

Wayne Enanoria PhD, MPH

  • Lecturer, Epidemiology


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Unhealthy dietary habits negatively impact gut microbiota composition and could act as a factor triggering diseases with effects on metabolic pathways. In addition to inammation shifts, gut microbiota structure is also associated with colorectal cancer, and this appears to be related to diets with copious red meat, promoting an overgrowth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (common colonic inhabitants). Mice fed a high ber diet are protected from pulmonary allergic inammation through a mechanism that involves the production of propionate during ber metabolism by gut microbiota [49, 50]. The western lifestyle includes a diet high in animal proteins, total and saturated fats, and simple sugars but low in fruits, vegetables, and other bers. Several studies indicate that subjects assuming western style diets host a major proportion of Bacteroides spp. Elevated dietary intake of fat meals impacts bile acid homeostasis and colon tumorigenesis [51]. The gut microbiota is able to metabolize these compounds and converts primary bile acids (cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid) into secondary bile acids (deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid) by a C-7 dehydroxylation. This metabolic transformation inuences the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and the absorption of fat at the small intestine level. In the presence of intestinal dysbiosis, this process is less efficient and the ratio of secondary vs. Intestinal Dysbiosis When the central mutualistic relationship among microbiota members, metabolic products, and the host immune system is lost in a microbial ecosystem, a condition called dysbiosis occurs. Generally, in a dysbiotic ecosystem, potentially pathogenic microbes take over at the expense of potentially benec microbes. Although 40% of microbial genes may be shared in half of the population, indicating a functional microbial nucleus [59], substantial intra-individual and inter-individual variances in gut microbiota composition are present, which complicates the denition of a healthy microbiota. This is also the reason why dysbiosis is not a single condition and can be classied into different forms. Deciency dysbiosis is a condition characterized by an overall reduction of benecial bacterial species (such as lactobacilli and/or bidobacteria), which can occur as a consequence of nonhealthy diets [60] or antibiotic therapies [61], and can be associated with food intolerances consequent to a deciency in digestive enzymes (intolerance to milk or meat) [62]. Putrefactive dysbiosis, characterized by an increase in putrefactive bacteria (mainly Bacteroides), generally results from a diet rich in fat and meat and poor in bers [63], the metabolization of which can lead to products such as ammonia, amines, and phenols, which could be the cause of symptoms not limited to the gastrointestinal tract but that can also affect the entire body. Dysbiosis is characterized by bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine [64] due to reduced gastric acid production with an excess of bacterial fermentative activity. These subjects are frequently affected by intolerance to gluten or carbohydrates, and their healthy status worsens following carbohydrate consumption. In susceptibility dysbiosis, alterations to the gut microbiota ecosystem are characterized by, a reduced amount of probiotic bacteria, an increase in potentially pathogens microbes (pathobionts) [44], altered motility of the intestine, and bowel inammation. Fungal dysbiosis, characterized by the overgrowth of Candida or other fungal species in the gut microbiota, is promoted by a diet rich in sugar and low in bers [67]. We should also always take into consideration the context/habitat because microbes could have different behaviors in different contexts. Taking into account that there are limitations in the modication of long-term dened gut microbiota [35], scientic evidence clearly indicates that, when imbalance of gut microbiota occurs, eubiosis, a mutualistic relationship between microbiota members, metabolic products, and the host immune system, should be promptly restored not only to reduce/eliminate local symptoms but also to guarantee a state of general health. Rebalance of the Intestinal Ecosystem Many therapeutic strategies have been developed to re-establish intestinal eubiosis, and new strategies are constantly proposed and investigated. The main and at present best known and most adopted therapeutic strategies include (i) the administration of probiotic bacteria likely to displace potentially pathogenic bacteria and promote a rebalance of the microbial community; (ii) the administration of prebiotics. Public Health 2018, 15, 1679 5 of 24 administration of probiotics and prebiotics combinations (called synbiotics). All of these strategies share the same goal of replacing harmful microbes with more favorable ones to restore eubiosis. Probiotics can be used both to prevent the onset of dysbiosis when the patient is exposed to predisposing conditions (prolonged antibiotic therapies, intense physical or mental stress, chronic debilitating diseases, etc. Human indigenous strains certainly possess adaptive traits, which allow them a stable colonization and more effective and lasting benecial effects [70]. Benecial effects of probiotic strains can be categorized as immunological and nonimmunological [71]. Immunological benets include the activation of local macrophages, an increase in the production of immunoglobulin, the modulation of cytokine proles, and the induction of hypo-response to food antigens. Nonimmunological benets include the digestion process, competition with potential pathogens for nutrients and intestinal adhesion sites, pH alterations, and bacteriocins production [71]. Anticancer properties have also been associated with probiotics, which act as anti-mutagens and exert effects at different stages of carcinogenesis [72]. Currently used probiotics include lactic acid bacteria [73], bidobacteria, enterococci, the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii, dairy propionibacteria, Bacillus spp. Lactobacilli are known to be modulators of intestinal inammation and immune responses. Their administration is recommended in gastroenteric diseases characterized by high levels of inammation, in diarrhea prevention, in infections treatment caused by enteric pathogens, and in pediatric patients to prevent/treat infant colics. Several studies indicate that the Lactobacillus/human host relationship should be reconsidered [74]. Notably, only a minority of known Lactobacillus species are found to be residents of the human intestinal tract [75], and a large majority of them are allochthone members derived from fermented food [70, 74, 75]. The oral administration of Bidobacterium bidum G9-1 appears to suppress the production of specic immunoglobulin E and to promote the IgA response, which is useful for prophylactic treatment in allergic IgE responses [77]. Bidobacteria are predominant in the microbiota of breastfed babies [55], and their presence is positively correlated with health status. In contrast, the gut microbiota of formula or mixed fed infants is characterized by a signicantly reduced prevalence of bidobacteria and by an increase in Bacteroides species and Escherichia coli [55]. Such differences correlate with an increased incidence of colic pain and other disturbances of intestinal origin. Finally, bacteria strains belonging to the Streptococcaceae family, particularly the two genera Streptococcus and Lactococcus, as well as the strain Enterococcus faecium (ex Streptococcus, now separated to from the genus Enterococcus), have also been used as Int. Lactococcus lactis is highly resistant against articial gastric acid and bile juices [84, 85]. The probiotic Lactococcus lactis is an indigenous species that produces bacteriocins (active on several pathogens) and lactic acid. Streptococcus thermophilus has anti-inammatory properties and helps ght potentially pathogenic bacteria [88]. Saccharomyces boulardii is a yeast probiotic that is resistant to gastric acidity, to proteolysis, and of course to antibiotics [96]. Although the oral administration of Saccharomyces boulardii is not able to stably colonize the intestine (it is eliminated within a few days), it is nonetheless able to reach and maintain high concentrations in a short time. Available data indicate that it promotes eubiosis by facilitating the production of lactic acid and group B vitamins and by preventing the proliferation of harmful yeasts. In recent years, thanks to their safety and effectiveness, probiotics were included not only in dairy products but also in nondairy foods such as fruit juices and cereals [87]. Several recent studies have focused on the utilization of probiotics to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea, to limit the use of antibiotics, and to consequently reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistant strains [98, 99]. The key messages from these studies are (i) a conrmation that the administration of probiotics helps minimize the prevalence and severity of infectious diseases (as a consequence of the implementation of antimicrobial immune responses and of the general health of the individual); (ii) their specic ability to rebalance the gut microbiota permits their use as the sole treatment in many cases of intestinal disorders, thus signicantly reducing the prescription of antibiotics; (iii) even when antibiotics are necessary, the co-administration of probiotics reduces the duration of treatment; (iv) the reduced prescription of antibiotics is certainly potentially associated with a reduced spread of antibiotic resistance, although this is not easy to demonstrate. However, the probiotics in use show limitations, indicating a need to improve the selection and formulation of bacterial strains [100]. Next-generation probiotics must include strains belonging to major gut microbiota groups, and they should be safe and possess potential benecial effects [104]. Akkermansia muciniphila is a strict anaerobe of the phylum Verrucomicrobia, which is a mucin-degrading microbe that is related to a healthier metabolic status. Akkermansia muciniphila has been demonstrated to be signicantly decreased in obesity, in subjects with fat metabolism disorders, diabetic subjects, and subjects with other metabolic disorders [103, 105]. Studies [103, 105] on the outcomes of a high fat diet on metabolic factors and gut microbiota structure over time highlight a decrease of A. Different animal models, such as a dinitrobenzene sulfate-induced colitis model, dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis [113], and 2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid induced acute colitis in mice [114], and were used to demonstrate the properties and protective effects of F. Studies have recently focused on engineering probiotic bacteria to create new generation probiotics. These recombinant bacteria are designed to perform specic functions in the gastrointestinal tract: secrete therapeutic molecules (mostly peptides and small proteins) and detect specic signals (including small molecules derived from other bacteria, food, or cancerous or inamed tissues) [115, 116]. More effort should be expended to explain the mechanisms underlying the benecial effects of probiotic bacteria that have been disclosed during clinical studies. This would provide a stronger basis for the utilization of probiotic bacteria in different applicative elds and could also enhance clinical results by allowing a more rational application of single species endowed with activities related to clinical needs. Moreover, because the cooperating nature of microbiomes appears to be an essential characteristic of the gut microbiota in healthy and disease statuses, studies should develop therapies based on multi-probiotics that are able to inuence this network of cooperating organisms and that can ensure a stronger and long-lasting rebalancing effect. Studies carried out with omics approaches should be able to demonstrate a sub-network bacterial consortium that works jointly but in different ways to inuence important human physiological process. Starting from fecal samples of healthy donors, and based on the existing literature, 100 different commensal strains were selected with a range of abundance values in the microbiota. This live bio-therapeutic association of microorganisms has been successfully used for the modulation of the intestinal microbiota of elderly people [116]. A combination of 17 Clostridium strains of human origin were shown to reduce the severity of induced allergic colitis in rodents; these effects were mediated by the activation of Treg cells; however, the identity of bacterial products implicated in this activation remains unclear [110]. Although the long use of probiotics, as well as data from in vitro and in vivo studies, corroborates the notion that probiotics are safe, some case reports note evidence of several risks, including systemic infections, altered metabolic pathways, intensied immune stimulation, gene transfer, and gastrointestinal Int. More studies are required to accurately dene the occurrence and severity of unfavorable events linked to probiotics [124]. Prebiotics and Symbiotc Formulations the concept underlying the use of prebiotics was rst introduced in 1995 [125]. Prebiotics are considered a specic fuel that indigenous probiotic bacteria can utilize to grow. Prebiotics are primarily dietary components of foods (mostly nonstarch polysaccharides and oligosaccharides) used as enrichment ingredients. However, inulin supplementation modulates metabolic endotoxemia and inammation in women with type 2 diabetes [128, 129]. These substances are frequently included in synbiotics formulations containing probiotic bacteria to promote their rapid growth in the intestinal environment. Their digestion causes a signicant decrease in pH, creating an unfavorable habitat for putrefactive bacteria (clostridia) growth. Finally, of note are postbiotics, which are bioactive microbial metabolites derived from heat-killed microbes that present positive effects on human functioning by interacting with the immune system and presenting anti-inammatory outcomes [130]. Structural bacterial constituents may be promising candidates as inducers of benecial effects in humans. These are also attractive because they can be part of treatments encompassing non-viable bacterial cells [130]. Because the microbiota structure/composition is comparable to a ngerprint and there are different levels and types of dysbiosis, the correct use of probiotics/prebiotics/synbiotics should consider prior knowledge of the type of dysbiosis to proceed with a targeted treatment for the patient. Results of studies conducted thus far on pro/prebiotics are very variable and reect the diversity of the tested probiotic strains, as well as the diversity of the populations examined. Prebiotics appear to be promising therapeutic options for gastrointestinal diseases; however, further studies are needed with larger study populations to establish their effectiveness, modalities, and treatment durations. Large-scale studies, specically well-designed randomized controlled trials, are essential to demonstrate the security and effectiveness of these supplements. Furthermore, few studies have been carried out on gastrointestinal discomfort following treatment with probiotic, prebiotic, and synbiotics, such as high osmotic pressure, atulence, and bloating [133]. Diet Approach Diet Approach to Modulate Gut Microbiota the Mediterranean and Atlantic diets should be distinguished from the Western diet. The Mediterranean and Atlantic diets are both considered to preserve a good health status [134].

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Laparoscopy An operation where surgical instruments are introduced in the abdomen or in the pelvis through small incisions and with the help of a camera. Leucovorin the active ingredient in a drug used to lessen the toxic effects of substances that block the action of folic acid, especially the anti-cancer drug methotrexate. Leucovorin is used to treat some types of anemia and is also used with fluorouracil to treat colorectal cancer. It is also being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer and other conditions. Lymph node A rounded mass of lymphatic tissue that is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. Membrane In biology, a membrane can define (1) a layer within a cell that encloses different internal structures, (2) a layer around a cell that separates the cell from its surrounding, (3) a layer of cells that separate one tissue from another (like basement membrane and mucosa). The disease also causes glands in the stomach to waste away and the body to lose fluid containing protein, causing abdominal pain, vomiting, and generalized swelling. Metastasis/metastase(s)/metastatic the spread of cancer from one part of the body to another. A tumor formed by cells that have spread is called a metastatic tumor or a metastasis. Mucus serves to protect cells from the epithelium in the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, genital, visual, and auditory systems. They are compounds containing nitrogen that can exist in the atmosphere or as a dissolved gas in water and which can have harmful effects on humans and animals. Nitrites Nitrites are manufactured mainly for use as a food preservative, and both nitrates and nitrites are used extensively to enhance the color and extend the shelf life of processed meats. Nutritionist A nutritionist is a health professional who advises on matters of how food and nutrition impacts health. Some use the terms "dietitian" and "nutritionist" as basically interchangeable terms. However, there are important differences between countries regarding the training needed to be recognized as a nutritionist or as a dietitian. In some countries, any person may call themselves a nutrition expert even if they are wholly self-taught. Oxaliplatin A drug used with other drugs to treat colorectal cancer that is advanced or has come back. Pathologist A doctor specialized in histopathology; the study of diseased cells and tissues using a microscope. Peritoneal washing Procedure performed during surgery where salt solution is introduced into the peritoneal cavity and then removed by suction. Prognosis the likely outcome or course of a disease; the chance of recovery or recurrence. They are essential for the functioning of many organisms including the human body. They are responsible for transport and communication between cells, for chemical changes and they also maintain the structure of cells. Recurrence Cancer or disease (usually auto-immune) that has come back, usually after a period of time during which the cancer or disease was not present or could not be detected. This may happen at the same location as the original (primary) tumor or in another part of the body. Some examples of risk factors for cancer are age, a family history of certain cancers, use of tobacco products, being exposed to radiation or certain chemicals, infection with certain viruses or bacteria, and certain genetic changes. Serosa Serous membrane (or serosa) is a smooth membrane consisting of a thin layer of cells which secrete serous fluid. Serous membranes line and enclose the heart, the lungs and organs in the abdomen, where they secrete a lubricating fluid which reduces friction from muscle movement. Submucosa In the gastrointestinal tract, the submucosa is the layer of dense irregular connective tissue or loose connective tissue that supports the mucosa, as well as joins the mucosa to the bulk of underlying smooth muscle (fibers running circularly within layers of longitudinal muscle). The term is used in histopathology and is particularly associated with cancer staging (for example, in staging stomach cancer). Ulcers/ulceration A break on the skin, in the lining of an organ, or on the surface of a tissue. Expertise in the management of these complications is critical to the prac ticing gastroenterologist. The overall com placement the second most common indication for plication rate has remained stable over the last 15-20 endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract (2). Prior surgery that results in alter patients (13), patients with diabetes, poor nutritional ation of esophageal or gastric anatomy can also lead to status, and long-term corticosteroid administration (8). Generally while sedation carries the risks of hypoxia, aspiration, patients who meet one or more of these criteria for and hypotension (24, 25). Relative con Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is associated with a significant risk of aspiration. A case of fatal retroperitoneal hemorrhage reduce irritation and decrease drainage (Figure 1). The prevalence of persis proper tension can decrease the likelihood of infection. Loose contact of the outer bolster with the skin is all tent subclinical pneumoperitoneum limits the utility of that is required to appose the gastric and abdominal plain films for evaluation of suspected peritonitis. The use of prophylactic Prolonged Ileus antibiotics is cost-effective as well (49). Prophylaxis is not necessary in those patients placement, and should be managed conservatively (4). Should the patient not be on acid suppression, proton pump inhibitor therapy should be started. Should been addressed, stoma adhesive powder or zinc oxide the patient with local site infection develop signs of can be applied to the site to prevent local skin irritation peritonitis, surgical intervention may be required. Foam dressing rather than gauze can help A rare but potentially life threatening complication to reduce local skin irritation caused by gastric con is the development of necrotizing fasciitis. Patients tents (foam lifts the drainage away from the skin while with diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, pul gauze tends to trap it). E-A c a t h e t e r, or abdominal pain or resistance with for snare is used for the push-pull T technique. A case of significant gastrointesti mission from McClave and Chang, Gastrointest Endosc 2003; nal bleeding secondary to buried bumper has been 58:739-51. Risk factors leading to buried bumper syndrome include excessive tension cally or radiographically. A gastrografin study should be per between the internal and external bolsters, malnu formed with the patient prone, as radiocontrast appears to trition, poor wound healing, and significant weight safely pass through the imbedded bumper into the gastric gain secondary to successful enteral nutrition (55). Buried bumpers the buried bumper may be confirmed endoscopi should be removed by any one of a number of methods (Fig ure 4). If the bumper is completely covered by gastric mucosa, electrosurg i cal incisions may be necessary to access and remove the bumper endoscopically (59). It is typically caused by from McClave and Chang, Gastrointest Endosc 2003; 58:739-51. To reduce risk of ulcerations at the gastrostomy site, excessive lateral traction on the tube should be avoided (Figure 5). Gastrocolocutaneous fistulae may occur when the colon is inadvertently punctured and traversed Figure 6. If recognition is delayed, man ing tube misplaced into the colon may be identified radi agement consists of nasogastric suction, broad-spec ographically (Figure 7). Surgical exploration is reserved for patients with patient develop signs of peritonitis or the fistula fail to signs of decompensation or peritonitis. A non-balloon-type inserted into the tract so as not to risk damage to the replacement, which has a soft internal dome instead of a tract. Finally, an initial placement low profile may lead to tube degradation and failure. G a s t r o e n t e r o l o g y, ment has shown to be useful, but polyurethane initial 1 9 8 7; 9 3: 4 8 5 2. Long-term outcomes of placement and replacement devices may be more resis patients receiving percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes. Enteral long-term nutrition via per cutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in 210 patients: a four-year prospective study. Percuta neous endoscopic gastrostomy complications in a tertiary-care cen Placement of prophylactic gastrostomy feeding tubes ter. Complications of percu in patients with head and neck cancer has been shown taneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Com parison of the use of endoscopic and radiologic gastrostomy in a sin and neck cancer at the stoma site has been reported in gle head and neck cancer unit. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: high mortality rates in hospitalized patients. Outcomes of surgical, percutaneous endoscopic, and per implantation has also been reported after open gastros cutaneous radiologic gastrostomies. Should a patient develop tumor at the gas niques: evaluation of indications, outcome, and complications. Percutaneous radiologic and endo that gastroenterologists minimize complications of scopic gastrostomy: a 3-year institutional analysis of procedure per f o r m a n c. Necrotising fasciitis complicating percutaneous terol, 1 9 8 9; 8 4: 7 0 3 7 1 0. Complications of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy with or endoscopic gastrostomy: strategies for prevention and management without concomitant antireflux surgery in 96 children. Fatal retroperitoneal hemorrhage: an unusual com trointest Endosc, 2 0 0 3; 5 8: 7 3 9 7 5 1. Complications of percutaneous endoscopic gastros 1 9 8 8; 1 5 1: 3 0 7 3 0 9. Complications of percutaneous trointestinal bleeding after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Percutaneous bumper syndrome: prevention and endoscopic approaches to endoscopic gastrostomy: a randomized prospective comparison of removal. G a s t r o e n t e r o l o g i s t, gastrostomy placement by a single physician. Antibiotic prophylaxis in failure of silicone rubber percutaneous gastrostomy tubes. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, infection after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in patients 2 0 0 0; 1 4: 1 2 7 3 1 2 7 7. Longevity of silicone and polyurethane catheters in long with introducer or pull method: a prospective randomized compari term enteral feeding via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Prospective, randomised, double blind trial endoscopic gastrostomy associated gastric metastasis. J Clin Gas of prophylaxis with single dose of co-amoxiclav before percuta troenterol, 2 0 0 3; 3 7: 3 0 7 3 1 1. Implantation metastasis following per cutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: comparison of push and pull cutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Postpartum Hemorrhage Maternal hemorrhage, defined as a cumulative blood loss of greater than or equal to 1, 000 mL or blood loss accom panied by signs or symptoms of hypovolemia within 24 hours after the birth process, remains the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide (1). Additional important secondary sequelae from hemorrhage exist and include adult respiratory distress syndrome, shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal failure, loss of fertility, and pituitary necrosis (Sheehan syndrome). Hemorrhage that leads to blood transfusion is the leading cause of severe maternal morbidity in the United States closely followed by disseminated intravascular coagulation (2).

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Hospitalizations are estimated based on the recorded primary discharge diagnosis * Comparisons should only be made between groups and diseases using rates, not number of hospitalizations, as these do not take into account differences which may exist in population size or demographics. It also limits them in normal physical exertion (70%), household chores (56%), social activities (53%), sleeping (50%) and family activities (46%). One study of people with chronic breathing disorders found that 80 percent of the 1, 334 people studied suffered from depression, anxiety or both. Morbidity and Mortality: 2007 Chartbook on Cardiovascular, Lung, and Blood Diseases. By the time a patient sees a health care provider, the lungs frequently have been critically injured and the patient may be in danger of developing serious respiratory problems or heart failure. In the test, a per son breathes into a mouthpiece connected to an instrument called a spirom eter. The spirometer records the amount and rate of air that is breathed in and out over a specifed time. If lung disease is already evident, lung trans plantation is sometimes considered. Bronchodilators are used to help open the airways in the lungs and decrease shortness of breath. Inhaled or oral steroids can help decrease infammation in the airways in some people. This combination treatment resulted in less worsening of symptoms and im proved health status and lung function. These activities play an important part in helping a patient maximize their ability to perform daily activities. The minimum length of an effective rehabilitation program varies with insurance coverage but is usually two months; the longer the program continues, the more effective the results. Close to one million persons living in the United States are on long-term oxygen therapy. Lung transplantation is now being done and may be a more readily available option in the future. Racial disparities in who gets trans plantations are due, in part, to social determinants of health such as poverty and unequal access to health care. Use of inhaled corticosteroids was associated with a 70 percent increase in risk of hospitalization for pneu monia; those taking the largest dose (equivalent to futicasone 1, 000 micro grams per day or more) were at 2. The death rate due to all causes was not different among pneumonia patients who had or had not inhaled corticosteroids in the recent past. As a longtime leader on tobacco control, Lung Association volunteers and staff ad vocate for policies at the federal, state and local level that will increase access to smoking cessation programs, protect the public from secondhand smoke, and prevent children from starting to smoke. Such policies include com prehensive state and local smokefree laws, granting the U. Further, the Lung Association continues to work for regulatory changes to fa cilitate air travel for patients on oxygen therapy. For over 40 years, the American Lung Association has helped millions of patients through its Bet ter Breathers Clubs. These support groups are located throughout the United States and meet regularly to provide peer support and education needed to understand and better manage the disease. By joining a support group, participants gain a sense of control over their disease and enter a positive cycle: They get out of the house, meet other people and become motivated to take action. Groups may invite medical professionals to share their expertise on topics including nutri tion, exercise, breathing techniques, new treatments, stress and depression, and medical equipment. The education patients receive in these groups may help them to avoid preventable hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Join the American Lung Association in its advocacy work by visiting lungaction. In addition to its advocacy efforts, the Lung Association offers smoking cessa tion programs such as Freedom From Smoking and Not On Tobacco, as well as self-help programs to assist smokers who want to quit. In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways, causing lung damage and making it hard to breathe. In the pancreas, it clogs the pathways leading to the digestive system, interfering with proper digestion. Cystic fbrosis is the second most common inherited disorder occurring in childhood in the United States, behind sickle cell anemia. More than 10 million Americans are unknowing, symp tomless carriers of the defective cystic fbrosis gene. Each time two carriers of the defective gene conceive, there is a 25 per cent chance that their child will have cystic fbrosis; a 50 percent chance that the child will be a carrier of the gene; and a 25 percent chance that the child will not have the gene at all. The severity and symptoms of the disease vary considerably due to different muta tions of the gene. Diagnosis is sometimes delayed for decades because of the3 mildness of the symptoms or failure to recognize them. Only about 10 percent to 15 percent of babies with cystic fbrosis have symptoms at birth. It is estimated that 1 in 2, 500 White births are affected in comparison to 1 in 13, 500 Hispanics, 1 in 15, 100 African Americans, and 1 in 31, 000 to more than 100, 000 Asians. Note: * Comparisons should only be made between groups and diseases using rates, not number of cases, as these do not take into account differences which may exist in population size or demographics. Please view the State of Lung Disease in Diverse Communities: 2007 report at. In 2004, 460 Americans died of cystic fbrosis, an age-adjusted mortality rate of 1. In 2001, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommended that pregnant women be offered screening for genetic mutations. It only has a detection rate of 70 percent to 75 percent for potentially defective genes. The Phase I (safety) trial involved 12 patients, all of whom completed the trial with out any major problems. The treatment was well tolerated, according to re searchers at Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals of Cleveland and Copernicus Therapeutics. The prescription drug does not replace standard therapies but is used in addition to them. Bronchodilators have helped to deal with chronic lung dysfunction, and state of-the-art diagnostic techniques, such as nuclear imaging, have permitted more accurate assessment of patient status. Corticosteroids and other anti infammatory drugs have been evaluated in several studies. In some cases, lung transplantation has been attempted and over the past 10 years double-lung transplantation has replaced heart-lung as the preferred pro cedure. There has been steady improvement in the outlook with refnements in both surgical techniques and anti-rejection measures. As in other areas of medi cine, there is a lack of donors and there are long waiting lists. However, by focusing on the research outcome measures of clinical effcacy and biomarkers, scientists already have identifed several encouraging drug candidates. Future research using these methods will provide defnitive effcacy and safety data needed to make drugs available to patients and clinics. The American Lung Association is currently funding several studies on cystic fbrosis. Want to learn more about additional studies funded by the American Lung Association It is passed from one person to another through blood, bodily fuids and sexual contact. T cells belong to the immune system and protect the body from germs and other disease-causing agents. As these important cells die, the body becomes more and more vulnerable to other diseases. Most cases are found in Africa, but the disease is spreading most rapidly in Eastern Europe and Asia. However, the number of cases in Blacks decreased the most compared to all other races since 2001 until recently when a rise was noted. These disparities show the need for an increase in preven tion programs and development of new and culturally appropriate interven tions. As improved treatment has reduced the risk of premature death from these diseases, other chronic complications such as pulmonary hypertension also have emerged. This disease is caused by the Pneumocystis jiroveci germ, formerly known as Pneumocystis carinii. In the lungs, it may set up infections in previously injured areas, such as bronchiectasis. A number of antifungal drugs are used to treat these infections and others are under investigation. Major causes of viral pneumonia in persons with weak immune systems are members of the herpes virus family, which are stubbornly resistant to treatment. Bacterial pneumonia can be caused by various bacteria strains such as Haemophilus infuenzae, but can be treated with antibiotics. Over time, the in creased blood pressure requires the heart to work harder, causing it to weaken and pump less blood than the body needs, resulting in heart failure. A health care provider will decide which drug regimen is right for each individual patient. While reasons for this outcome currently are unknown, researchers continue gathering information from the trials even though no new volunteers are being accepted. When regular medical staff offered testing, patients were less likely to accept (52. But since many more people were offered testing using this method, the actual number of those tested was higher. Join the Lung Association to win the battle against lung disease by visit ing lungaction. Infuenza (fu) is a highly contagious viral infection that is one of the most severe illnesses of the winter season. The reason infuenza is more prevalent in the winter is not known; however, data suggest the virus survives and is transmitted better in cold temperatures. Infuenza is spread easily from person to person, usually when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A person can have fu more than once because the virus that causes the disease may belong to different strains of one of three different infuenza virus fami lies, A, B or C. Type A viruses tend to have a greater effect on adults, while Type B viruses are a greater problem in children. The air sacs fll with pus and other liquid, block ing oxygen from reaching the bloodstream. Pneumonia can have over 30 different causes which include various chemicals, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas and other infectious agents such as pneumo-I cystis (fungi). The most common cause of community-acquired (compared to hospital acquired) pneumonia is the pneumococcus bacterium; infection by this bacte rium is known as pneumococcal disease. The pneumococcal bacterium also2 causes meningitis, bacteremia, otitis media and sinusitis. I Mycoplasma is an infectious organism which has characteristics of both bacteria and viruses. People most at risk from these infections and their complications are those whose defenses against disease are not operating well. In4 the United States, infuenza generally strikes between December and March, although it may appear a little earlier. Along with other respiratory conditions, such as the common cold and acute bronchitis, these disorders are major causes of days lost from work and school. In 2005, these conditions ranked as the eighth leading cause of death in the United States and the sixth leading cause in people over 65 years of age. Close to 90 percent of infuenza and pneumonia deaths occurred in per sons aged 65 and over. According to preliminary data, there were 62, 804 deaths6 due to infuenza and pneumonia in 2005, an age-adjusted rate of 20. Infuenza and its complications are responsi-8 ble for an average of 226, 000 hospitalizations and 36, 000 deaths in the United States each year. The number of infuenza deaths includes associated under-9 lying respiratory and circulatory deaths in order to provide a more specifc estimate of the total burden of infuenza. Data from 2005 show that persons aged 65 and older ac counted for 60 percent of the total number of pneumonia hospital discharges (the diagnosis made upon leaving a hospital stay).