

David W. Chang, MD, FACS

  • Professor and Deputy Chair
  • Department of Plastic Surgery
  • MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Houston, Texas

The over-representation of females in the control group may also produce biased results as many exposures are influenced by gender rheumatoid arthritis holistic diet buy cheap celebrex. For example arthritis pain goes away cheap celebrex 200mg overnight delivery, females are less likely to be pesticides occupationally and are less likely to smoke than males arthritis diet milk cheap 200mg celebrex otc. These conflicting results may be indicative of the inherent variability in the measurement of the exposure Rural residency arthritis in back of thigh purchase celebrex 100mg on-line. As discussed in Chapter 2 rheumatoid arthritis tmj purchase celebrex toronto, previous case-control studies have provided mixed results for this exposure arthritis in lower back after surgery discount celebrex 100mg visa. Some of the variability in these results may be due to differences in particular study definitions of Rural residency. However, the same definition for Rural residency was used for this dataset and by McCann et al. Therefore, the recruitment of family and friend controls for this dataset is a likely contribu to r to the null result on this variable as cases and controls are likely to be overmatched on this exposure. This demonstrates a major disadvantage associated with recruitment of family members for a control group as they are not representative of the general population. While it may be argued that family members may be more representative of the unique cohort from which the case participants originated, this is not strictly true. As these were the sources of the study cases, family controls differing on these parameters would be ineligible as cases in the study. It is not possible to determine the overlap in the exposures Rural residency and Groundwater consumption in McCann et al. The reason for the null result in the current dataset is likely to be the same as that for the result for Rural residency as the two variables were highly correlated. This has important implications for measurement of environmental exposures, such as pesticides. Therefore, aggregation of minimal exposure with more extensive exposure may dilute any relationship that may be present with more intense exposure, in an exposure that has modest independent risk levels like this one. If the hospital controls were recruited from trauma sections of the hospital, they may have been more likely to have sustained a head injury than the general population. Falls, which are a common cause of head injury, are also more common in nursing home residents and hospitalised patients than the general community (Rubenstein and Josephson 2002). The main difference in methods between the two studies was the inclusion of hospital controls by McCann et al. Both of these sources of controls have major disadvantages which may affect the generalisability of the results. Some similarities in the results were observed for the two studies, but also a number of conflicting results were also evident. Both of these existing studies were characterised by non-random selection of participants, lack of information on the representativeness of the sample and rudimentary exposure measurement, the latter has not been assessed for validity or reliability. The comparison of these two studies informed the design of the following case control study in two ways. The difference between study results highlighted the importance of appropriate case and control participant selection and recruitment. This study was informed by the literature review and preceding secondary analysis. However, for practical reasons, a comprehensive study is not possible due to the data collection burden it would place upon the participants. Some other non-environmental fac to rs, such as sex, age, smoking 99 etc, were also included in the study design as these may be important confounding variables or effect modifiers of some environmental fac to rs. Consideration of genetic fac to rs was limited to family his to ry of certain neurological conditions. Two major limitations of the previous Australian studies were: (i) poor participant sampling methods and, (ii) the use of untested exposure assessment instruments. Each of the hypotheses are expressed in the direction of the expected relationship, however all calculations of statistical significance (and 95% confidence intervals) were based on two-tailed comparisons at the 5% type I error level. The measurement quality of 100 this exposure may be a potential source of variation between studies. Geographical differences in the nature of rural residency may also be a source of variation; however, the two previous Australian case-control studies produced conflicting results for this variable (see Chapter 3). Similar to rural residency, farming is a heterogeneous exposure likely to have geographical and type of farming variations in nature. There is also biological plausibility for such a relationship (described in Chapter 2). However, there is still substantial variation in effect size between results of existing studies, including the two previous Australian case-control studies. Pesticides are a heterogeneous group of chemicals and disagreement between studies may be due to lack of specificity concerning the types of pesticides the participants were exposed to . Exposure dose may also be an important fac to r, as suggested in Chapter 2, which has not been considered in many previous studies. These lifestyle exposures may be associated with all environmental exposures examined as certain behaviours including smoking and alcohol consumption are more common amongst certain occupations and amongst rural dwellers. These exposures were included in this study due to their potential impact upon the environmental exposures of interest, but also as a barometer of the appropriateness of the control group selection procedures. The absence of these well-established relationships in the data may indicate over matching between the case and control groups. Inverse relationships between consumption of tea, and alcohol have not been established as consistently in previous studies. Genetic polymorphisms associated with decreased de to xification or increased activation of to xic exposures may be inherited (see Chapter 2, section 2. Cases and controls were matched on the parameters of age, gender and current residential suburb. Age is likely to influence lifestyle exposures such as whether a participant ever drank coffee or smoked regularly. Residential suburb is associated with socioeconomic status, which is associated with occupation. References (a-g) within the diagram at key points are linked to the relevant description of the process in the following text. As diagnosis is based purely on clinical judgement, with confirmation requiring post-mortem examination, an accurate diagnosis is not assured even with examination by a neurologist. The percentage of patients in a given area who consult neurologists is likely to be dependent upon 108 fac to rs such as accessibility, which may be low for those in rural areas, and severity of disease. Therefore obtaining sufficient cases for a case-control study from the general population would be a lengthy and expensive process due to the number of people who would need to be approached and examined. Required sample sizes were calculated to detect 20%, 25% and 30% absolute differences between cases and controls with 90% power for the environmental exposures examined in that study (see Table 4. A 20-30% difference was chosen as a difference less than this was considered to be of little public health importance. Based on these figures, a to tal sample size of 260 (130 cases and 130 controls) was sufficient to detect a 20% difference for all exposures examined in the dataset analysed in Chapter 3, assuming similar prevalence would be obtained in this study. However, a size of 150 per group, adding a 15% contingency, was chosen to allow for the confounding that was anticipated and the consequent need to consider multivariable modelling. As such, a to tal sample size of 300 (150 cases and 150 controls) was aimed for in this study. This was also the upper limit of sample size logistically possible within the study timeframe and with the limited resources available for a PhD study. No information was available to estimate the correlation coefficient for exposure between matched cases and controls. Potential for misdiagnoses during life, while a common problem for clinical research in to any syndrome, is reduced by long-term follow-up which can produce high accuracy for clinical diagnosis, particularly by specialist clinicians (up to 98% accuracy) (Hughes et al. The previous Australian case-control studies have relied upon convenience samples. Firstly, less affluent cases are likely to be under-represented at a private clinic. The results obtained from a clinic-based case series would only be non-generalisable to the general population if there were aetiologically-relevant differences between cases who attend the clinic and cases who do not. Cases were restricted to those living in the general community, rather than in an institutional care facility, as those requiring this level of care were likely to have difficulty completing the data collection requirements. There is also potential for a lower response rate amongst an unhealthy population for a study not concerning their particular condition. Healthy partners of cases may represent a population free of disease and likely to be clinic-attendees. Neighbourhood controls can be a convenient substitute for population-based sampling, even when the study is not population-based or the source population cannot be enumerated (Rothman and Greenland 1998a), as in this case. The Australian Elec to ral Commission was able to provide residential and postal addresses and gender of voters in 2-year age bands, which was an adequate level of precision for this study as finer age-matching. The Australian Commonwealth Elec to ral roll was used as the source of controls for the study. Controls were required to be listed in the Telstra Whitepages Telephone Direc to ry, to facilitate a follow-up phone call as part of the recruitment process. Therefore, potential cases also needed to be listed in the Whitepages direc to ry to be eligible for recruitment and represent the same theoretical population catchment (. If the elec to ral roll surname and street address of the voter matched an entry in the Whitepages Direc to ry, the voter was sampled as a potential control (. It was noted that participation would be confirmed with a telephone call two weeks after they received the letter. The letter also invited participants to contact the clinic receptionist, or a member of the research team (the candidate) directly if they did not wish to receive the follow-up telephone call. Potential participants residing in the Brisbane area were offered the opportunity to be interviewed either at the private Neurology clinic, the Princess Alexandra Hospital, or at another venue of their choosing, such as their own home or workplace. Regional potential participants were offered the opportunity, depending on their travel plans, to be interviewed either at the private Neurology clinic, the Princess Alexandra Hospital, a particular retirement village in Bundaberg, or at another venue of their choosing, such as their own home or workplace. Potential case participants were classified in to residential zones and were recruited in groups according to the zone in which they resided. This procedure was chosen for economy as the interviewer would be able to reduce travel time for in-home interviews by organising interviews within the same geographical area on the same or consecutive days, thus reducing travel between interviews. Letters were posted in batches of approximately twenty to enable data collection to be performed close to the time of recruitment, typically within two weeks of confirming participation. Control participants were similarly recruited in groups 114 alternating with each group of case participants recruited. For each case participant successfully recruited, a control participant was selected by simple random sampling from the Australian Commonwealth Elec to ral Roll of the same sex, age (within 2 years) and residing in the same suburb as the case participant. A letter of invitation was sent from the candidate and supervisors followed by a telephone call, in a similar pro to col to that used for case participants. The follow-up telephone calls were made over a maximum of three weeks on different days of the week and different times of the day. The recruitment procedure was repeated until a suitable control participant was recruited up to a maximum of five potential controls for an individual case. This type of rolling recruitment resulted in most of the matched controls being interviewed close to the time of their corresponding case.

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When there is a question regarding labora to ry results www.arthritis in feet purchase 100mg celebrex fast delivery, it is important to discuss the situation with the labora to ry arthritis in neck massage safe 200 mg celebrex. These are mutations identifed within a gene associated with drug resistance that do not confer in vitro resistance arthritis pain back of head purchase celebrex cheap. For more discussion on silent mutations and causes for discordant results arthritis knee rain 200mg celebrex sale, see Chapter 3 arthritis in feet diagnosis generic celebrex 100 mg on line, Labora to ry arthritis rings buy discount celebrex online. It may take a team effort, with candid communica tion between the healthcare provider and labora to ry personnel, to fnd a solution. Empiric expansion of the drug regimen can be con sidered for patients who have not responded well to standard therapy, or who have exten sive disease or risk fac to rs for poor outcomes. On the other hand, when individual patient or public health risk is low, standard or current therapy can be continued. Discordant results Discordant test results can occur between different labora to ries. Experience over time has shown that the reproducibility for testing of these strains can be suboptimal. Discordant results may also be encountered when different methods for testing drug resistance are used. Testing for less common mutations is not routinely performed, and the mutations associated with resistance are unknown in 10-15% of remaining cases. Emerging evidence suggests ramifcations of that sequence-based testing may prove to be a better reference standard for determining resistance. However, the drug-resistant bacteria will have acquired mutations that confer drug resistance. Pseudo-outbreak of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with presumed labora to ry processing contamination. Reduction in turnaround time for labora to ry diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis by routine use of a nucleic acid amplification test. Mycobacterium tuberculosis specimen contamination revisited: the role of the labora to ry environmental control in a pseudo-outbreak. Antibacterial Agents and Susceptibility Test Methods: Susceptibil ity Test Methods: Mycobacteria, Nocardia and other Actinomycetes. Genes associated with drug resistance Molecular tests for drug resistance Microscopy, culture identification, and growth-based testing. Services and pro to cols may vary based on the setting where the specimen is collected. Mycobacterial Positive cultures: average of 2-3 When a culture takes 5-6 weeks to turn culture and weeks incubation. Expedited genotyping may be requested for investigation of outbreaks or cross-contamination. Additionally, clinicians and lab ora to ries may wish to work to gether on diagnostic algorithms. Nocardia, Rhodococcus, Legionella, Cryp to sporidium, Isospora, Cyclo spora, Actinomyces and Microsporidia may also show various degrees of acid-fastness. Valid reports may be generated between 5-21 days after inoculation of drug plates (24-well format). Some experts use these results to select a higher dose of the drug when it tests resistant at the lower concentration and susceptible at the higher concentration. The higher dose may achieve in vivo concentrations suffciently high to overcome resistance at the lower concentration. It is important for clinicians who are interpreting molecular tests of drug resistance to know the advantages and limitations of the tests. Genes associated with drug resistance Table 3 provides a summary of genes associated with drug resistance and the predomi nant mutations found in clinical isolates. Therefore, 100% sensitivity for detecting all drug resistance is not currently achievable. Table footnotes: * See Figure 4 for information on understanding reporting of mutations. See Table 4 for comparison of current molecular tests and more detail in the text that follows. Labora to ries may validate their own assays for testing specimens from nonrespira to ry specimens. Although the prevalence of this silent mutation has not been fully investigated, data from the California Department of Public Health show a frequency of 16. A resistant result involving Probe B might indicate a silent mutation (some resistance conferring mutations are also detectable by Probe B). For further information, see section: Diffculties interpreting results from molecular tests. It is advisable to repeat the test or to confirm by a sequence-based method, or to defer the interpretation to culture-based drug susceptibility testing results. Expert clinical and labora to ry consultation for patients with a disputed rpoB mutation may be helpful. Neutral mutations can be present in both drug susceptible and drug resistant strains. Results can be reported using various formats, abbreviations and numbering sys tems. Growth-based testing still plays an integral role in providing crucial additional information and testing drugs for which molecular tests are not yet available. Molecular tests on extrapulmonary specimens Molecular tests for drug resistance can also be performed on non-respira to ry specimens. It is advisable to provide some excess serum in case there are technical problems. To determine the extent and dynamics of ongoing transmission in order to focus program interventions in specifc areas and populations 2. A silent mutation in mabA confers isoniazid resis tance on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Even under the best circumstances, successful treatment outcomes can be difficult to achieve compared to drug-susceptible disease. Ideally, written communication will be shared for clarity of recommendations after the dis cussion. Where new drugs fall within these systems has not been considering treatment determined. Kanamycin, prothionamide, terizidone, and delamanid: Not currently available in the United States 3. When extensive disease or resistance is suspected, do not limit the empiric regimen to just 6 drugs. Individualized treatment regimens Once drug resistance has been documented, the following individualized treatment regi mens are recommended: Mono-resistant Mycobacterium (M. Any number of combina tions of resistance can occur, but the outcome of treatment is usually good. Four drugs may be suffcient in some cases with limited disease and/or limited extent of resistance. The period of treatment after the injectable agent is removed is referred to as the continuation phase. Some experts would use shorter treat ment durations in patients with minimal radiographic disease, low bacillary burden, and children. As newer and more effective drugs become available, the strength of the regi men and treatment response may be the most important fac to rs in determining treatment duration. Due to extensive disease, only half of the patients completed treatment within 9 months but 95% did so within 12 months. Despite this, most experts recommend that frst-line drugs with documented susceptibility be included in the treatment regimen. Cross-resistance for anti-tuberculosis drugs Drug Cross-Resistance Comments Isoniazid Ethionamide Cross-resistance to ethionamide is very common (up to 70%) when there is low-level resistance to isoniazid due to a mutation in inhA or the promoter region. Rifampin Rifamycins Cross-resistance among the rifamycin class of drugs is typical. However, there are some kanamycin mutations (eis) that do not cause amikacin resistance. However, data suggest that moxifloxacin may continue to demonstrate some activity despite in vitro resistance to ofloxacin. Clofazimine Bedaquiline Cross-resistance has been demonstrated in both directions through efflux-based resistance. Ultimately, the safest and most effective drugs effective drugs to complete the treatment regimen should be chosen. It is important to to complete the recognize that some drugs, such as the aminoglycoside/polypeptide anti microbials, should be s to pped prior to completion of therapy. In patients with extensive or cavitary disease, a longer duration for the injectable agent may be considered, as well as an additional oral drug. Consider extended on the anti-tuberculosis use of an injectable agent for at least 12 months if to lerated. If the injectable agent is a key component necessary for an effective regimen, duration should be at least 12 months (or potentially longer if to lerated). Include an injectable drug if there is 1 available to which the isolate is susceptible. There have been no clinical trials comparing the effectiveness of the different injectables. Cross-resistance among injectables Resistance to the aminoglycosides and polypeptides is most commonly conferred through a mutation in the rrs gene. Several recent studies have evaluated the signifcance of this retained susceptibility. Despite the limited activity in these settings, there are case reports, observational reports, and two randomized studies that suggest excellent activity in humans, although the drug is associated with a high frequency of adverse events. A 300 mg dose was associated with a lower rate of adverse reactions, but there was a trend to wards acquired resistance at the lower dose. Use with caution in patients with pre-exist ing depression or other mental health issues. In November 2004, the manufacturer, Novartis, discontinued drug distribution in the United States. However, the combination of amoxicillin plus a fi-lactamase inhibi to r was shown to be active in vitro against M. Resis tance to katG results in inhibition of catalase activity and the development of high-level resistance (resistance at 1. No common cause for the excess mortality was identifed, but follow-up observational studies have not reported a high mortality rate. Beginning with a low dose and gradually increasing the dose leads to greater to lerability and allows the clinician time to manage drug-related adverse effects. They can indicate if the patient has lower than expected drug exposure for a given dose of a given drug, and that problem is readily correctable with concen tration-guided dose escalation. Maximum concentration (Cmax) and half-life (t1/2): Two concentrations separated by several hours (usually 4 hours) can be used by a pharmacist to calculate a maximum concentration (Cmax) and a half-life (t1/2). Calculation of Cmax and t1/2 is not appropriate when 6-hour values are higher than 2-hour values. Patients who had surgical resection were twice as likely to have a favorable outcome as those who received chemotherapy alone and they were less likely to die. Two systematic reviews including 36 observational studies reported pooled treatment success rates of 62% (range: 36% to 79%). Multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treatment regimens and patient outcomes: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 9,153 patients. Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of isoni azid mono-resistant tuberculosis. Linezolid for the treatment of complicated drug-resistant tuberculosis: a systematic re view and meta-analysis. In vitro activity of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Meropenem/clavulanate and linezolid treatment for extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. The impact of isoniazid resistance on the treatment outcomes of smear positive re-treatment tuberculosis patients in the state of Andrah Pradesh, India.

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This knowledge may lead to a decision to postpone surgical repair, or to construct a shunt if the infant is symp to matic. The hypertrophic pulmonary infundiblar muscle is cut away and a pulmonary valvo to my is performed if needed. If the pulmonary artery is small, a patch is placed across the right ventricular outflow tract. There is no ana to mic connection between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, and complete obliteration of the distal portion of the right ventricular pulmonary outflow tract. The complexity of this lesion is dependent on the ana to my of the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary blood flow is completely dependent on either a patent ductus arteriosus and/or aor to pulmonary collateral circulation. Surgery Palliative If the pulmonary arteries are extremely small, a modified Blalock Taussig Shunt is performed to provide a reliable source of pulmonary blood flow until the infant grows and a corrective operation can be performed. Blood flow to all bronchopulmonary segments is supplied solely by the major aor to plumonary collaterals. Details on size, number, course, origin, hemodynamics and morphologic characteristics, need to be mapped out for the surgeon. Significant effort is directed to ward identifying the native pulmonary arteries which can range from normal size to complete absence. If diagnosis is made in the neonatal period, timing of surgery is between 3-6 months. The surgical goal is to reconstruct the pulmonary arteries and separate the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Surgery the type of surgical procedure depends on the specific individual ana to my. The overall goal of surgery is to perform a single stage complete repair, although this is not always possible. Tissue to tissue anas to mosis is done via side to side, end to end, or end to side suturing. To decrease the adverse effects of prolonged bypass time, as many collaterals as possible are unifocalized prior to bypass. The pulse ox decreases as each collateral is taken off, thus the patient is placed on bypass. Important concepts to assure a successful outcome include, aggressive mobilization of the collaterals, maximizing the length of the collaterals and flexibility regarding creative rerouting and reconstruction. The first surgery is via a thoraco to my incision and without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. After three to six months, the patient is recatheterized and reevaluated for the next stage. The second surgery is via a thoraco to my incision and without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. Pos to p Pos to perative management following the unifocalization procedure is dependent on the patients individual ana to my, the type of surgical approach and subsequent length of cardiopulmonary bypass. The right and left pulmonary arteries may be of normal size, or they may be extremely small. Physiology Systemic venous blood that enters the right heart quickly fills the right ventricle but has no outflow path. If flow is not adequate, a Rashkind ballon sep to s to my may be performed to enable better blood flow from the right to the left atrium. Correction and maintenance of acid-base balance, maintenance of adequate oxygenation and hemodynamic stabilization is essential. Cardiac catheterization may be needed to establish abnormalities in coronary circulation and presence of a fistula. Surgery Palliative: the surgical procedure depends on specific ana to mic variations. In the newborn period, the goal of surgery is to provide a reliable source of pulmonary blood flow. The right ventricle is not normal, and the tricuspid valve is often hypoplastic, therefore a normal cardiac output cannot be delivered and a shunt is necessary to provide adequate pulmonary blood flow. Corrective: If the right ventricle, and right and left pulmonary arteries are of adequate size, to tal correction can be performed. A transannular patch or conduit is inserted between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. Pos to p Careful assessment for symp to ms of hypoxemia and decreased pulmonary blood flow after palliation is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the shunt and/or valvo to my. Tricuspid atresia is often associated with some degree of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. This results in complete mixing of desaturated systemic venous blood and fully saturated pulmonary venous blood at the atrial level, which is then ejected by the left ventricle. A balloon atrial sep to s to my may be needed to maintain flow across the atrial septum. Surgery the definitive procedure for patients with tricuspid atresia is to achieve a successful Fontan operation. Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt: this joins the subclavian artery to the right pulmonary artery (systemic to pulmonary shunt). Fontan: this joins the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary artery via a homograft conduit. Pos to p the goal of post-operative care is to maintain the balance between systemic and pulmonary circulations. Most commonly they lie side by side in the same plane, and the aortic and pulmonary valves lie at the same level. It is important to understand the patients individual ana to my in order to understand the physiology. One or two patches may be used to enlarge the right ventricular outflow tract, minimizing residual pulmonic stenosis. Pos to p Depends on the specific ana to my, physiology, surgical procedure and if a single or biventricular repair was done. The coarctation may occur as a single lesion, as a result of improper development of the involved area of the aorta, or as a result of constriction of that portion of the aorta when the ductus arteriosus constricts. Physiology Aortic narrowing increases resistance to flow from the proximal to the distal aorta. As a result, pressure in the aorta proximal to the narrowing is increased and pressure in the aorta distal to the narrowing is decreased. Collateral circulation can develop in older children and adults to maintain adequate flow in to the distal descending aorta. Preop Neonates and infants may present in shock when the ductus arteriosus closes. A median sterno to my incision is utilized when repaired along with associated defects. The narrowed segment is excised and the distal segment of the aorta is usually anas to mosed to the side of the aortic arch. Pos to p Pos to perative management is aimed at controlling hypertension (more common in older children), to prevent undue stress and bleeding to the suture line. Control of pos to p pain and agitation are also important in maintaining an appropriate blood pressure. A thorough assessment of lower extremity movement to rule out spinal cord ischemia following aortic cross clamp should be performed. Residual coarctation is pos to peratively evaluated via right arm and lower extremity blood pressures (gradient >20mmHg may be significant). The interruption occurs just distal to the left subclavian artery (the isthmus of the arch). Type B: the aorta is interrupted between the left carotid and the left subclavian artery, as a result the left subclavian artery arises from the descending aortic segment. Type C: the aorta is divided between the innominate and the left carotid arteries. A difference in blood pressure between upper and lower extremities helps identify this defect. Surgery A single stage neonatal complete repair is done via a median sterno to my incision, cardiopulmonary bypass, and circula to ry arrest. The two separate portions of the aortic arch are reconstructed with or without patch augmentation in an end- to -side fashion. Pos to p Pos to perative issues include low cardiac output related to myocardial dysfunction, and cerebral ischemia related to circula to ry arrest. Closely moni to r for bleeding related to extensive suture lines and fragile aortic tissue. Risk or damage to the left recurrent laryngeal and phrenic nerves is + possible (watch for respira to ry failure following extubation). Infants may require Ca supplement in the pos to perative period secondary to Di George Syndrome. Subaortic: Caused by the formation of a fibrous ring with a narrowed central orifice below the aortic valve. It may be discrete or diffuse and in infants is seen as a component of a more complex lesion. Supravalvar: Caused by a fibromembranous narrowing of the aorta above the aortic valve and coronary arteries. Physiology Whenever there is obstruction to the left ventricular outflow tract, the left ventricle will generate greater pressure to maintain flow beyond the area of resistance. As a result, left ventricular hypertension that is proportional to the degree of aortic obstruction develops, and systemic cardiac output may be compromised. It is important to note, aortic stenosis is a progressive disease that requires serial evaluation. Surgery the treatment for each form of aortic stenosis is somewhat different and depend on the severity of the obstruction, ana to my of the aortic valve and age of patient. The goal of surgical intervention is relief of the aortic obstruction without creating a compromising degree of aortic insufficiency. If extensive narrowing is present, the aorta will be enlarged with a patch to increase the aortic diameter. Pos to p Pos to perative issues include persistentstenosis, restenosis of the aortic lumen and insufficiency of the aortic valve. Aortic insufficiency is most often evidenced as the child matures, and valve replacement may be required. When extensive muscle is removed from the left ventricular outflow tract, left ventricular dysfunction and failure can develop. The right ventricle is dilated and hypertrophied, and an atrial septal defect is present. Physiology Because of its small size, the left ventricle is incapable of supporting the systemic circulation. Survival beyond birth is dependent on persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus to maintain systemic circulation. Treatment options include reconstructive surgery (Norwood procedure), heart transplantation or comfort care. Reconstructive surgery is aimed at converting the cardiac ana to my from that of hypoplastic left heart syndrome to Fontan physiology. Fontan: the goal of the Fontan is to complete systemic and pulmonary venous blood separation, and divert more systemic venous blood flow directly in to the pulmonary circulation ( to reduce the workload of the right ventricle). The tricuspid valve leaflets do not attach normally to the tricuspid valve annulus. The leaflets are dysplastic and the septal and posterior leaflets are downwardly displaced, adhering to the right ventricular septum.

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If the person seems confused at first, the confusion the baby will be slippery; use a clean to wel to receive may be the result of impaired vision or hearing. If the person is truly confused, try to bathroom (most women want to use the restroom). Since 1900, life expectancy in the United States has increased by over 60 percent. In 1900, for example, the average life expectancy was 46 years for men and 48 years for women. Be sure to get as much information Falls in older adults are due to slower refiexes, failing as possible from family members or bystanders. Remember that an older in fractures because the bones become weaker and more person may need to move slowly. An elderly person also of the brain within the skull, which can increase the may minimize any signals for fear of losing his or her likelihood of serious head injury. Therefore, unless you know the cause of a Common Injuries and Illnesses behavior change, you should always suspect a head injury in Older Adults as a possible cause of unusual behavior in an elderly Certain problems are more prevalent in older adults, person. This is especially true if you know that the person such as specific kinds of injury and illness. Problems with Heat and Cold Confusion An elderly person is more susceptible to extremes in temperature. The person may be unable to feel Older adults are at increased risk of altered thinking temperature extremes because his or her body may no patterns and confusion. Confusion that comes on the body of an elderly person retains heat because of a suddenly, however, may be the result of medication, even decreased ability to sweat and the reduced ability of the a medication the person has been taking regularly. This can lead to heat injured or ill person who has problems seeing or hearing exhaustion or heat stroke. This An elderly person may become chilled and suffer problem increases when the person is in an unfamiliar hypothermia simply by sitting in a draft or in front environment. People can go on for several days elderly person with pneumonia, for example, may not suffering from mild hypothermia without realizing it. An elderly person having a heart attack may not have chest pain, Giving Care for a Heat-Related Illness pale or ashen skin or other classic signals but may be See Chapter 6 for information about caring for restless, short of breath and confused. A person Giving Care for a Cold-Related Emergency suffering from depression also may show signals that See Chapter 6 for information about caring for have no apparent cause, such as sudden shortness of cold-related emergencies. Whatever the reason for any the confusion, be respectful and do not talk down to or treat him or her like a child. In fact, or mental impairment that substantially limits one falls are the leading cause of death from injury for or more major life activities such as walking, talking, older adults. When giving care to people with Deaf and Hard of Hearing disabilities, communication can be a challenge. It may Hearing loss is defined as a partial or to tal loss of be difficult to find out what has happened and what hearing. Hearing loss also can result from an injury or illness affecting the ear, the nerves leading from the brain to the Physical Disability ear or the brain itself. You may not immediately realize A person is considered to have a physical disability if that the injured or ill person has a hearing loss. Often his or her ability to move (also called mo to r function) the person will tell you, either in speech or by pointing is impaired. Some people carry a physically disability if his or her sensory function is card stating that they have a hearing loss. A person with the biggest obstacle you must overcome in caring for a a physical disability may have impairments in mo to r person with a hearing loss is communication. Look straight at Ask for assistance and information from the person the person while you speak, and speak slowly. Many people with a hearing able to communicate with the person, ask family impairment, however, do not read lips. In these cases, members, friends or companions who are available using gestures and writing messages on paper may be to help. If you have trouble understanding, ask the impairment, approach him or her as you would any person to repeat what he or she said. An injury or a sudden illness can be disruptive to some individuals who have a cognitive Vision loss is a partial or to tal loss of sight. Vision loss impairment, causing them a great deal of anxiety and can have many causes. If a parent, guardian or caregiver is It can result from problems with the vision centers in present, ask that person to help you give care to the the brain. It is no more difficult to communicate verbally with a People with certain types of mental illness might person who has a partial or to tal loss of sight than with misinterpret your actions as being hostile. You do not need to speak loudly scene becomes unsafe, you may need to remove or in overly simple terms. Call 9-1-1 or the tell you certain things about how an injury occurred but local emergency number and explain your concerns usually can give an accurate account based on his or her about a potential psychiatric emergency. Report this information to the emergency reassure him or her by explaining what is going on responders. If you must move a visually impaired person who can walk, stand beside the person and have him or her hold on to your arm. If the person is in pain, he or she probably will be anxious to show you where Mo to r Impairment the pain is located. When you speak to the person, A person with mo to r impairment is unable to move speak slowly and in a normal to ne. Causes of mo to r impairment could When you call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number, include stroke, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, explain that you are having difficulty communicating paralysis, cerebral palsy or loss of a limb. Care for all problems you detect as if they condition, such as severe bleeding, consent is are new. Some types of mental impairment are In certain situations, such as a giving care to a person genetic. Others result from injuries or infections that in a crime scene or an injured person who is hostile, you occur during pregnancy, shortly after birth or later in will need to use extreme caution. Do not argue remain calm and explain what you plan to do in giving with the person. If possible, find a way that family members can help, such as by comforting the person. Leave or avoid entering any area considered to be a crime scene, such as one where there is a weapon, or the scene of a physical or sexual assault. It is important to be aware of the special needs You may encounter a situation where there is a hostile or and considerations of children and infants, older angry person. Hostile circumstances, you could find yourself in a position to behavior also may result from the use of alcohol or give help in an emergency childbirth or help an older other drugs, a lack of oxygen or a medical condition. Knowing what to If a person refuses your care or threatens you, remove do in these types of situations will help you to act calmly yourself from the situation and stay at a safe distance. Interacting and communicating Never argue with or restrain an injured or ill person. Call with all types of people in many different situations 9-1-1 or the local emergency number if someone has not will enable you to respond quickly and effectively in already done so. Nor should these instructions be substituted for directions given by a medical professional in consultation with a site where asthma medication will be administered. Consult a health care professional for specific advice on the use of asthma inhalers and nebulizers. As a first aid responder, there is a good chance that you could be Aasked to help a person with a breathing emergency caused by asthma. In this chapter, you will read about how to identify the signals of an asthma attack. This chapter also covers how to give care to a person having an asthma attack, which includes helping the person to use an inhaler to administer quick-relief medications. Triggers of an asthma attack include exercise, You can reduce the chances of triggering an asthma cold air, allergens or irritants, such as perfume. Asthma is more common in children Using hypoallergenic covers on mattresses and and young adults. Asthma Eliminating or reducing the number of carpets and is the third-ranking cause of hospitalization among rugs. Asthma medications s to p Regularly changing the air filter in the central air the muscle spasm and open the airway, which makes conditioning or heating unit. A trigger is anything that sets off or starts an asthma Keeping pets outside of the house. Asthma triggers include Controlling Emotions the following: Certain strong emotions can trigger an asthma attack. One of the most common ways these are only a few of the things that can trigger to catch colds is by rubbing the nose or eyes with hands asthma in people. Contamination often occurs by to uching surfaces (such as doorknobs) or Preventing Asthma Attacks objects that other people have to uched. A person can follow these Some ways to reduce the chances of getting a cold or preventative measures to reduce his or her risk of an other respira to ry infection include: attack: Washing hands regularly, especially after using the Limit triggers in the home. Long-Term Control Medications Disinfecting them regularly can help to prevent the Long-term control medications prevent or spread of colds and viruses. They Your health care provider might have other suggestions help to control asthma over many hours. Reducing Environmental Triggers Sudden changes in the weather, heavy mold or pollen content in the air and pollution can trigger an asthma Quick-Relief Medications attack. To avoid attacks brought on by triggers in Quick-relief or rescue medications are used to s to p the environment: an asthma attack. This allows the person Stay indoors on days when there is a high risk of to breathe easier. Methods of Delivery Stay away from places with high amounts of dirt, the most common way to take long-term control and smoke and other irritants. Inhalation allows the medication to reach the airways Talk to your health care provider about other faster and work quickly. Things to keep in mind are available in the form of an injection given just under when you have exercise-induced asthma include the skin. Using Medications to Control Asthma People who have been diagnosed with asthma will have a personalized medication plan. The medicine goes in to the spacer and then the person inhales the medication through the mouthpiece on the spacer. This is especially helpful when the person is unable to What to Do Until Help Arrives take deep breaths. This will help the person to remain children younger than 5 years and the elderly. Help the person to are used for people who have trouble using inhalers and sit comfortably (Fig. Assist the person with his or her prescribed quick-relief medication if requested and if permitted by state or local regulations. This sound, known as wheezing, occurs Asthma is a life-long lung disease that affects because air becomes trapped in the lungs. It is important to be prepared to help people with breathing emergencies caused by asthma. Your care could help to save the life of a person Feelings of fear or confusion. Read and follow all instructions printed on the inhaler prior to administering the medication to the person. Nor should these instructions be substituted for directions given by a medical professional in consultation with a site where epinephrine au to -injec to rs will be used. Consult a health care professional for specific advice on the use of epinephrine au to -injec to rs. It is a life-threatening emergency that must be Arecognized and cared for immediately.

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