Ann Renee Collier, MD
- Assistant Professor of Medicine

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This technology is further surrounding critical structures at the moment of intervention developed for breast and ovarian cancer (Lucidarme et al. Since the intervention needle tiles when taken into the scanning room (Condon et al. In general, the spatial gradients are maximal near (2) Another drawback is the lower magnetic feld strengths the magnet portal (Dempsey et al. All making it more logical to align the intervention needle with robotic components should therefore be tested for nonferromag this feld. Static feld distortions and signal intensity artifacts caused by the robot and the needle become more prominent at higher feld strengths (Guermazi et al. If a device contains conductive materials, pre cautions should be taken to prevent or minimize the area of loops and to electrically isolate critical structures. This artifact (susceptibility artifact) is less promi adapted from Muntener et al. Nevertheless, can be reduced by shortening the echo time (Port and Pomper 2000; this sensor is used to monitor the displacement of the bufer Guermazi et al. The small poten rial with the static magnetic feld (Port and Pomper 2000; Guermazi tiometer was securely attached to the massive robot. Pneumatic motors are used intensity artifacts, the so-called conductivity-induced artifacts to provide the robot with fve degrees of freedom to position the (Graf et al. The end efector has one degree of freedom to set slew rate of the applied gradients (Graf et al. Closer investigation of the robot fux can be caused by time-varying magnetic felds, such as dur revealed a small ferromagnetic pin at this location. The scan was ing gradient switching, resulting in image artifacts and vibra repeated afer substitution with a nonferromagnetic compo tions of the conductive component (Graf et al. Consequently, the density of the black bands was strongly eddy currents are induced when a conductive component moves reduced (Figure 27. The dot shif arises in the direction of the readout gradient Spins that are spatially encoded at the wrong position lead to and is due to the static magnetic feld error caused by the robot. Tese distortions hamper the nee Its magnitude equals half of the interdot distance and decreases dle placement accuracy, when the needle is shifed with respect with distance from the robot, for example, 5. In general, geometric image distortions (Bakker tube position close to the robot to 1. This corresponds to a static feld distortion of 16 and 5 ppm, errors) and inhomogeneity of the static magnetic feld (static respectively. The size of the shif caused by the static The magnitude of the gradient error is defned as the distance error is inversely proportional to the gradient strength, and its between the mean dot position and the expected tube position based direction is afected by the direction and polarity of this gradient on the geometry of the phantom (cross point of the dashed lines in (Bakker et al. Once the scanner-induced geometric strongly reduce the magnitude of the gradient error (average tube errors are known, a correction for these errors can be performed position moves toward expected one). The object-induced static feld errors are error between the situation with and without the robot present are caused by the diference in susceptibility between the robotic negligible, except in the feet head direction close to the robot. Eddy currents in the robotic implies that the robot slightly afects the magnitude of the gradient device, caused by gradient switching, may induce gradient errors error in this direction, with a gradient error increase < 2 mm. The geometric errors induced by a robotic device can be quan tifed using a grid phantom of equally spaced tubes as shown 27. In general, an intervention needle induces such an arti needle (L = 20 cm, d = 1. Needle artifact in cheese phantom for coronal image with (c) readout direction F and (d) readout direction H. The readout gradient strength was high Prostate Prostate to minimize the geometric image distortions. For the cheese phantom, the tip artifact is 18 and 17 mm in the image with Bladder Bladder readout directions F and H, respectively. The distance between Prostate Prostate the needle tip and the end of the artifact amounted to 5 mm Needle tip Needle tip in the gelatine phantom and 8?9 mm in the cheese phantom. The altered electric feld is strongly niques, such as needle tapping (Lagerburg et al. At the heating is deposited locally, the measured temperature is highly tip of the needle, a susceptibility artifact is clearly visible. A compact mechatronic last two methods are efective for detecting potentially danger system for 3D ultrasound guided prostate interventions. This implies that (in theory) the minimal in vivo resonance polymer encapsulated palladium-103 seed. It is also reported that the tip heating increases quadratically position in vitro using three-dimensional ultrasound: An with of-center distance (Yeung et al. Partial breast irradiation: Patient References selection, guidelines for treatment, and current results. Minim prostate: important adjunct to endorectal ultrasound of the Invasive Ter Allied Technol 15:165?76. Don Lawrence and the ?k-capture revolu role of color Doppler and power Doppler ultrasonography. Elastography: Current status, future prospects, planning for each insertion provide better conformal avoid and making it work for you. Metal artifacts mendations of the American Association of Physicists in caused by gradient switching. Eddy-current induc cedures for 90Y microsphere brachytherapy in the treatment tion in extended metallic parts as a source of considerable of hepatic malignancies. Needle and seed segmen repeat negative biopsies and increased prostate specifc tation in intra-operative 3D ultrasound-guided prostate antigen. Transperineal 125iodine seed implantation in pros for automatic needle localization in ultrasound-guided tatic cancer guided by transrectal ultrasonography. Dosimetric conse brachytherapy using tandem ovoid applicators in locally quences of misalignment and realignment in prostate advanced cervical cancer. Advanced Brachytherapy Technologies: Encapsulation, Ultrasound, and Robotics 423 Kay, P. Technical microvessels: A novel method for three-dimensional recon challenges and opportunities of whole-body magnetic reso struction and analysis. Photon energy spectrum characteristics of the new RadioCoil 103Pd wire line source emitted by a novel polymer-encapsulated 103Pd source and for use in permanent brachytherapy implants. Heating around intravascular guidewires by resonat with the new linear RadioCoil 103Pd brachytherapy source. The role of tion of malignant ovarian masses: Results of a multicentre transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy-based staging, preop validation study. Elastography: A magnetic resonance imaging including an estimation of the quantitative method for imaging the elasticity of biological signifcance of the Lenz efect using a computational model. Multi-channel robotic ment and evaluation of a three-dimensional ultrasound system for prostate brachytherapy. Review magnetic resonance imaging volume estimation and sur of intraoperative imaging and planning techniques in per gical specimen weight in patients with benign prostatic manent seed prostate brachytherapy. Monte Carlo radiation dose simulations and An integrated system for minimally invasive robot-assisted dosimetric comparison of the model 6711 and 9011 125I lung brachytherapy. Advanced Brachytherapy Technologies: Encapsulation, Ultrasound, and Robotics 425 van den Bergen, B. Anesthesiology ium-192 wires for low dose rate interstitial brachytherapy 100:1329?30. Hence, the patient will have to be moved only for a short nique of breast cancer is addressed in Chapter 22. For the sarcomas, the technique is used as an men transport, blood bank support, sterilization, pharmacy, upfront boost during the operation, and postoperative radio etc. The surgeon explains to the radiation oncolo ally made of fexible silicon with 1-cm-spaced parallel source gist what kind of resection he or she will be performing. If possible, they retract or shield these organs 10-mm-diameter spherical pellets. Some centers do not place the markers but use commercially available vinyl plastic on a synthetic oil base with standard geometries instead in the treatment planning. Afer positioning, the applicator is pressed against the target area by flling the operation feld with gauze pads. Most centers load the whole pad and take two orthogonal radiographs to document the treatment. The treatment planning is performed using the standard geometries present in the treatment planning system. Afer the treatment, the applicator is removed from the treat ment site, and the surgeon closes the incision. The dose at the clips, if placed, can be calculated using the reconstructed tem plate geometry and the actual treatment times. Tere were 22 patients with primary unresectable disease and 46 patients who pre sented with recurrent disease. For patients with negative margins, the local control was 92% versus 38% for those with positive margins (p < 0. The 2-year actuarial disease-free survival was 69%, 77% for patients with negative margins versus 38% for patients with positive margins (p < 0. For patients with recurrent dis ease, the 2-year actuarial local control rate was 63%. A single dose of 10 Gy is prescribed to 1 cm from the surface 47% (71% for negative margins and 0% for positive margins) of the applicator. Twenty treated 19 patients staged as T3 tumors (group 1) and 19 patients one of 74 had positive microscopic margins. With a median follow-up of postoperative radiochemotherapy, whereas patients in group 22 months, the 5-year local control, distant metastasis disease 2 received preoperative radiochemotherapy. The mean follow free, disease-free, and overall survival rates were 39%, 39%, 23%, up was 25. The only predictor of improved local con patients in group 1 and in 10% in group 2. It is difcult to separate clearly treatment-related complications from disease-related complications in patients with recurrent 28. Overall, 12 patients (32%) had in 16% (12/74) of patients with no grade 4 toxicity. Eight of the 12 local failures were located in the posterior were the most frequent (22% of the patients). The median distance of the out-of-feld recurrence to the nary complications were seen in 6%. Nerve complications were area treated with the applicator was 2 cm (range 1?5 cm). Four seen in two patients: one patient had a foot drop, and the other recurrences were found growing in the sacrum or sacral foram had poor sexual functioning. The overall survival was signifcantly diferent for the anastomosis site in 5%, and fstulas in 8%. Tirteen of the were postoperative, and four occurred later during the follow 27 previously unirradiated patients received postoperative radio up period. Some previously irradiated patients received additional tions (six cases of fstulae, one case of intraoperative myocardial postoperative external beam to 20?30 Gy. Afer a median follow infarction, and one case of intraoperative death afer correction up of 47 months (range 19?75 months), the 5-year local control of ischemic ileostomy). Fify-six percent of the patients reported unfavor resection in conjunction with a supplementary moderate dose able (poor or fair) function of the sphincter. The rate intraoperative brachytherapy for recurrent colorectal target volume can be accurately defned visually and irradiated cancer. High-dose tive normal tissues can usually be retracted away from the vol rate intraoperative radiation therapy for colorectal cancer. First is the therapy using the fab method combined with preoperative radiobiology of a large single dose with potential late toxicity to or postoperative radiochemotherapy. Dis Colon Rectum normal tissues; however, this disadvantage can be minimized if 39:774?9. Hence, depending on the volume and location of therapy, and sphincter preservation. This is a dynamic applications involving source handling] and potential exposures process based on the continuous review of sources of ionizing that may result from deviation from normal operating proce radiation and its efects on human health, that is, global/regional dures. Tese are further disseminated internationally through inter alia, directive 96/29/Euratom of May 13, 1996. Emergency ple exposed, and the magnitude of their individual doses exposure situations cannot be predicted; they may require should all be kept as low as reasonably achievable, taking urgent protective actions, and they could even result in existing into account economic and societal factors. This is also a source-related and universal principle, that is, In terms of biological dose response to radiation, determin it applies to all exposure situations that have been justifed. It is istic efects are characterized by dose thresholds so that there the cornerstone of any system for radiological protection, and its is absence of risk for tissue reactions at doses lower than about application involves a process of prospective and iterative char 100 mSv (updated information on dose thresholds in the form acter with the aim of preventing or reducing future exposures. Although the introduction of a practical dose threshold restriction of doses likely to be delivered to a nominal individ has been proposed for stochastic efects, it is deemed that cur ual, the listing of options available for protection, the selection rent data support that at low doses (below about 100 mSv), the of the best option(s) under the circumstances using quantita incidence of cancer and heritable efects rises proportionally tive methods and cost-efect analysis, the implementation of to the increase of radiation dose over the background. It must be kept in a fnite risk is associated with any exposure to radiation, how mind that optimization is not minimization of dose but rather ever small, and protection must include considerations of what a balancing of radiation detriment and resources available for level of risk is deemed acceptable. Dose constraints and reference levels do not rep logical protection is based on the following three fundamental resent a limit between ?safe and ?dangerous conditions, and principles: justifcation, optimization, and application of dose they are by no means prescriptive limits or target values.
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All such units have many safety features and operational inter locks to prevent errant source movement or to facilitate rapid operator response in the event of a system failure erectile dysfunction ed treatment purchase himcolin 30gm on-line. Vendors usually install one or two emergency switches in the walls of the treatment room. When a treatment is in progress, opening the door Emergency Of switch on the treatment control panel. This safety feature protects the medical personnel from radiation exposure in the event somebody enters the treatment room without the knowledge of the operator. The treat cable manually if the source fails to retract normally and the ment can be resumed at the same point where it was interrupted emergency motor also fails to reel in the source. One radiation detector is part of the treat ment unit and indicates on the control panel when it detects radiation. A Treatment On indicator outside the Standard Technology in Brachytherapy 23 room, activated when the source passes the reference optical pair discussed above, also indicates that a treatment is in progress. The table shows that the dose to the patient, with the source in contact, can cause injury in a very short time. On the other hand, the operator, working at a greater distance, is unlikely to receive a dose exceeding regulatory limits for a year, let alone one that would cause health problems. Once the source is removed from the patient and moved to a distance of even a meter, the exposure rate is quite low, and whatever actions that need to be taken to remove the patient from the room can be performed safely. Most institutions set the efec tive annual limit to the body at 10 times less than the U. A situation may arise when the source in the applicator itself, the applicator or catheter may be discon needs to be detached manually from the treatment unit. One nected from the transfer tube and the source pulled from the (still unlikely) scenario would be if the source were stuck out of applicator. In some cases, this will be faster than removing the the treatment unit, the sources or the closed applicator had been applicator. The reason for avoiding disconnecting the applica removed from the patient, a person was pinned very close to the tor from the transfer tube is that a source may stay in the appli source so neither that person nor the treatment unit could be cator if the source capsule shatters. In that case, removing the moved, and the source on the cable could not reach the shielded container. In cutting the source cable, it must be clear that the cut is not through the source capsule. Time to Receive For units with the capsule welded on the cable, the cut must be Dose 0. For sources imbedded in the cable, a sufcient length of the Situation (m) Rates (Sv/h) (Likely Injury) Limit) cable must be seen to assure the cut occurs behind the source In patient 0. Usually, the cylindrical applicator Brachytherapy Equipment, the role of the authorities is described is constructed from a number of segments with a length of 20 in overseeing the development and clinical use of medical prod or 25 mm, which can be combined to the desired total length. It is noted that the same regulatory system is valid for the Other cylinder types are constructed as one-piece applicators. Tese Dose specifcation is done at a certain depth from the surface of parts need approval and marking as well. This section describes the cylinder in the vaginal wall, which means that the user must a number of applicator types used for brachytherapy and some carefully know the curvature of the frst, dome-shaped segment. Variations on this design are made by some vendors by inserting Generally speaking, there is a strong interaction between tungsten shields in the cylinder to protect the rectum from over manufacturers and customers for the design of applicators with dose. Other designs have more than one central tube inside that specifc design features. The comments from experts in the feld can be connected to the aferloader with a location at peripheral lead to further improvement and enhanced functionality. Tere positions in the cylinder, thus allowing one to create asymmet is a rather great similarity in design of applicators from diferent ric transversal dose distributions. Templates are used to help the vendors, although material use and size may be diferent. Mixing fxation of the cylindrical applicator to the perineum to avoid applicators from one vendor to aferloaders from other vendors movements of the applicator during the treatment session. Usually, the applicator is a narrow plastic tube as long as 1 m and with a diameter of 1. The ovoid dimension is typically 20 mm as a stan dard diameter, while ofen, a 16 mm diameter is sold as a ?mini ovoid. Caps over the ovoids are sometimes available to enlarge the diameter to either 25 or 30 mm. Manufacturers usually ofer a choice, for example, alternatives in the form of full solid plastic ovoids versus the shielded versions. In the latter case, a reduc tion of dose toward bladder and rectum can be achieved due to the absorption of the direct radiation in the tungsten shield segments. Intrauterine tandems are delivered in lengths up to 80 mm, with angulations of 15, 30, and 45. Variation in dose delivery (b) to bladder and rectum is then found in the choice of the user to adapt the loading pattern by shifing the dwell positions in the ring from dorsal to ventral or vice versa. The latest modifcation to the design of both ovoid and ring-type applicators is the drilling of a number of holes as an option to place extra needles in the parametria (Figure 2. In that way, lateral tumor extension can be covered with suf cient dose by choosing extra dwell positions in these needles (see Chapter 21 on gynecological brachytherapy). The tube can be introduced into a broncho The conventional technique of treating breast tumors with a scope through the open channel. Most institutions use closed brachytherapy technique relies on the insertion of either rigid end tubes. Bronchus applicators are the user to create and maintain a regular implant, for example, not reusable. Dose specifcation is usually done at a given dis with source trajectories that are parallel and equidistant such tance from the heart of the catheter. Implants are then made in either a single plane or using Esophagus applicators have much larger diameters than bron double or triple planes according to the clinical fndings of the chus catheters, with a choice from 5 up to 20 mm. This type of applicator is limit their stored set of applicators, thus aiming for standardiza lef in the breast by the surgeon performing the tumorectomy tion and cost reduction. Specifc design of the applicator has a centralized catheter and a dwell guide wires and x-ray markers are used to enable the insertion position in the middle of the cavity. A fxation mask is used to given depth from the balloon surface in the wall of the cav fx the tube to the mouth of the patient. Modifcations have been made to the design by varying the ommended at a given distance from the surface of the applica diameter of balloons and by using balloons with several cath tor over a treatment length that is to be defned by the radiation eters inside. In the same way as with other multicatheter appli oncologist based on the clinical fndings. A completely diferent and very recent development is the Specifc types of applicators have been designed to position the AccuBoost system. Together with the microSelectron afer source as near as possible to the target for tumors in the naso loader Nucletron, the AccuBoost system enables clinicians to pharynx and oropharynx. The applicator is constructed as a inserted in the rectum of the patient to treat the inner rectum tungsten cylinder, in which the source travels through a catheter wall. Direct and scattered radiation defnes a dose design with a number of catheters placed in the periphery of the pattern with a given relative depth dose, more or less compa applicator. In this way, the catheters can be diferentially loaded rable with an orthovoltage x-ray beam. Needles are used individually in interstitial implants or in a combination with an applicator, for example, a perineal implant for rectum or anal canal applicators. The length of a needle is a critical feature in stepping source aferloaders where the source travels a fxed distance. Ten, the interstitial needle must be used with matching source guide tubes so that the tube plus needle is a fxed length. Again, the length of the tube may be 26 Comprehensive Brachytherapy between the parts. As an example, there was no connection between the intrauterine tandem and the ovoid tubes in the original versions. Now, some gynecological applicators can be inserted in parts, but are then interconnected in a rigid and standard way. This latter solution allows predefn ing the applicator geometry in the treatment planning system as a standard that can be taken from an applicator library. Such an approach simplifes the reconstruction process and may help prevent errors. A user is therefore responsible in requiring these written instructions at purchase of any new applicator. The aperture creates a circular dose distribution with References a unique depth dose pattern. Taylor & Francis Several templates have been designed in order to obtain a proper Group, Boca Raton. Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, The vendors ofer several solutions for positioning and fxa Wisconsin 127?51. Broad-beam transmission data for plings have been designed to be able to interrupt the treatment new brachytherapy sources Tm-170 and Yb-169. Title recommendations on dosimetry requirements for new or 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations?Energy, Part innovative brachytherapy sources, devices, and applications. Protection Against Radiation From Brachytherapy In: Quality assurance and safety for radiotherapy, Eds. Soon it was realized that radium had a tre very high energy components that require large thicknesses of lead mendous therapeutic potential in treating many proliferative for radiation protection of personnel. First successful clinical results were cal staf performing brachytherapy with hot-loading techniques reported in the frst decade of the twentieth century for treating using radium presents serious challenges. One of the advantages of radium in treat possibility of artifcial radionuclide production in nuclear reactors ing aggressive cancers was that it emitted a spectrum of radia or particle accelerators (usually cyclotrons) since the 1950s led to tions that included some high-energy photons. Today, radium high-dose irradiation of the central area of a target volume while is not used for brachytherapy because of the challenges described still providing a signifcant dose to distant points several centi above, and acceptable substitutes with much lower risk profle are meters away such as the pelvic walls in treating cervical cancers. Radium ushered in a new era of medicine, which started to ofer In the 1960s, 137Cs became an acceptable alternative to radium life-saving treatments to patients with untreatable diseases. However, there was consid many decades, radium and encapsulated radon seeds (encap erable debate in the clinical community that it may not be an sulated sources flled with radon gas collected from radium adequate substitute for radium because of diferences in dose salts) ofered this new treatment modality called brachytherapy distributions. Terefore, eforts were made to make the dose dis to hundreds of thousands of cancer patients. In contrast, the sof radiations ofer years, but the great disadvantage of producing as decay product of great potential when used as radiopharmaceuticals for internal 29 30 Comprehensive Brachytherapy uptake by tumors especially using targeted drug-delivery tech electrons; x-ray and? It is the time in which half of the activity tracking and killing individual cancer cells and would open the decays. It determines whether the source could be used in next new era of microscopic brachytherapy. Our main focus in this chapter is on radionuclides suitable (3) Specifc activity, Aspe. It is the amount of activity per unit for brachytherapy using photons emitted from encapsulated mass of the radionuclide. In this chapter, it is provided for the electron and radioactive material that is not highly soluble and toxic in photon spectra emitted for each radionuclide using the biological tissue in order to minimize the risk presented equation: in case of unintentional leakage of radioactivity in the patient or in handling by medical personnel. It provides a measure of the radiation feld in the vicinity of a point source of the radionuclide. It is Today, many radionuclides with the above characteristics are calculated using the equation produced for clinical distribution. Tese sources were available as needles or tubes in a variety of Physical properties of the high-energy photon emitting brachy lengths and activities. The high energy of these photons makes it difcult to shield health professionals and others from unwanted radia 3. As a consequence, a large number of photons, and its byproducts and because of the radiation protection monoenergetic electrons,? The seventh radionuclide of this series is 210Po with a half-life of 22 years that does not reach secu 3. The weighted mean inert, and toxic gas, which results from the decay of 226Ra, these energy spectra of electrons and photons are 212. The encapsulation material was platinum below 5 keV, the weighted mean energy spectra become 307. Radionuclides in Brachytherapy 33 (a) Ir-192 beta and monoenergetic electron spectrum (b) Ir-192 photon spectrum 10?1 1 ?2 Y = 1. The weighted mean energy spectra of electrons Cs is a byproduct of U nuclear fssion in nuclear reactors. Removing elec For brachytherapy sources, the Cs is trapped in an inert matrix trons and photons with energies below 5 keV, the weighted mean material such as gold, ceramic, or borosilicate glass and is sup energy spectra become 27. The encapsulation 125I is obtained as a decay product of 125Xe, which is produced can be stainless steel or platinum being less than a millimeter in a nuclear reactor via the reaction 124Xe(n,? In one of the original models, 125I was adsorbed usually 2 cm in length, although there are smaller ones for use onto a silver rod that is the central core of the source. In the other origi spheres are used as source trains for use in remote-aferloading nal model, the seeds consisted of ion exchange resin spheres intracavitary brachytherapy catheters. Tin The physical properties of three low-energy photon emitting layers of lead are sufcient for radiation protection. Except for their use in 125I sources in eye plaques and brain tumors for temporary brachytherapy, 125I seeds are used princi 3.
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Factors to adults must be balanced against the negative effects, in consider in determining the nature and intensity of treat cluding suicide, of untreated depression (532) as well as ment include (but are not limited to) access to and lethal the demonstrated benefits of antidepressant treatment ity of suicide means, past and family history of suicidal (523, 533?535). For adults age 65 years or older, a review behavior, co-occurring substance abuse, the availability of the evidence from clinical trials showed a decrease in and adequacy of social supports, and the nature of the the risk of suicidal thinking or behaviors with antidepres doctor-patient alliance. Major depressive disorder?related cognitive dysfunction anxiety and agitation were common, suggesting that such Cognitive inefficiency and impairment are common fea symptoms should be addressed if they are present. Many depressed patients members can also play an important role in detecting and report slowed thoughts, poor concentration, distractibility, preventing suicidal behaviors. They also dis tient, the psychiatrist should educate those close to the play diminished attention to self-care and to their environ patient concerning appropriate interventions and encour ment. For Although information on such risk continues to evolve, a individuals who exhibit symptoms of a dementia syndrome, predictive relationship to suicide has never been demon it is crucial that any underlying depressive disorder be iden strated. More ible causes (such as vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, recently, meta-analyses of data from clinical trials have testosterone deficiency, substance use). Several clinical fea shown statistically significant increases in suicidal thoughts tures help distinguish major depressive disorder?related or behaviors in individuals age 25 years or younger who cognitive dysfunction from other dementia syndromes. The latter, especially in more ad terms, it is estimated that one to three of 100 individuals vanced stages, typically do not recognize their cognitive age 25 years or younger could potentially have an increase failures, since insight is impaired. In contrast, depressed in suicidal thoughts or behaviors with antidepressant patients may report being unable to think or remember. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Third Edition 61 dysfunction lack the signs of cortical dysfunction. Nevertheless, distinguishing extreme negativism; peculiarities of voluntary movement, dementia from depression-related cognitive dysfunction as evidenced by posturing, stereotyped movements, man can be difficult, particularly as the two may coexist. For fur nerisms, or grimacing; and echolalia or echopraxia (556, ther discussion of the co-occurrence of dementia and de 557). Catatonic signs often cognitive dysfunction alerts the psychiatrist to the need dominate the clinical presentation and may be so severe as for treatment of the underlying major depressive disorder, to be life-threatening, compelling the consideration of ur which should in turn reduce the signs and symptoms of gent somatic treatment. Although initially reversible, may also need supportive medical interventions including major depressive disorder?related cognitive dysfunction hydration, nutrition, prophylaxis against deep vein throm increasingly appears to be a harbinger of subsequent de bosis, turning to prevent bed sores, and passive range of mentia (540, 541). Intravenous administra tain types of executive cognitive dysfunction predict greater tion of a benzodiazepine. After catatonic manifestations recede, antidepres incongruent with the depressed mood. Recognition of sant medication treatments may be needed during acute psychosis is essential among patients with major depres and maintenance phases of treatment. In addition to anti sive disorder as it is often undetected, resulting in ineffec depressant medications, ongoing treatment may include tive treatment (544?546). Pa current psychosis and hence indicate the need for mainte tients with catatonia may have an increased susceptibility nance treatment. Pharmacotherapy can also be used as a first-line Melancholic features describe characteristic somatic treatment option for major depressive disorder with psy symptoms, such as the loss of interest or pleasure in all, or chotic features. Psychotic depression typically responds almost all, activities or a lack of reactivity to usually plea better to the combination of an antipsychotic and an an surable stimuli. Other symptoms include worsened de tidepressant medication rather than treatment with either pression in the morning, early morning awakening, and component alone (547?549), although some research has significant anorexia or weight loss, among others (16). Psychotherapy may be less appropriate for patients with melancholia (563), particularly if the symptoms pre b. Major depressive disorder with melancholic major depressive disorder (553?556) and is characterized features may also be associated with an added risk of sui Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. As a primary treatment, light Major depressive disorder with atypical features is charac therapy may be recommended as a 1 to 2-week time-limited terized by a pattern of marked mood reactivity and at least trial (395), primarily for outpatients with clear seasonal two additional symptoms, including leaden paralysis, a patterns. For patients with more severe forms of major long-standing pattern of interpersonal rejection sensitivity, depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, the use of light significant weight gain or increase in appetite, and hyper therapy is considered adjunctive to pharmacological in somnia (the latter two of which are considered reversed tervention. Co-occurring psychiatric disorders ated with an earlier age at onset of depression and a greater Co-occurring psychiatric disorders generally complicate degree of associated anxiety disorders, and frequently have a more chronic, less episodic course, with only partial in treatment. Electroconvulsive therapy is also effective in treat underlying major depressive disorder. Dysthymic disorder severity of specific symptoms as well as safety consider ations should help guide the choice of treatment for major Dysthymic disorder is a chronic mood disorder with depressive disorder with atypical features. For example, if symptoms that fall below the threshold for major depres a patient does not wish to , cannot, or appears unlikely to sive disorder. Because of this, it may escape notice and adhere to the dietary and medication precautions associ may be inadequately treated. Unfortunately, clinical symptoms, which is not the result of seasonally related trials provide little evidence of the relative efficacies of psychosocial stressors. The most common presentation of dysthymic disorder resembles that for episodes of in the northern hemisphere is the regular appearance of major depressive disorder; responses to antidepressant symptoms between early October and late November and medications by patients with dysthymic and chronic regular remission from mid-February to mid-April. Epi major depressive disorders have been comparable to the sodes of major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern responses by patients with major depressive disorder frequently have atypical features such as hypersomnia and episodes (580). Some of these patients experience manic or medication can reverse not only the acute major depres hypomanic episodes as well; hence, it is important to di sive episode but also the co-occurring dysthymic disorder agnose bipolar disorder when appropriate. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Third Edition 63 Patients with dysthymic disorder, as well as patients sessive-compulsive disorder may appear as a co-occurring with chronic and severe major depressive disorder, typi condition in some patients with major depressive disor cally have a better response to the combination of phar der. Anxiety disorders the psychiatrist should therefore screen for depression in As a group, anxiety disorders are the most commonly oc this population, although this is sometimes challenging curring psychiatric disorders in patients with major de (539). A 2005 epidemiological study sion in Dementia, which incorporates self-report with found that among individuals with major depressive dis caregiver and clinician ratings of depressive symptoms order, 62% also met the criteria for generalized anxiety (596). Antidepressants are likely to be efficacious in panic attacks, are frequent co-occurring symptoms of treatment of depressive symptoms, but they do not im major depressive disorder. The appearance of anxiety and prove cognition, and data on antidepressant use in pa agitation in patients in a major depressive episode, particu tients with dementia are limited (597?599). Individuals larly when accompanied by racing or ruminative thoughts, with dementia are particularly susceptible to the adverse should alert the clinician to the possibility of a mixed effects of muscarinic blockade on memory and attention. Therefore, individuals with dementia generally do best In studies of major depressive disorder with a co when given antidepressant medications with the lowest occurring anxiety disorder, both depressive symptoms and possible degree of anticholinergic effect. Alternatively, worsen rather than alleviate anxiety symptoms, including some patients do well when given stimulants in small panic attacks; patients should be so advised, and these doses. Electroconvulsive therapy is also effective in major medications should be introduced at low doses and slowly depressive disorder superimposed on dementia. Adjunctive anti be used if medications are associated with an excessive risk panic agents, such as benzodiazepines, may be necessary of adverse effects, are not tolerated, or if immediate reso as well. Because benzodiazepines (539) contains more information about the treatment of are not antidepressants and carry their own adverse effects depression and dementia. Substance use disorders for patients with major depressive disorder who have co Major depressive disorder frequently occurs with alcohol occurring anxiety symptoms. Therefore, the adjunctively with other antidepressive treatments, how psychiatrist should obtain a detailed history of the pa ever (591). If the evaluation reveals a substance use Obsessive-compulsive symptoms are also common in disorder, this should be addressed in treatment. In addition, ob with major depressive disorder who has a co-occurring Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Patients with virtually any personality dis Detoxifying patients before initiating antidepressant order exhibit a less satisfactory antidepressant medication medication therapy is advisable when possible (110). An treatment response, in terms of both social functioning tidepressants may be used to treat depressive symptoms and residual major depressive disorder symptoms, than do following initiation of abstinence if symptoms do not im individuals without personality disorders (616). It is difficult to identify patients who should ity disorders tend to interfere with treatment adherence begin a regimen of antidepressant medication therapy and development of a psychotherapeutic relationship. Fur soon after initiation of abstinence, because depressive thermore, many personality disorders increase the risk of symptoms may have been induced by intoxication and/or episodes and increase time to remission of major depres withdrawal of the substance. Patients with various personality pressive disorder, a history of major depressive disorder disorders also showed high rates of new-onset major de preceding alcohol or other substance abuse, or a history of pressive episodes in a large prospective study (619) and were major depressive disorder during periods of sobriety raises at higher risk of attempting suicide than patients without the likelihood that the patient might benefit from antide a co-occurring personality disorder (620). Comparing the temporal pattern of symptoms major depressive episode, as depressive symptoms may ex with the periods of use and abstinence of the substance aggerate or mimic personality traits. Repeated, lon pressive disorder for these patients can cause the apparent gitudinal psychiatric assessments may be necessary to dis personality disorder symptoms to remit or greatly dimin tinguish substance-induced depressive disorder from co ish. Depressed patients may believe that their current occurring major depressive disorder, particularly because symptoms have been present from early life, when in fact some individuals with substance use disorders reduce they only began with the current episode. Such misper their substance consumption once they achieve remission ceptions often hinder accurate diagnosis. About 10%?15% of patients with major depressive Hepatic dysfunction and hepatic enzyme induction fre disorder have co-occurring borderline personality disor quently complicate pharmacotherapy of patients with al der (624), and the percentage increases significantly in coholism and other substance abuse. Patients with bor may require careful monitoring of blood levels (as appro derline personality disorder often exhibit mood lability, priate for the medication), therapeutic effects, and side ef rejection sensitivity, inappropriate intense anger, and de fects to avoid the opposing risks of either psychotropic pressive ?mood crashes. Personality disorders line personality disorder, the personality disorder must For patients who exhibit symptoms of both major depres also be addressed in treatment. Major havioral impulsivity and dyscontrol can also be treated Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Third Edition 65 with low-dose antipsychotics, lithium, and some antiepi important relationship or life role. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, al true in initial episodes of depression, with psychosocial though efficacious, are not recommended due to the risk of stressors being less associated with the onset of recurrent serious side effects and the difficulties with adherence to episodes (632). Psychotherapeutic approaches such as status, unemployment, urbanization, and violent trauma dialectical behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psy seem to increase the risk of developing major depressive chotherapy have been useful in treatment of borderline disorder, whereas religious belief may decrease it (633 personality disorder as well. A recent meta-analysis underlined that among ref occurs in 8%?10% of such individuals. Eating disorders are also common in patients with major Ambivalent, abusive, rejecting, or highly dependent family depressive disorder (631). Selective serotonin reuptake relationships may predispose an individual to major depres inhibitors are the best studied medications for treatment sive disorder. The psychiatrist should screen for such fac of eating disorders, with fluoxetine having the most evi tors and consider family therapy, as indicated, for these dence for the effective treatment of bulimia nervosa (170). Family therapy may be conducted in conjunction Antidepressants may be less effective in patients who are with individual and pharmacological therapies. Even for in severely underweight or malnourished, and normalizing stances in which there is no apparent family dysfunction, it weight should take priority in these patients. Patients with chronic anorexia the psychiatrist may choose to treat a major depressive nervosa have in general been less responsive to formal episode with an antidepressant, even if a major stressor psychotherapy. Electroconvulsive therapy has not generally been major depressive disorder suggests the potential utility of useful in treating eating disorder symptoms. Although a psychotherapeutic intervention coupled, as indicated, there are few data to guide treatment of co-occurring ma with somatic treatment. However, grief, the natural Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Eating response to bereavement, resembles depression, and this Disorders, Third Edition (170). Psychiatrists treating be reaved individuals should differentiate symptoms of normal B. Major psychosocial stressors and psychoeducation about symptoms and the course of Major depressive disorder may follow a substantial ad mourning; complicated grief requires a targeted psycho verse life event, especially one that involves the loss of an therapy, with or without concomitant medication (535, Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Acute grief is the universal reaction to loss of a loved Specific cultural variables may also influence the assess one, and it is a highly dysphoric and disruptive state (641). For exam Acute grief is characterized by prominent yearning and ple, in some cultures, depressive symptoms may be more longing for the person who died, recurrent pangs of sad likely to be attributed to physical diseases (658). In addi ness and other painful emotions, preoccupation with tion, language barriers can impede accurate psychiatric thoughts and memories of the person who died, and rela diagnosis and effective treatment (659), and, even when tive lack of interest in other activities and people. Despite speaking the same language, individuals of different cul the similarity with depression, only about 20% of be tures may use different psychological terms to describe reaved people meet the criteria for major depressive dis their symptoms (6, 7). Successful mourning leads to resolution of acute dividual experience should not be underestimated in the grief over a period of about 6 months. The assessment and treat mains as a permanent state in which there is ongoing sad ment process can also be influenced by religious beliefs ness about the loss often accompanied by ongoing feelings (5). Individuals with high levels of religious involvement of yearning for the person who died. However, when the may have diminished rates of major depressive disorder death is accepted, and grief integrated, the person is again (661, 662). Differences in the utilization of psychiatric services by Complicated grief is a recently recognized syndrome in some cultural and ethnic groups have been well docu which symptoms of acute grief are prolonged, associated mented. Relative to Caucasians, African Americans and with intense and persistent yearning and longing for the Latinos appear less likely to receive treatment for mood deceased person, and complicated by guilty or angry ru disorders (663?665). It is important to note that treatment treatment for depression is initiated, African Americans are for depression is not effective in relieving symptoms of disproportionately more likely to receive pharmacother complicated grief (640). Bereave Cultures and ethnicities may differ in the degree to which ment-related depression responds to antidepressant psychiatric illness is stigmatized (675) and in the prefer medication and should be treated; otherwise it is likely to ences of individuals for treatment (676?678). There is no indica ple, studies have found that Hispanic individuals were tion that depression in the context of bereavement differs more likely to prefer counseling than whites, whereas Af from other major depressive episodes, and data indicate rican Americans varied across studies in their relative that chronicity of bereavement-related depression over preference for counseling rather than pharmacotherapy 13 months is similar to chronicity of depression in other (6, 679). In ad An appreciation of cultural and ethnic variables is impor dition, pharmacological factors may play a role in patient tant to the accurate diagnosis of major depressive disorder preferences and adherence, as ethnic groups may differ in and in the selection and conduct of psychotherapy and their relative rates of metabolism (682?684) and side ef pharmacotherapy (645?647). Although major depressive fects and response to antidepressant medications (685 disorder is seen across cultural and ethnic groups, and the 688). The combined prevalence of major depression, dysthymic Furthermore, some evidence suggests that patients of dif disorder, and ?minor depression in individuals over age Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Third Edition 67 60 years has been reported to be as high as 25%, and ma coexist, especially in elderly patients (696, 699).
In depends principally on the aneurysm diameter and these a simulation cohort model screening at 60 instead of 65 issues are discussed in Chapter 3 erectile dysfunction australian doctor discount 30gm himcolin visa. The size criteria for referral for patients have been set setting by an experienced sonographer valsartan causes erectile dysfunction generic 30 gm himcolin overnight delivery. Invitation to screening suprarenal aneurysms and thoraco-abdominal aneurysms from the general or family practitioner might be received should be referred to units specialising in the treatment of favourably erectile dysfunction exercise cheap 30gm himcolin visa. It should be noted that 85% of patients demonstrated the effect of a short pre-operative course of with a femoral artery aneurysm impotence at 50 generic himcolin 30 gm otc, and 62% of those with statins to improve cardiac morbidity and mortality within 30 days of vascular surgery erectile dysfunction treatment in uae order cheapest himcolin. These guidelines will not expand further on the evidence new erectile dysfunction drugs 2013 best himcolin 30gm, vastatin (80 mg daily for 30 days before surgery and or techniques, behind popliteal aneurysm repair. There is no evidence that b-blockade reduces either Patients with vascular disease should be started on low aneurysm expansion rate or rupture risk. These trials all used short duration (perioperative) treatment with metoprolol in a number of different patient groups. The full guidelines for the management of patients treated with metoprolol prior to surgery did not hypertension are outside the scope of these vascular have a lower rate of cardiac events or death in the peri surgical guidelines, but are published by national bodies. Robust referral pathways should exist for refractory b-blockers are recommended in patients with ischaemic hypertension. Level 3a, the normal range, a review by a renal physician for the Recommendation C. In exceptional principally because of the lower early mortality risk circumstance. For patients laparoscopic repair and robotic-assisted laparoscopic with aneurysms of 5. Intervention type advanced laparoscopic practice, and also due to the steep may be left to patient preference. Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms S15 Procedures should initially only be carried out under management in place to prevent expansion much earlier in supervision from someone experienced in laparoscopic the disease process. Symptomatic aneurysms may present with abdominal, back It is therefore advisable to perform imaging, additional pain or embolic events. Level 2, the management of these cases is through urgent surgical Recommendation A. Carbon dioxide arteriography is a non-nephrotoxic during surgery and continuing into the immediate post alternative, but the obtained images are frequently operative period. A review of the available in the detection of complications which are possibly missed literature shows that cell salvage techniques are not able to by unipolar angiography. Perioperative management In case of an expected large blood loss and if the risk of Antibiotics transfusion-related disease transmission is considered high, A single shot prophylactic treatment with systemic antibi the use of cell salvage and ultra? In addition the Because of the convincing handling characteristics, median length of stay on an intermediate care unit could be knitted Dacron is the material most commonly chosen. The shortened and the rate of post-operative medical compli need for preclotting can be avoided by using impregnated cations was signi? Although If the iliac arteries are unaffected (aneurysm formation development of incisional hernia is uncommon, a small trial or arterial occlusive disease) tube grafts should be used has indicated that transverse incisions has been reported to because of the shorter operative time and the reduced risk reduce the incidence of incisional hernias. For In the case of impaired sigmoid colon perfusion, partic instance, the presence of a hostile abdomen provides an ularly if the hypogastric arteries are diseased or excluded indication for the retroperitoneal approach, as does from the circulation, the inferior mesenteric artery needs Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms S19 to be reimplanted. In questionable cases, Doppler signals 258,259 Table 7 Perioperative complications following open from the bowel can assess bowel viability. Failure to accomplish this might cause arrythmia 3% a variety of problems such as erectile dysfunction, symp myocardial infarction 1. Johnston 8%, with selected centres of excellence reporting a 1% reports a much higher percentage of cardiac (15. Female gender, increased age and length of stay and total length of stay are also reduced. A worse outcome function (assessed by creatinine level) were strongly asso was observed in men than women, in patients with a history ciated with post-operative death. However, cardiac complication rate in this trial after open aortic aneurysm repair. N-acetyl-cysteine reduced acute Neck thrombus covering <50% of the proximal neck nephropathy with a relative risk of 0. All new Graft model choice devices carried a lower risk of migration, kinking, occlusion and secondary intervention, conversion. All in-hospital complications, reinterventions, stent and the presence or absence of an active method of conversions, and technical failure were signi? Approximately 15%e30% of all adult attempted; it ensures comparable outcomes to general patients have renal accessory arteries. Administrative failure, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, colon data also showed a reduction in the incidence of acute ischemia, etc). Surveil analysis of 45,000, propensity-score matched Medicare lance and aspirin are recommended in these cases. However substantial Ischemic limb complications may occur for limb occlusion or exposure to? The number of aneurysm ruptures dropped from aneurysm sac is considered at high risk of rupture due to the 18. The overall mortality rate of patients is still endograftandincreasedpressurisationoftheaneurysmsacis 373,377,378 extremely high with an approximately 80e90%. Colon ischaemia has been reported as occurring in as routine, the number of emergency surgeries has decreased 370 in recent years. If a patient with known aortic aneurysm is admitted to dovetail their acts, since vasodilation on induction will the hospital with signs of shock and symptoms that might be often lead to sudden hypotension with the need of rapid linked to an aneurysm rupture, further diagnostic does not bleeding control through the surgeon. Depending on the on the survival in case of abdominal aortic aneurysm hospital settings, emergency ultrasound scanning can be rupture. The authors saw that the majority of patients Perioperative mortality and morbidity (87. Surgery in case of aneurysm rupture operative resuscitation with at least 12 L predicted needs to be performed in general endotracheal anaes mortality. Measurement of the intra-abdominal imaging studies, placement of an aortic occlusion balloon, use pressure is recommended and in case of elevated levels of local anaesthesia and criteria for feasibility are some of the (>20 mm Hg) in combination with organ dysfunction most debated topics and they depend on the comfort level of decompressive surgery should immediately be performed. The wide range of feasibility quoted in the literature is a result of the different stent graft systems and Imaging anatomic criteria used. As an alternative, local many community settings decreases the feasibility of anaesthesia supplemented by sedation can be used. Experience has shown that systolic arterial comfort level of the surgeon and conditions of the patient. The cases, such as those with pararenal diseases and more higher rates of Type I endoleak support the use of more unstable patients, un? Presentations can be quite diverse including anastomotic aortic aneurysm of 10% at 10-year follow-up. There are no studies on the natural history of para common organism recovered from infected prosthetic grafts anastomotic aneurysms but because of the risk of followed by S. Redo surgery using a trans makes antibiotic prophylaxis recommended for patients peritoneal or a retroperitoneal approach can be chal with a prosthetic graft prior to endoscopy with biopsy and lenging, and stent grafting when anatomically possible is dental procedures. Although the duodenum was most frequently affected, all parts of small and large bowel have been implicated. Yet preferential use while sepsis and abscess formation may be more common of tube grafts or bifurcated grafts remains controversial. Critical issue: There is a need to search for functional Common iliac arteries with a pre-operative diameter! Level 2b, Recommendation B ted graft material with extra-anatomic reconstruction, particularly in the presence of extensive contamination, Graft infection but several recent advances prompted a reassessment of the reported incidence of prosthetic graft infection varies these principles. With these remarks in mind, the following observations Critical issue: There is a need to search for infection should be made. Level 2a, Recom restrict the use of this technique to stable patients with mendation B. Level 2b, In these series, the most advanced grafts infections, and Recommendation C. A large prospective multicentre study is needed to on the best medical treatment including statins (with con? Most group), but in terms of overall mortality this was cancelled frequently, they connect an in? Four types of endoleak (Table 9) have been rupture from a population-based and health economy described. Secondary distal recent techniques involve entering the aneurysm sac with Type I endoleak can also be in relation with the a microcatheter and embolisation of both the feeding and shrinkage of the aneurysm sac, creating upward forces draining vessels. Additional coils are also deployed within pulling the distal iliac limb into the aneurysm sac the sac itself to prevent recurrence. All In this case, consideration should be given to conversion these factors contribute to migration. Proximal neck angulation (>45) also seems to predis days after graft implantation. But most studies that investi Endotension: the term endotension was intended to gated neck dilatation are? Material fatigue was also noted more often in of the patient after endoleak embolisation with coils, glue patients with signi? In case of absence of endoleak does not confer immunity for all endotension, the sensor may assist in therapeutic manage aneurysm-related complication with a 10. But remote pressure sensing does not provide any aneurysm-related complication at 5-year. Technetium Tc99m sulphur colloid imaging anteroposterior and lateral projections at 30 days post was unable to demonstrate endoleaks with rapid or slow procedure. The aetiology is probably In some institutions, less than one stent component or multifactorial. Further research with new stentgrafts is needed manipulation; however, studies have failed to demonstrate to con? Utilities There is a need to study the effectiveness of pressure are usually used to estimate quality-adjusted life years. Consideration has been given to the merits of screening by the Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Clinical different subgroups. The timing of surgery for patients with symptom cost-effectiveness of aneurysm screening. The Branched and fenestrated endografts show promising results screening model chosen should be? Men should be screened with and need to be studied more extensively to improve future a single scan at 65 years old. Incidental pathology sensitivity of imaging modalities for diagnosing endoleaks, should be referred to the family practitioner. There remains some uncertainty about the with large aneurysms who require a custom-made endog management of small aneurysms in de? Statins should be a lower operative mortality for symptomatic cases than continued in the perioperative period, for an inde? A combi pressure serves as a negative predictive factor for the nation therapy from crystalloid and colloid solutions is most survival after open repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic commonly used. Measurement of the intra-abdominal pressure is devices might be recommended in case of an expected recommended and in case of elevated levels (>20 mm Hg) large blood loss and if the risk of disease transmission from in combination with organ dysfunction decompressive transfusion is considered high. Common iliac the placement of an aortic occlusive balloon during arteries with a pre-operative diameter! Clinical practice guidelines: directions of a new ulation-based study: the Tromso Study. Epidemiology of aortic disease: aneurysm, measures and clinical outcomes for patients hospitalized with dissection, occlusion. Ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms in 14 Collin J, Walton J, Araujo L, Lindsell D. Genetic approach to the role of cysteine proteases High levels of homocysteine, lipoprotein (a) and plasminogen in the expansion of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Br J Surg activator inhibitor-1 are present in patients with abdominal 2004;91:86e9. The incidence of Abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion: risk factors and time small abdominal aortic aneurysms and the change in normal intervals for surveillance. Expansion rates and outcomes for the umelastin-peptides as a predictor of expansion of small 3. Smoking, but not lipids, lipo expansion rate: effect of size and beta-adrenergic blockade. Effect of with and without coexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary beta-adrenergic blockade on the growth rate of abdominal disease. Is there of patients not treated surgically and treated with and without an association between chronic lung disease and abdominal statins. Selective screening for aneurysms: the impact of size, gender, and expansion rate. A population-based study of patients with randomised controlled trial of early elective surgery or ultra abdominal aortic aneurysm. Screening for Rupture rate of large abdominal aortic aneurysms: is this abdominal aortic aneurysm: a best-evidence systematic modi? Imple of abdominal aortic aneurysm based on three-dimensional mentation of an aortic screening program in clinical practice. Ruptured abdominal aortic of screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm screening in aneurysm in the Huntingdon district: a 10-year experience.
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