abstinence changes: Persistence in post morphine dependent monkeys. Conditioned suppression by a stimulus associated with nalorphine in morphine-dependent monkeys. Continuous Intravenous naltrexone effects on morphine self-administration in rhesus monkeys. Effects of naltrexone dose and history of naltrexone exposure on food and codeine-maintained responding in rhesus monkeys. Similarity of the discriminative stimulus effects of ketamlne, oyclazoaine, and dextrorphan in the pigeon. Reinforcing properties of some opiates and opioids in rhesus monkeys with histories of cocaine and codeine self-administration. A synthetic enkephalin analogue with prolonged parenteral and oral analgesic activity. Susceptibility to readdiction as a function of the addiction and withdrawal environments. Initiation, maintenance and termination of intravenous ethanol-reinforced responding. Comparison of discriminative and reinforcing effects of ketamine and related compounds in the rhesus monkey. Behavior maintained by intravenous injection of codeine, cocaine, and etorphine in the rhesus macaque and the pigtail macaque. Data are presented which demonstrate that histories contribute to individual differences in response to reinforcement contingencies and modification of maladaptive behavioral persistence. Possible relevance of these findings to an understanding of drug effects in humans is discussed. Usually, the schedules are complex, involving chains of behavior under the control of discriminative stimuli and conditioned reinforcers unique to a particular drug-related environment. The precise nature of behavior related to drugs is determined by a number of antecedent factors as they interact with current environmental circumstances. Antecedent factors may contribute to the development of a drug as a reinforcer, may determine the rate and form of drug-controlled performances, and may account for idiosyncratic and sometimes paradoxical drug effects (Griffiths, Bigelow, and Henningfield, in press). Among the more prepotent antecedent variables found to affect drug-related behaviors are prior exposure to the drug in question or related types of drugs (McMlllan, Harris, Frankenheirn, and Kennedy, 1970; McMillan, Dewey, and Harris, 1971); conditioned effects produced by past pairings of stimuli or activities with drug administrations (Pickens and Crowder, 1967; Goldberg, Woods, and Schuster, 1969); the state of drug deprivation (Woods, Downs, and Villarreal, 1973) and its interaction with the amount of previous reinforcement (Surgh and Manocha, 1966); and the nature of the acquisition of the performances under investigation (Terrace, 1963). One of the more important current environmental variables affecting drug-seeking behavior is the formally defined 90 reinforcement contingencies. Another factor is the likelihood that drug-maintained performance will be punished (Thompson, Pickens, and griffiths, 1973). The behavior maintained by a given drug reinforcer is determined by a dynamic interplay between current schedules of drug reinforcement and performances brought to the current situation as a result of reinforcement schedule histories. Features of performance which we often portray as arising from personality or other dispositional states can be characterized as the product of the interaction between reinforcement schedule histories and contingencies in the current environment. Thus, some people are "perseverant" and others are "impetuous," referring to the degree of schedule-controlled persistence. Individual differences in such features, though seemingly bewildering, may actually be subject to analvsis if we begin to look at historical variables in a more systematic way. Although the effects of prior experience have always been regarded as important in a number of fields of psychology, in the early period of the growth of operant conditioning there was a strong emphasis on the power of current schedule contingencies to control behavior. Indeed, it was common practice to use the same subjects, particularly pigeons, repeatedly from one experiment to the next, because it was assumed that the effects of the earlier histories were erased by the powerful current conditions. However, we find that a satisfactory account of operant behavior in all but the simplest and most powerfully controlled schedule conditions requires taking Into account both histories and current conditions. A major problem encountered in the laboratory with humans under Schedules of reinforcement is inter-subject variability. Experimental situations may look strange to humans at first, but are not unfamiliar to them as categories of experience. Inter-subject variability commonly exhibited by humans in free operant experiments is largely due to the variety of their behavioral histories.

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Pursuant to the provisions of Public Health Law, the individual having the highest level of prehospital medical certification, and who is responding with authority (duty to act) is responsible for providing and/or directing the emergency medical care and the transportation of a patient. They reflect the current evidence-based practice and consensus of content experts. No protocol can be written to cover every situation that a provider may encounter, nor are protocols a substitute for good judgment and experience. Providers are expected to utilize their best clinical judgment and deliver care and procedures according to what is reasonable and prudent for specific situations. It follows that use of such a definition to determine when a pediatric or an adult protocol is to be used is also problematic. The medical control agreement contained within these protocol document states, providers are expected to utilize their best clinical judgment and deliver care and procedures according to what is reasonable and prudent for specific situations. Follow common sense, apply good clinical judgment, and follow regionally approved polices and protocols. He or she should be placed in the device and the device should be belted to an ambulance seat. The patient may be covered and, if allowed by law enforcement, may be moved to an adjacent private location. However, this episode may be a sign of underlying serious illness or injury and further evaluation by medical staff is strongly recommended. In the setting of a known exposure to an allergen associated with shock, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and/or diarrhea, consider anaphylaxis in consult with medical control. This does not supersede device-specific practice guidelines provided through agency education. Unified Command is used to manage situations involving multiple jurisdictions, multiple agencies, or multiple situations. The specific issues of direction, provision of patient care, and the associated communication among responders must be integrated into each single or unified command structure and assigned to the appropriately trained personnel to carry out. Emergency incident scenes may be under the control of designated incident commanders who are not emergency medical care providers. These individuals are generally responsible for scene administration, safe entry to a scene, or decontamination of patients or responders. Bloom, David Canning & Mark Weston Introduction You let a doctor take a dainty, helpless baby, and put that stuff from a cow, which has been scratched and had dirt rubbed into her wound, into that child. Even, the Jennerians now admit that infant vaccination spreads disease among children. More mites die from vaccination than from the disease they are sup posed to be inoculated against. Vaccines are now widely regarded as an effective and cheap tool for improving health. Children in all countries are routinely immunized against major diseases, and the practice has become a central plank of global public health efforts. Despite these advances, however, immunization coverage remains far from universal, and the developing world in particular remains vulnerable to vaccine-preventable illnesses. Bloom is the Clarence James Gamble Professor of Economics and Demography, and David Canning Professor of Economics and International Health, at Harvard School of Public Health. Mark Weston is an independent policy consultant who researches and writes on development issues for a variety of organizations. The authors thank Roger Glass, Tore Godal, Yuki Murakami, Sreekanth Ramachandra, Larry Rosenberg, and Josh Salomon for their assistance and comments. Financial assistance from the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization is greatly appreciated. The rise of a well-organized anti-vaccine movement has persuaded some parents not to immunize their children. Vaccines, the campaigners claim, cause more harm than good: in societies where vaccine-preventable disease prevalence is minimal (ironically as a result of past immunization efforts, although this is rarely acknowledged by campaigners), the side effects of vaccines pose a greater health threat than the diseases themselves. Why, they ask, should everyone be vaccinated in order to protect the relatively small number of people that might contract the disease in the absence of mass immunization It is not just populist activists who overlook the positive effects of vac cination. More scientific estimates of the effects of vaccines also tend to underplay the benefits, disregarding the broad economic impacts of immunization in favor of a predominant and narrow focus on the averted costs of medical treatment and health care. With other human capital investments, such as education, economic analysis of the impacts focuses on the effect on earnings. This has not occurred, however, with vaccina tion, and until recently it did not occur for health in general. Because of the narrow view of its impacts taken by the rest of the policy-making commu nity, however, policy emphasis on vaccination is weaker than it might be if the full range of benefits were taken into account. Health economists have long used two well-established tools to evalu ate health interventions in economic terms. A survey of health professionals in New Zealand, moreover, found that 94% supported vaccinations, with 86% of those with children reporting having had them immunized (Tim Jelleyman and Andrew Ure (2004): Attitudes to immunization: a survey of health professionals in the Rotorua District, Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association, 20 February, Vol 117 No 1189). How much does it cost to save a cer tain number of lives, or to avert a certain number of illnesses, for example Averted medical costs (at least those that would be incurred in the short run in the absence of vaccination) are also typically taken into account. This technique facilitates the comparison of two or more interventions, partic ularly when there is a range of discrete outcomes. There are several problems with both types of analysis, as they have been used to date. First, neither type typically takes account of the cost of averted infections that may occur years later. This is understandable, since such infections are hard to predict, but that does not make future cost sav ings any less important. Second, both types of analysis take a narrow view of the benefits of vac cination that fails to take account of recent academic work on the effects of health on incomes. The experience of development over the past half century shows that good health fuels economic growth, just as bad health strangles it. Healthy children perform better at school, and healthy adults are both more productive at work and better able to tend to the health and education of their children. Healthy families are also more likely to save for the future; since they tend to have fewer children, resources spent on them go further, thereby improving their life prospects. Finally, healthier societies may be a stronger magnet for foreign direct investment and tourism than those where disease poses a constant threat. Third, neither type of analysis factors in the effects that improved health has on triggering lower fertility rates. The combination of lowered mortality rates and subsequently lowered fertility rates leads to a baby boom generation that, when it reaches working age, can help bring about a significant economic boom (as happened in East Asia). In the case of vac cination, the consequent boost to health can catalyze a change in the age structure of the population (via the lowered fertility rates) that can lead to significant economic benefits. The wide range of published results emphasizes the diffi culties inherent in such work. Bloom, David Canning & Mark Weston address the broader considerations described in the preceding two para graphs, they all either overstate the cost of achieving a given beneficial outcome or underestimate the net benefits. With the spread of immunization having stalled in many parts of the world, a wider look at its benefits is timely. As well as the health bene fits, we examine the cost of vaccine programs and their economic impacts. Vaccination has proved a cost-effective and remarkably efficient way of improving health, and has saved millions of lives. It has the potential, however, to be more effective still, and renewed efforts are needed if the momentum is to be regained. Part 1 of the paper provides a brief summary of the history of vaccina tion and its impacts on human health. Part 2 looks at the state of play today and at the reasons why progress on vaccine delivery and development has slowed. Part 3 considers research-to-date and presents new research on the economic benefits of immunization. It begins with a review of both cost effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis, which indicates that a broader view of the long-term benefits of vaccination makes immunization programs much more worthwhile, in terms of their economic consequences, than has been thought in the past. It broadens the analysis by reviewing recent research showing the relationship between health and wealth (Part 3. The Chinese had observed that certain illnesses could only be contracted once, so they experimented with giving healthy individuals doses of diseases such as smallpox that would be too small to make them ill but large enough to stimulate immunity. The process was known as variolation and, in the case of smallpox, usually involved injecting powder from smallpox scabs into the vein. Although some individuals fell ill or died during the process, smallpox rates among communities that had been variolated were significantly lower than elsewhere. Several decades later, Edward Jenner, who had undergone variolation as a child, noticed that people who contracted cowpox after working with cows became immune to smallpox. The child fell ill with cowpox but, when later injected with smallpox, did not con tract the latter disease. Jenner published his findings in 1798, and named the process vaccination, from the Latin word for cowpox. Injecting a small amount of a disease organism into an uninfected individual, they found, stimulated the production of antibodies, which fought off the initial attack and thereby prepared the body to fend off infection later in life. Declining funding for immunization has been mirrored in stagnating or falling coverage. Measles immunization rates are over 90 per cent in Europe but below 70 per cent in South Asia and below 60 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa (see Figure 1). First, although dramatic progress has been made in increasing worldwide vaccination cov erage from below 5 per cent to above 70 per cent, the task has inevitably become harder now that the easiest-to-reach populations have been vacci nated. Many of those whom campaigns have not yet reached are either liv ing in inaccessible areas, out of range of clinics and health services, or reluctant to be vaccinated or to vaccinate their children. Because these 14 Gauri, Varun & Khaleghian, Peyvand (2002): Immunization in Developing Countries: Its Political and Organizational Determinants, World Development, Elsevier, vol. Delivering vaccines to patients requires functioning freezers and refriger ators (which in turn require a constant supply of energy); good roads and reliable transport to move the vaccines from port to clinic; clinics with access to people who need to be immunized; parents who know the value of vaccination; trained medical staff to deliver the dose; and sterile syringes. Many of the poor countries where vaccine coverage has stalled lack all or part of this infrastructure. In Burkina Faso and Niger for example, 23 per cent of refrigerators used for storing vaccines were found to be non functioning. In Somalia and Congo, for example, where vaccination rates have fallen rapidly in the past decade, war and social breakdown have impeded public health campaigns, despite vaccination days in Congo that temporarily halted fighting. The fourth reason for the lost momentum relates to public perceptions of vaccination. As coverage spreads through a community, it reaches a point at which those who are unvaccinated are highly unlikely to catch a disease because herd immunity has set in. At this juncture, it may be more rational for an individual to refuse vaccination in order to avoid any risk of side effects. With the oral polio vaccine, for example, there is a one in a million chance of paralysis, and in societies where mass vaccination has eliminated the disease, the risk of paralysis is greater than that of catching polio itself. What had once been a public and private good is now a public good but a private risk.

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Women transplant because of preexisting kidney disease, the efects of immunosuppressive medications, and allograft pathology. Factors that increase the likelihood of initial treatment shoUld inclUde a thiazide-tyPe hypertension in adults include genetic factors diUretic or calciUm channel Blocker. Studies have because of poor social support and fnancial recommendation: screening is recommended also shown that even modest levels of physical considerations, which can limit access to basic 137 for certain indications and Physical examination 120 activity can decrease the risk of hypertension. In the United styles and preferences, personal beliefs, values, confirmation and treatment. Com mon causes of secondary hypertension include renal parenchymal disease,99,151 renovascular disease,152 primary aldosteronism,153,154 obstruc tive sleep apnea,155 and drugs or alcohol. Use electronic health records and Patient registries to identify Onset of diastolic hypertension in older adults Undiagnosed or Undertreated Patients and to (age 65 or older) imProve hyPertension control. The following strategies may help improve patient adherence in communities (Class I) that continue to struggle: (see Table 13 in Hypertension Guideline) Improving quality of care for resource constrained populations: Promote health literacy, paying attention to cultural sensitivities; prescribe once-daily generic medications to reduce complexity; make refll times longer once a stable regimen is achieved; Positive and use scored tablets or pill cutters to screening test Ann Education of the American Heart Association Optimal systolic blood pressure target, time to Intern Med. Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists cardiovascular disease events among persons 24. Effect of aerobic blood pressure monitoring 10-year follow-up in subgroups of hypertensive patients treated with exercise on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of from the Ohasama study. Isometric exercise training for points in a trial of aliskiren for type 2 diabetes. College of Cardiology/American Heart Association in alcohol consumption on blood pressure: a 2013;369(20):1892-1903. Signifcance of white-coat hypertension in older Health outcomes associated with various 48. The elusiveness of population-wide persons with isolated systolic hypertension: a antihypertensive therapies used as frst-line high blood pressure control. Annu Rev Public meta-analysis using the International Database agents: a network meta-analysis. Evaluation ejection fraction 40% treated with diuretics plus American Heart Association Stroke Council, of adherence should become an integral part angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Am J Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council of assessment of patients with apparently Cardiol. Irbesartan in patients a prospective, randomised, open, blinded ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Diabetes, other risk factors, and 12-yr Association Task Force on Clinical Practice stroke in Inner Mongolia, China. Diltiazem increases late-onset congestive blood pressure after intravenous antihypertensive Prevention of atrial fbrillation with angiotensin heart failure in postinfarction patients with treatment and clinical outcomes in hyperacute converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin early reduction in ejection fraction. Tissue burden of hypertension and systolic blood plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke. Major cardiovascular disease: the Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular Health Cognition Study. Left ventricular an update of the International Society on hypertrophy in hypertension: stimuli, patterns, and 111. Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to treatment: a scientifc statement from the 2010;55(5):1193-1198. Prevent Heart Attack Trial Collaborative Research American Heart Association Professional Group. Blood pressure control in Hispanics in the Education Committee of the Council for High 112. Barorefex activation therapy lowers blood subsequent analyses, other trials, and meta Circulation. Early identifcation of pregnant women at results from the double-blind, randomized, 116. Potassium-rich diet and risk of stroke: updated Vascular Surgery, Society for Cardiovascular 129. Joint effects of sodium and with primary aldosteronism: an endocrine society Gynecol Int. Preterm birth and the metabolic Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: an Pressure Survey. N, Roth D; for the Modifcation of Diet in Renal and adolescents: recommendations of the 2009;339:b4567. Stenting and medical therapy for management of high blood pressure on for atherosclerotic renal-artery stenosis. For other types of services, the Nurse Liaison or Provider Network Consultant should be contacted. This section is intended to provide a quick reference of covered and non-covered services. It includes frequently asked benefit issues and issues that have been misinterpreted in the past. Interpretation: Acupuncture is the practice of piercing specific sites with needles. Comfort or convenience items commonly used for other than medical purposes such as air conditioners, humidifiers and air filters are not covered. Transfer of a hospitalized member to off-site facilities for diagnostic or therapeutic services related to the inpatient stay must be arranged and paid for by the hospital. Interpretation: Non-invasive continuous ambulatory blood pressure monitors are portable devices that record blood pressure while the member is involved in daily activities. Interpretation: Benefits are available for amniocentesis when performed as a means of attempting to determine if the fetus is afflicted with, or at high risk for, a specific hereditary disorder or developmental defect. An alarm will sound if there is respiratory cessation beyond a predetermined time limit. An Assistant Surgeon is a physician, dentist, podiatrist or other Allied Health Provider who actively assists the operating surgeon in the performance of a covered surgical service. Interpretation: Benefits are provided if the surgery is in benefit and the complexity of the surgery requires technical assistance of a second provider. Medically necessary as defined in the law means any care, treatment, intervention, service or item which will or is reasonably expected to do any of the following: prevent the onset of an illness, condition, injury, disease or disability, reduce or ameliorate the physical, mental or developmental effects of an illness, condition, injury, disease or disability, or assist to achieve or maintain maximum functional activity in performing daily activities. From the effective date through the calendar year 2009, there was a maximum of $36,000. The intent is to increase skills in language, play and socialization while decreasing behaviors that interfere with learning. Many children with autism spectrum disorders have ritualistic or self-injurious behaviors and this treatment reduces or eliminates these behaviors. Benefits were applied in the following manner: If a member was seeing a rehab therapist for rehab services, they use their contracted rehab limit, then the additional 20 speech therapy, then the additional Illinois Mandated Coverage for Autism Spectrum Disorders annual benefit. One of the electrodes is placed in the superior vena cava and the other is placed on the heart over the cardiac apex. The pulse generator is placed in a subcutaneous pocket, normally in the abdominal area. An automatic implantable defibrillator is in benefit for treatment of ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. Interpretation: Biofeedback is a therapeutic technique and training experience, by which the member is taught to exercise control over a physiologic process occurring in the body. Biofeedback therapy often uses electrical devices to transform body signals indicative of such functions as heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, salivation, peripheral vasomotor activity, and gross muscle tone, into sound or light, the loudness or brightness of which shows the extent of activity in the functions being measured. Clinical studies that document that biofeedback is superior to behavior modification and relaxation exercises alone have been difficult to design and carry out. Donation and storage of autologous blood (blood that member donates for his/her own later use) is covered for use in elective surgery that is scheduled. Storage of either autologous or non-autologous blood for unforeseeable surgery, emergencies, or other reasons is not in benefit. Interpretation: A boarder baby is a normal newborn infant who stays in the hospital only because the baby is breast feeding and the mother requires continued hospitalization. Please refer to the benefits interpretation on Organ and Tissue Transplantation for information about notification, review, authorization and claims procedures. Interpretation: Allogenic (Homologous) bone marrow transplantation involves harvesting bone marrow from a healthy donor for infusion (transplanting) into a member whose bone marrow is compromised either as a result of a primary disease or as a result of a treatment for a disease. This process "rescues" the bone marrow from the toxic and potentially fatal effects of the chemotherapeutic drugs. These factors cause precursor cells (stem cells) to leave the bone marrow and enter the blood stream. Interpretation: Botulinum toxin is a complex protein derived from bacterial culture. The toxin has the ability to cause muscle paralysis and when occurring in contaminated food can cause fatal paralysis. This expands the coverage to include those situations where it is determined medically necessary regardless of a mammogram demonstrating the presence of heterogeneous or dense breast tissue. Interpretation: Breast Reduction Breast reduction performed strictly for cosmetic reasons is not covered (see also "Cosmetic Reconstructive Surgery"). Reasons for covered breast reduction surgery include, but are not limited to , the following documented conditions: Severe back pain related to breast size, incurable by other means Intertrigo, excoriation and skin breakdown due to the weight of the breasts Postural problems or deep shoulder grooves from brassiere straps Prophylactic Mastectomy With Reconstruction Prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction are covered if the primary care physician and appropriate consultant agree that such a procedure is necessary for a member at high risk of developing breast cancer. Complications If a breast prosthesis becomes encapsulated, infected, or otherwise causes significant symptoms, surgery to remove the prosthesis is covered regardless of the reason that the original prosthesis was placed. Bras and Prostheses Bras for mastectomy members are covered as prosthetic devices. Interpretation: Cardiac rehabilitation programs offer a structured approach to progressive increase in exercise tolerance for members with a variety of cardiac conditions. Many facilities provide cardiac rehabilitation care through formal organized cardiac rehabilitation programs. They may also provide services to members who have non-cardiac medical conditions. Telepsychiatry refers to behavioral health services rendered by a Psychiatrist via a simultaneous audio and video telehealth setting permitting 2-way, live interactive communication between the patient and the distant site health care provider. The benefit includes the cost of drugs, administration of drugs, and ancillary services and supplies. Note: Therapy should be provided in the most clinically-appropriate and cost-effective setting. It attempts to restore normal function by manipulation and treatment of the structures of the human body. These devices can be either single channel (providing a single frequency stimulation) or multi-channel (providing multiple frequency stimulation). Active middle ear infections Post-implant aural therapy is important for adults and is critical for children to maximize the benefits available from cochlear implantation, especially speech development. Interpretation: the ability of the human brain to survive and maintain normal activity after an injury varies greatly from person to person. These instructional activities are introduced in a systematic fashion utilizing available skills in order to rebuild intellectual processes including, but not limited to concentration, perception, and problem-solving ability. The wide variety of approaches to the member with cognitive impairment suggests that an optimal approach to cognitive therapy has not yet been developed. Interpretation: Collagen is the most abundant protein found in all mammalian connective tissue, cartilage and bone. Separately, contact lenses are in benefit under the medical coverage for the treatment of certain diseases of the eye. Interpretation: Keratoconus is a congenital defect of the cornea in which there is a conical deformity of the cornea due to noninflammatory thinning of the membrane. Contact lenses are in benefit following trauma or infection to the cornea to restore regular curvature to the eye. Psychological or psychiatric indications do not, by themselves, qualify cosmetic surgery for coverage. Interpretation: Many cosmetic surgical procedures may be performed for medical, rather than cosmetic, reasons. The etiology of the underlying condition for which the surgery Is performed, rather than the type of procedure, is the factor which determines benefit eligibility. The Etiology of the Underlying Condition for Which the Surgery/treatment Is Performed, Rather Than the Type of Procedure, Is the Factor Which Determines Benefit Eligibility. In the absence of appropriate documentation, the following procedures are considered cosmetic and not in benefit: Revision or treatment of complications, procedures or conditions that were originally considered cosmetic and revision is performed for purely aesthetic purposes.

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  • Time it was swallowed
  • Breathing stops or slows
  • Skin cancer
  • Anesthesia. With spinal anesthesia, you will be drowsy but awake, and numb below the waist. With general anesthesia, you will be asleep and pain-free.
  • Video-assisted or open-lung biopsy
  • Headache
  • Bronchoscopy for biopsy or culture
  • Fever

Contraindications or Cautions: Cardiac infection 5 weeks after surgery purchase 750 mg lquin free shipping, renal or hepatic disease; elderly men (can stimulate cancer) infection lab values buy lquin with a visa, boys who have not yet reached puberty antibiotics for nodular acne discount 750 mg lquin visa, and diabetic clients zombie infection jar buy discount lquin. Drugs for impotency The most popular drug in this category is Viagra antibiotic while breastfeeding purchase online lquin, which treats male erectile dysfunction infection definition biology buy generic lquin 500 mg line. Side Efects: Headaches, fushing, abnormal vision, dizziness, nasal congestion, dyspepsia, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, rash, angina, palpitations, or low blood pressure. Contraindications or Cautions: Cardiovascular disease, kidney or liver disease, pregnant and lactating women, or use in children. Estrogens Estrogens are the female sex hormones produced mainly by the ovaries and secondarily by the adrenal glands. These hormones produce female sexual characteristics such as breast size, and during the menstrual cycle they produce the proper environment for the fertilization, implantation, and growth of the embryo. At one time, estrogen therapy was extremely common for women entering menopause; however, recent studies have shown that the health risks are increased for women using these medications. Contraindications or Cautions: romboembolus, stroke, myocardial infarction, liver disease, gallbladder disease, cancer, migraines, shortness of breath, seizures, asthma, kidney disease, and pregnant women. Examples: Estrace, Estraderm, Depo-Estradiol, Premarin, Estratab, Climara, Vivelle, and Premarin vaginal cream to treat moderate to severe postmenopausal dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse). Progesterone Progesterone is a hormone secreted by the corpus luteum and adrenal glands. It is responsible for changes in the uterine endometrium in the second half of the menstrual cycle and is used to treat amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, and contraception. It is also used in postmenopausal therapy and as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of advanced endometrial or breast cancer. Side Efects: Menstrual problems, breakthrough bleeding, spotting, edema, weight gain, nausea, breast tenderness, rash, headaches, depression, thromboembolic disorders, or decrease in bone density. Contraindications or Cautions: History of depression, thromboembolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, pregnant women, and cardiac or renal dysfunction. They are used to prevent pregnancy and to treat endometriosis, painful periods, heavy periods, irregular periods, acne, ovarian cysts, pelvic infammatory disease, benign breast disease, and ectopic pregnancy. Doctors sometimes prescribe higher doses of birth control pills to use as a morning after pill to be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected intercourse to prevent fertilization and pregnancy. Side Efects: Nausea, edema, weight gain or loss, breakthrough bleeding, mood changes, libido changes, migraine headaches, severe depression, blurry vision, or loss of vision. Contraindications or Cautions: rombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders, history of cerebrovascular accident, breast cancer or estrogen-dependent malignancy, pregnant and lactating women, liver disease, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, and gallbladder disease. Examples: Ovral, Ovcon, Norinyl, Loestrin, Ortho-Novum, Tri-Norinyl, Depo-Provera, Nortrel, and Paragard. Lupron and depot These are used as antineoplastic drugs to stop the growth of hormone-dependent tumors. Side Efects: Hot fashes, headaches, insomnia, mood swings, nasal congestion, or weight gain or loss. Fertility medication Fertility drugs remain the primary treatment for women with ovulation disorders and are used alone or in combination with assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization. If Clomid on its own is unsuccessful, then injectable hormones to stimulate ovulation are sometimes recommended. Contraindications or Cautions: Ovarian cysts, endometrial cancer; liver, thyroid, adrenal disease. Example: Clomid, Serophene, Novarel, Follistim, Pergonal, Factrel, Lupron, Antagon. Often the physician orders a broad-spectrum antibiotic while waiting for the results of culture and sensitivity tests. This can sometimes cause additional problems if the organism is resistant to the antibiotic, or if it turns out that the pathogen is not bacterial but viral. In addition, certain bacteria that are immune to specifc antibiotics can pass that immunity to other types of bacteria. Overuse of antibiotics has led to resistant strains of bacteria that now pose a major health threat all over the world. As antibiotic resistance increases, these drugs are not as efective as they used to be and treating infections becomes more difcult. Relevance to the Massage Therapist Persons taking anti-infective agents have a compromised immune system. Care must be taken by the massage therapist when treating immunocompromised clients so that they are not exposed to any infections, colds, or drafts. Conversely, if the client is ill, it might be advisable to reschedule the appointment if the client is in the contagious stage of the disease, rather than expose the therapist and other clients to the pathogens, or the client or therapist can wear a mask. If there is inclement weather, the client should be instructed to reschedule rather than be exposed to conditions that can exacerbate the illness. Massage can be very helpful for treating constipation or diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal bloating, as well as calming the client. Of course, universal precautions should always be followed, especially when treating anyone sufering from pathogens. This infection happens when a person takes antibiotics that kill of the healthy fora of the colon. Many antibiotics that at one time were in the forefront of the treatment of bacterial infections are no longer efective against these pathogens. The development of resistant bacteria is why antibiotics should never be used to treat the common cold, which is generally caused by a virus, even though patients, in their ignorance, often demand antibiotics from their physician. Side Effects of antibiotics Although there are numerous antibiotics, the side efects are generally of three types: 1. Sometimes a severe reaction, such as anaphylaxis, can follow a mild reaction and can be life threatening. Anaphylaxis is an allergic hypersensitivity reaction of the body to a foreign protein or drug. It can lead to anaphylactic shock, which can sometimes result in unconsciousness and death. Tissue damage, hearing loss, kidney damage, liver damage, or blood dyscrasias (abnormalities in blood components). Sometimes the damage is permanent or can be reversed when the medication is discontinued. It is helpful to eat yogurt or take a broad-spectrum probiotic supplement to replenish the gut continually with good bacteria. Other common side efects can include headaches, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, or blurry vision. Contraindications and cautions especially apply to elderly clients, pregnant and lactating women, and anyone with a history of kidney or liver disease. Quinolones should not be prescribed to those younger than 18 years, and tetracyclines should never be given to children under the age of 9. Aminoglycosides These drugs are used to treat infections caused by gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas, and Salmonella, as well as gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Aminoglycosides are used for short-term treatment of serious infections only when other, less-toxic, antibiotics have failed. Side Efects: Kidney disease, hearing loss, vertigo, headaches, tremors, numbness, seizures, blurry vision, or rash. Contraindications or Cautions: Tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss, kidney dysfunction, pregnant or nursing women, infants, or elderly people. Cephalosporins These drugs are semisynthetic antibiotics that are produced by a fungus. They are related to penicillin; therefore, clients who are allergic to penicillin can also be allergic to cephalosporins. They are broad spectrum and are active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Side Efects: Hypersensitivity, rash, edema, anaphylaxis (especially in those allergic to penicillin), blood dyscrasias, kidney disease, liver disease, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, or respiratory distress. Contraindications or Cautions: Renal disease, known allergies to penicillin, prolonged use leading to superinfections, severe colitis, pregnant or nursing women, and children. Macrolides These drugs are used to treat infections of the respiratory tract, skin. Erythromycins are the best known antibiotics in this class and are considered to be the least toxic of all the antibiotics. Pregnant women and children, for example, are good candidates for macrolides, if necessary. Side Efects: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, urticaria, and rash; superinfections. Penicillins These drugs are created by a particular species of fungus and treat many strains of streptococci, staphylococcus, and meningococcal infections, including respiratory and intestinal infections. Amoxicillin has been used to treat Helicobacter pylori infections in ulcer disease. Some semisynthetic penicillins have a broad spectrum of activity and are called extended-spectrum penicillins. Side Efects: Hypersensitivity reactions range from rash to anaphylaxis, superinfections, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blood dyscrasias, kidney and liver disease, confusion, anxiety, or seizures. Contraindications or Cautions: History of allergy to any drugs, kidney dysfunction, and electrolyte imbalance. These medications have potentially severe side efects, especially in children and elderly patients. Unfortunately, some pathogens have already demonstrated resistance to the quinolones; therefore, these drugs should be used only when other antibiotics have failed or the client is allergic to other antibiotics. Side Efects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, colitis, headaches, dizziness, confusion, irritability, seizures, anxiety, superinfections, rash, or phototoxicity. Contraindications or Cautions: Elderly clients, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, severe kidney disease, seizure disorders, and cardiac disease. Tetracyclines Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum antibiotics used to treat infections caused by rickettsia, Chlamydia, or uncommon bacteria. Severe cases of acne, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and atypical pneumonia are treated with tetracycline. Unfortunately, the number of organisms resistant to tetracyclines is growing, and therefore they should be used only after other antibiotics have failed. Side Efects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, superinfections, photosensitivity, discolored teeth in the fetus or children, or vertigo. Contraindications or Cautions: Pregnant and lactating women, children younger than age 8, clients exposed to direct sunlight, liver or kidney disease, esophageal obstruction or dysfunction. Because of increasing resistance to them, they are now used mostly in combination with other medications. Side Efects: Rash, dermatitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, headaches, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, blood dyscrasias, liver toxicity, kidney damage, or hypersensitivity reactions that can be fatal. Contraindications or Cautions: Impaired liver or kidney function, urinary obstruction, blood dyscrasias, severe allergies, asthma, and pregnant or lactating women. Vancomycin (Vancocin) is the drug of last resort, which is used in the treatment of life-threatening infections when all other medications have failed. Antifungals Antifungals are used to treat specifc fungi, such as Candida or tinea. Side Efects: Headaches, chills, fever, hypotension, malaise, muscle and joint pain, weakness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, cramps, anemia, or hypokalemia, which can lead to congestive heart failure. Contraindications or Cautions: Children, pregnant and nursing women, and kidney or liver disease. Side Efects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, blurry vision, headaches, fatigue, numbness, weakness, liver disease, or hypersensitivity reactions. Contraindications or Cautions: Chronic liver disease, alcoholism, gout, kidney dysfunction, di abetes, ocular defects, pregnant and lactating women, and children. Antivirals Antivirals are used to treat a range of viruses and they share common side efects. Side Efects: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, fatigue, or headaches. Treatment does not eradicate the disease; instead it is aimed at attacking the virus at diferent stages in its evolution. Side Efects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperglycemia, exacerbation of existing diabetes, spontaneous bleeding, kidney stones, liver dysfunction, bone marrow suppression, pancreatitis, hypersensitivity reactions that can be fatal, severe rashes, dizziness, insomnia, confusion, hallucinations, or amnesia. Examples: Viracept, Retrovir, Sustiva, Epivir, Videx, Combivir, Crixivan, Zerit, Aptivus, Kaletra, Norvir, and Fortovase. Antiurinary drugs Most of these drugs prevent the growth of bacteria rather than kill them. Side Efects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness, weakness, headaches, dizziness, weak muscles, or anemia. Contraindications or Cautions: Liver or kidney impairment, anemia, diabetes, electrolyte abnormalities, asthma, pregnant and lactating women, and infants younger than one month old. Relevance to the Massage Therapist Massage therapy can be very helpful for pain reduction and also for relaxation and calming patients. With consistent massage therapy treatments, a client might be able to reduce the dosage of medications. Some analgesics such as aspirin thin the blood and create the potential for bleeding and easy bruising.

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