

Marcel E. Durieux, MD, PhD

  • Professor
  • Departments of Anesthesiology and Neurological Surgery
  • University of Virginia
  • Charlottesville, Virginia

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Auscultation is performed by Retropharyngeal lymph-node abscessation parting the eece with the ngers and applying this causes a progressively worsening upper air the stethoscope to the chest wall. In healthy felt by external deep palpation, or delineated sheep, further examination after a rest period of by ultrasonography or radiography. Endoscopic ex 5 minutes usually reveals that the lung sounds have amination of the pharynx and larynx may reveal the returned to normal. Chronic respiratory conditions adult sheep the nasal passages, pharynx and larynx in sheep include maedi, jaagsiekte, lungworms and the can be inspected in the sedated animal using a stan visceral form of caseous lymphadenitis. Endoscopic examination sheep, and examination is made by using the same can conrm the diagnosis. Bloat is less common in small ruminants than in cattle, and abomasal disorders are rarely diagnosed Abdomen except in lambs. Ballottement may indicate the presence of Ruminal function is best assessed by auscultation large amounts of uid in the abdomen. Auscultation directly over the amined through the ank by ultrasound, allowing left sublumbar fossa may not always, for this reason, assessment of intestinal content and function, the immediately reveal evidence of ruminal movement. Rectal examinationin sheep is limited to digital tion of movement in the dorsal sac. One person restrains the sheep in the stand pyelonephritis is present, the sample may contain ing position and temporarily closes off the nostrils. Alternatively, the urethra Potassium, creatinine and phosphorous may also can be catheterised using a dog catheter with the be useful prognostic indicators. Prolapse of intestines Penis and prepuce through the inguinal ring can occur following open Examination of the penis and prepuce may form castration. Painful, enlarged and hard testicles are found downwards at the same time and the penis is in orchitis. If a ram has been vasectomised, scars in the should always be examined to ensure there are no obstruc skin of the scrotal neck can usually be found. The end of the 234 Clinical Examination of the Sheep penis is carefully checked to ensure that the urethral process is free, intact and patent. The preputial opening should be routinely examined for the presence of ulcerative posthitis or pizzle rot. Inammation as sociated with this condition may cause occlusion of the preputial opening. Visual inspection of the mammary glands may reveal abnormalities of the suspensory apparatus, abnormal swellings and discolouration of the skin. The Palpation of the udder will identify oedema, inam infection readily spreads to the mouths of lambs. Udder pain and swelling may initially cause a Visual inspection of the vulva during pregnancy may stiff gait or lameness. Prolapse of the subcutaneous oedema just anterior to the udder have intestines through a ruptured dorsal vaginal wall a particularly poor prognosis. Vaginal discharges are observed may involve the teat on the affected side, and exten postpartum. Visualisation may be assisted by the use of a pen Conditions of the foot causing lameness are common torch and a small speculum. All infected or compromised horn is and non-infectious conditions affecting the nervous carefully pared away and further inspection is made and musculoskeletal systems. Identication of the affected limb(s) may be facilitated the interdigital area is inspected from above and by observing the weight bearing while standing and below for signs of interdigital growths, integrity of at the walk. Soft tissue swelling with or Gentle manipulation may reveal abnormal move without purulent discharge may indicate an abscess. Stethoscope auscultation Swellings and eruptions at the coronary band or the can assist in revealing this. If the coronet should be visually inspected, palpated these vesicles have burst, a ragged-edged erosion is 236 Clinical Examination of the Sheep Scald Foot rot Soil balling Interdigital White line fibroma abscess Puncture Shelly wounds hoof Figure 15. If white muscle disease is pain on manipulation may indicate a septic arthritis suspected, a blood sample can be checked for creati of the proximal or distal interphalangeal joints; radi nine phosphokinase, and a urine sample for myoglo ography is useful in locating the site and providing binuria. The condition can be conrmed by the analysis tions treatment of the individual is of limited value, of joint uid obtained by arthrocentesis. Erysipelas but a rapid and accurate diagnosis is essential to im infection can occur in lambs and adult sheep, and plement appropriate ock treatment control and pre causes some joint swelling and thickening of the vention. Amore detailed joint effusion, but this is often less than in cases of description for cattle is given in Chapter 14. The Exaggerated attentiveness may be caused by hyper pupils should be checked for symmetry. Hemiwalking and wheelbarrow tests are less easy to Physical examination of theconformation of the head interpret due to submission. In scrapie and Psoroptes ovis infection, rubbing of the back, particularly near the base of the tail, results Post-mortem examination in the nibbling reex. If rubbing is continued, some animals may collapse into a trance-like stupor with Where a number of animals are affected a post mild epileptiform ts before recovering. Rotheras tablets or urine Cerebrospinal uid samples dipstick patches can be used to detect ketones in these can be obtained from the cisterna magna urine, milk or saliva samples, and conrm a diagno through the atlanto-occipital space under deep seda sis of ketosis: urine samples are the most sensitive. Watery mouth Examination of lambs usually occurs from 5 to 36 hours after birth, and lamb dysentery is usually seen in lambs aged 36 History hours and above. Previous prob condition known as redfoot is only seen in the lems on the farm may be related to the present prob Scottish Blackface breed and crosses. Conditions such as swayback caused by copper deciency, entropion or coccidiosis may be recurrent Observations problems. Lack of protocols for navel in dorsiexion may indicate congenital cerebellar dressing may be related to an increase in the inci atrophy of daft lamb disease. The masal bloat may be observed in lambs reared on ad lamb may have been weak since birth, and there may libitum milk units. Meningeal haemorrhages and fractured limbs a dangling leg may have a bone fracture. Poor management, housing and Coughing in intensive nishing systems may the lack of experience of employees at lambing time indicate a mycoplasmal pneumonia. Obstructive may contribute towards a high prevalence of hypo urolithiasis in fat lambs being intensively reared may glycaemia and hypothermia. The affected animals will be the second half of pregnancy, results in reduced depressed and anorexic, and may have diarrhoea. Inappetence may be present Uraemia is also a feature of nephrosis in lambs aged in a variety of painful conditions. Growing onset of hypothermia and/or hypoglycaemia usu lambs affected by louping ill may show a wide range ally occurs during the rst 24 hours of life. This may of neurological signs including an abnormal bound 242 Clinical Examination of the Sheep ing gait. Several lambs with hind-leg ataxia that are Temperature, heart rate, respiration and unable to keep up with their ewes when gently mucous membranes driven, may have swayback caused by copper de Temperature Hypothermia is a common condition ciency in the ewe; however, if only one individual is that can be fatal without treatment. This may progress to generalised tetanic can result in hyperthermia with fatal conse spasms with hyperaesthesia. Physical examination Heart rate and respiration the heart rate of a nor Lambs can be lifted onto a table or held under the arm mal lamb is 80 to 100 beats per minute and the res by an assistant for examination. Pale tion which may be unilateral or bilateral; keratitis, membranes may indicate anaemia or shock. A steely appearance and loss of normal seen in cobalt deciency, in addition to poor growth wool crimpcan occur with copper deciency. In dehydration the skin remains elevated for more Excessive saliva around the mouth may indicate the than 5 seconds. Head Protective gloves are advisable to guard against this Palpation of the skull may reveal crepitus associated painful zoonosis. The mouth is opened Nictitating membrane drawn across the eye Keratitis Granulation tissue Inturning of Tear lower eyelid staining (no eyelashes visible) Figure 15. The infection may extend Fractured ribs may be a cause of abnormal breathing internally, affecting the congenital umbilical struc rhythm due to pain; palpation and radiography (if tures and liver. This septic focus may also give rise to justiable) can be used to conrm the diagnosis. Limbs the feet, joints and bones of all four legs should be sys Abdomen tematically examined by manipulation and palpation. In a sick lamb with abdominal dis tension, auscultation with palpation or ballottement may Feet the condition and integrity of the horn of the indicate uid and gas in a static abomasum. The skin Each bone should be palpated, and if a fracture sus over the enlarged joint capsule is aseptically pre pected the site should be gently manipulated to pared and a sample of joint uid obtained using check for crepitus. The gross appearance on manipulation may increase the chances of auscul of the sample may conrm a diagnosis of suppura tating crepitus. Radiology, if economically justied, tive arthritis; if not, cytology may be helpful. Streptococcus dysgalactiae, imbalance of phosphorous and calcium may result in Escherichia coli, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and, in osteodystrophy, causing deformities such as an in tick areas, Staphylococcus aureus, are common causes. Hind-leg paralysis may result from spinal trauma or a spinal Joint ill this is a relatively common condition in abscess. Alternatively, samples may be tested sufficient length of tail is retained in female lambs to conrm or rule out a tentative diagnosis such as intended for breeding. The association between in which sampling may be required for estimation diarrhoea, endoparasitism and y-strike should be con of blood glucose, the jugular vein is readily raised sidered with lambs at grass, and the skin around the tail under the short eece by digital pressure. With lamb dysen Electron microscopy can be used to conrm a diag tery the lamb is severely ill and the faeces are bloody. In older lambs with watery dysenteric faeces, coccidiosis Faecal samples from a representative group of ani should be considered. The possibility of a ruptured bladder mals can be screened for rotavirus, Escherichia coli, and/or nephrosis should be considered when presented Clostridium perfringens Type B, endoparasites and with a depressed (male) lamb with diarrhoea. The difficulties of examin As in other species, diagnosis of disease in pigs is ing pigs can be largely overcome by using a quiet and based on an assessment of the following: gentle approach. Examination of the and breeding boars are potentially aggressive and records is an important part of a routine visit. Disease problems in pigs often have a sudden and (2) If purchased, how long have they been on the spectacular onset. Is anything known been found dead, others are showing varying de about the disease status of the farm of origin The clinician should ensure that all necessary equip (5) Has there been a recent change in diet This is easily identied if set feeding times are used, and is less easily Past history detected in ad libitum systems. The past history of the unit may be known to the (7) Has this group of pigs had any previous clinician. The breed (8) Have the pigs been treated before by the prac and type of pigs kept will be known as will the type of tice or by the farmer If the long-term history is not known, much infor mation can be quickly obtained by observation and questioning the owner or stockperson. An intense smell of ammo Floors should be checked for sharp corners nia indicates damp conditions including inade and other hazards which can cause foot or quate bedding, poor drainage and ventilation. Draught juries are detected during either observation may indicate excessive air movement. Pigs on a twice daily feed stockperson to be able to see and inspect all the ing regime should empty their trough within 10 pigs at any time. If an automatic feed be indicative of poor bedding management or ing system is used, is there any evidence that it is overcrowding. Are there Pigs naturally spend much of their time sleeping, any sharp projections on feeders which might and it is not unusual, especially in younger animals, cause injury to the pigs Is the eld free from old bricks and other sounds as if they are clearing their throats.

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Eyes A penlight or small flashlight should always be used to look at and into the eyes. When a light is shined into it, the pupil should close down to make a smaller opening. Cows that do not have the pupil close with light are hypocalcemic or low in blood calcium. Cows in a dark area that have small pupils when you shine the light in them are generally toxic from mastitis, metritis, peritonitis or some other severe infection. Unfortunately, you have to be born with the right genes to be able to smell the ketone compounds. Place the stethoscope over the front of the face or over the throat to try and locate the source of the sound. For inquiries regarding Sherrie Webb Serge Messier membership or subscriptions, please contact Associate Editor, webb@aasv. However, information Phil Gauger Jerry Torrison on medications, feed, and management Iowa, pcgauger@iastate. Oral which 53 were vesicular cases according to fuid assays have not yet been validated. In Minnesota, there are the most signifcant animal health event glass is half full. It was eliminated over 13 months to prepare, control, contain, and eliminate diagnosis. The 40 comfortable and that they belong club for almost a decade, I had never actually or so people in that room had been getting regardless of their experience. But this together once a year for many of the last 45 year, the conference was being held in Estes years. How the entire meeting, someone new would ing to answer their questions and ofer your would I interject myself into a group I had come up and introduce themselves and strike expertise. I entered the meeting a scholarship, maintain access to various ing were just the reasons they came together, room and rounded the corner. T ere, I resources, support a website, and conduct not the reason they liked being together. All of this is ered around the registration table, which While photography was a common thread thanks to the hard work of a dedicated also served as the bar. This is a whole other level of reward to be gained past week reminded me how important it is once you partake in the opportunities to to reach out to our new members and make contribute your experiences and knowledge them feel comfortable and that they belong to the beneft of everyone in the family. The who has contributed to the journal in their other example came across my desk recently. To any veterinary students References tion adding to our growing swine library, we reading this message, I also recommend you *1. In past messages I have asked you to in the veterinary curriculum here at my graduates. It is also a productive way for students to take ownership of their own learning as well. What a great example of supporting the growth of our profession and I encourage students to also thank anyone they recognize who has contributed to the project. Accepted: May 15, 2019 he slaughterhouse is recognized reproducible; and c) it should provide data Materials and methods worldwide as a useful check point that can be easily interpreted and analyzed. Pleurisy evaluation on the parietal pleura:An alternative pleura (ie, the serous membrane lining scoring method in slaughtered pigs. The similarity ropsy fndings, consumption of drugs, daily od, being unaware of the score given at the between the 2 scoring systems appears quite weight gain, and feed efciency) or resulting slaughterhouse. In addition, it could be much faster than other methods if all carcasses are available at the end of the slaughter chain. Survey of or the practice of veterinary medicine in pleuritis and pulmonary lesions in pigs at abattoir with a focus on the extent of the condition and herd their country or region. Le Patologie del nal of Swine Health and Production are peer Maiale [The Pathologies of the Pig]. A) Pleurisy afecting the cranial portion of the chest wall, corresponding to a score of 1. C) Pleurisy afecting both the cranial and the middle portion of the chest wall, corresponding to a total score of 3. D) Pleurisy afecting the caudal intercostal spaces, corresponding to a score of 3. E and F) The entire parietal pleura was afected by pleurisy, corresponding to a total score of 6. The points of both carcass halves are summed for a total score for each pig ranging from 0 to 12. Approximately, 50% of the pigs evaluated showed no pleural lesion and obtained a score of 0 using both scoring systems. Benchmarking of pluck lesions at slaughter as a health monitoring tool for slaughter (veterinarian 1) and to digital pictures of the carcasses (veterinarians 2 pigs slaughtered at 170kg (heavy pigs). Formal sample size calculations were While previous work has shown meloxicam onstrated by physiological and behavioral not conducted; rather, the sample size was 2 to reduce pain sensitivity associated with deviations in the piglet. Meloxicam is a (n = 5045) across 783 multiparous sow Saver Bowed Bar Farrowing Crate; Farmer Boy Ag). Piglets had free access to the sow for nursing Corresponding author: Dr Monique D. Once the castration procedure a piglet on trial being cross fostered or dying prior to castration. In addition, treatments were equality represented within est, piglet start weight, and sow parity were 881 piglets were removed from trial prior to a litter and the average start weight of both the relevant variables included. Procedure time was analyzed using To determine which explanatory variables gically castrated and administered 1. Explanatory variables tested on a commercial swine farm whose standard ed as binary outcomes (yes or no).

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Population Defnition Patients age 12 years and older with primary headache syndrome. Data of Interest # of patients who are prescribed prophylactic treatment when appropriate # of patients with headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older with primary headache syndrome who are prescribed prophylactic treatment when appropriate. Denominator: Number of patients age 12 years and older with primary headache diagnosis syndrome. Method/Source of Data Collection Review electronic medical records for patients age 12 years and older with primary headache syndrome. Review records to determine whether patients were prescribed prophylactic treatment when appropriate. Data of Interest Number of days per month with migraine for patients who are diagnosed with migraine headache. Method/Source of Data Collection Review electronic medical records for patients age 12 years and older with diagnosis of migraine headache. Review records to determine the number of days per month the patients had migraine. Notes this is an outcome measure, and the goal is a decerease in days with migraine. Data of Interest # of patients who are assessed for functional status using disease-specifc tools # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis, who are showing improvement in functional status shown by using one of the following disease-specifc tools or questionnaires. Notes this is a process measure, and improvement is noted as an increase in the rate. Data of Interest # of patients seen for migraine in the emergency department/urgent care # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis who are seen for migraine in the emergency department/urgent care. Review records to determine whether patients were seen for migraine in the emergency department/urgent care. Notes this is an outcome measure, and improvement is noted as a decrease in the rate. Data of Interest # of patients who have a headache calendar or diary # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis, who have head ache calendar or diary. Denominator: Number of patients age 12 years and older with migraine headache diagnosis. Method/Source of Data Collection Review electronic medical records for atients age 12 years and older with migraine headache diagnosis. Review records to determine whether patients reported having headache calendar or diary. Population Defnition Patients ages 12 years and older with diagnosis of migraine headache. Data of Interest # of patients who have a treatment plan # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis, who have a treatment plan. Denominator: Number of patients age 12 years and older with a migraine headache diagnosis. Population Defnition Patients age 12 years and older with diagnosis of migraine headache and have a treatment plan. Data of Interest # of patients who report adherence to their treatment plan # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis and treatment plan Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis and treatment plan who report adherence to their treatment plan. Denominator: Number of patients age 12 years and older with migraine headache diagnosis and treatment plan. Method/Source of Data Collection Review electronic medical records for patients age 12 years and older with migraine headache diagnosis and treatment plan. Review records to determine whether patients report adherence to their treatment plan. Data of Interest # of patients prescribed opiates or barbiturates for the treatment of migraine # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis who are prescribed opiates or barbiturates for the treatment of migraine. Method/Source of Data Collection Review electronic medical records for patients age 12 years and older with migraine headache diagnosis. Review records to determine whether patients were prescribed opiates or barbiturates for the treatment of migraine. Notes this is a process measure, and improvement is noted as a decrease in the rate to less than 5% usage in a facility. This measure is intended to address overuse in prescription on opioids and narcotics for the treat ment of migraine headache. Population Defnition Patients age 12 years and older with diagnosis of migraine headache. Data of Interest # of patients prescribed appropriate acute treatment # of patients with migraine headache diagnosis Numerator/Denominator Defnitions Numerator: Number of patients age 12 years and older and migraine headache diagnosis who are prescribed appropriate acute treatment. Review records to determine whether patients were prescribed appropriate acute treatment. Return to Table of Contents Implementation Tools and Resources Criteria for Selecting Resources the following tools and resources specifc to the topic of the guideline were selected by the work group. It is expected that users of these tools will establish the proper copyright prior to their use. Committee for Headache headaches and resources to help manage Patients and org Education them, including prevention and treatment. Families this site also has information on migraine assessments and headache diaries. Families HealthPartners General overview on various topics and Patients and. National Library of MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health Care. Produced by the Patients and Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine, it provides Families information about diseases, conditions and wellness issues. National Headache Educational and informational resources on Patients and headaches. The results are both clinically important and consistent with minor exceptions at most. The results are free of any signifcant doubts about generalizability, bias, and faws in research design. Studies with negative results have suffciently large samples to have adequate statistical power. Alternatively, the evidence consists solely of results from weaker designs for the question addressed, but the results have been confrmed in separate studies and are consistent with minor exceptions at most. Alternatively, the evidence consists solely of results from a limited number of studies of weak design for answering the question addressed. Grade Not Assignable: There is no evidence available that directly supports or refutes the conclusion. Cost-effectiveness of computed tomography in the evaluation of patients with headache. Suboccipital injection with a mixture of rapid and long acting steroids in cluster headache: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Practice parameter: the utility of neuroimaging in the evaluation of headache in patients with normal neurologic examinations. A controlled study of dihydroergotamine in the treatment of acute migraine headache. Evidenced-based guidelines for migraine headache: behavioral and physical treatments. Long-acting propranolol in the prophylaxis of migraine: a comparative study of two doses. Speed of onset and effcacy of zolmitriptan nasal spray in the acute treatment of migraine: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study versus zolmitriptan tablet. Randomized, placebo-controlled evaluation of prochlorperazine versus metoclopramide for emergency department treatment of migraine headache. A clinical comparative study between migraine with aura and migraine without aura. Oral sumatriptan for the acute treatment of migraine: evaluation of three dosage strengths. Effcacy of intravenous magnesium sulfate in the treat ment of acute migraine attacks. Treatment of migraine with isometheptene, acetaminophen, and dichloralphenazone combination: a double-blind, crossover trial. Tolerability and consistency of effect of zolmitriptan nasal spray in a long-term migraine treatment trial. Ketorolac versus meperidine and hydroxyzine in the treatment of acute migraine headache: a randomized, prospective, double-blind trial. Continuous intravenous dihydroergotamine in the treatment of intractable headache. Responders and non-responders to metoprolol, propranolol and nifedipine treatment prophylaxis: a dose-range study based on time-series analysis. Unpredictability of cerebrovascular ischemia associated with cervical spine manipulation therapy: a review of sixty-four cases after cervical spine manipulation. Sodium valporate in the prophylactic treatment of migraine: a double-blind study versus placebo. Recommendations on the risk of ischaemic stroke associated with use of combined oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy in women with migraine. Safety and effcacy of rectal prochlorperazine for the treatment of migraine in the emergency department. A randomized controlled trial of exercise and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache. A double-blind study of ibuprofen versus placebo in the treatment of acute migraine attacks. Menstrual migraine: etiology, treatment and relationship to premenstrual syndrome. A placebo-controlled crossover study of rizatriptan in the treatment of multiple migraine attacks. Vertebral-basilar distribution infarction following chiropractic cervical manipula tion. Naproxen sodium decreases migraine recurrence when administered with sumat riptan. Comparative effcacy of chlorpromazine and meperidine with dimenhydrinate in migraine headache. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effcacy and safety of topiramate for migraine prevention in pediatric subjects 12 to 17 years of age. Effcacy and tolerability of almotriptan in adolescents: a random ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Petasites hybridus root (butterbur) is an effective preventive treatment for migraine. Effcacy and safety of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine in alleviating migraine headache pain: three double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Intranasal lidocaine for treatment of migraine: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Naratriptan is effective and well tolerated in the acute treatment of migraine: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study. Intravenous valproate sodium (Depacon) aborts migraine rapidly: a preliminary report. Meta-analysis of biofeedback for tension-type headache: effcacy, speci fcity, and treatment moderators. A pilot study of oral sumatriptan as intermittent prophylaxis of menstruation-related migraine. Prophylaxis of migraine with oral magnesium: results from a prospective, multi-center, placebo-controlled and a double-blind randomized study. Acute treatment and prevention of menstrually related migraine headache: evidence-based review. Optimizing the dose of zolmitriptan (Zomig, * 311C90) for the acute treatment of migraine: a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose range-fnding study. Non-invasive treatment of vascular muscle contraction headache: a comparative longitudinal clinical study. Sumatriptan nasal spray for the acute treatment of migraine: results of two clinical studies. Naproxen sodium in menstrual migraine prophylaxis: a double blind placebo-controlled study. Oral sumatriptan is effective and well tolerated for the acute treatment of migraine: results of a multicenter study. A comparison of naproxen sodium to propranolol hydrochlo ride and a placebo-control for prophylaxis of migraine headache. Nebivolol and metoprolol for treating migraine: an advance on beta-blocker treatment Effectiveness of high-dose ribofavin in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial. Treatment of menstruation-associated migraine with nonprescription combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine: results from three randomized, placebo-controlled studies.

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Psychiatrists and psy To criticise tests because they reveal cultural in chologists working with impoverished and il fluences is to miss the essential nature of tests. Insofar as culture affects behaviour its making judgments, which are essentially comparative, about the intellectual ability of test. It is necessary to differentiate between their patients, they first provide themselves items failed and items not attempted, be with the bases upon which such comparisons tween items where the person has really ap can be made. Where normative data are few, plied himself to the problem and items where only the grossest of handicaps can be diag there has been only a token effort. Because a tors (18-20) as well as on intellectual ca test only assesses behavior, and not potential, pacity. This means that great care must be no test can tell us how an individual would taken in ensuring that tests are given under have functioned if he had been brought up in a the best circumstances for the testee and in different environment. Accordingly, as Ver making sure that he is interested and involved non (23) has pointed out, cross-cultural in the test. In order to determine that this has comparisons of "innate" intelligence are fu been achieved, it is important to assess the tile exercises. Properly applied, this may result However, there are more specific examples in the most valid measures of current intel of the influence of motivational factors with lectual performance. Nevertheless, it is im regard to the testing of individuals from cer portant to also bear in mind the limitations tain minority subcultures. It appears from inherent in the assessment of social compe research both in Britain and the United tence. This effect probably different intellectual functions, so assess only applies in a competitive situation when ments of social and adaptive capacity will Negro subjects know that they are being di vary according to which clinical criterion is rectly compared with white subjects. The same difficult diagnostic problems yet clear how general or how marked this ef arise when assessments have to be made of fect is, but the fact that it does exist means persons who do not share or who only that it would be wise to use testers of the same somewhat share the cultural background of racial background as the subject whenever the clinician. Indeed, these caveats on the use of intelligence where tested, clinical judgments have gener tests undoubtedly imply that tests cannot ally fared worse than tests. Whether there Classification of Biological Factors would be the same result at the other end of the intellectual scale is not yet known. It has already been stated that the assess At present there are few standardized tests ment of a mentally retarded person must in of social and adaptive skills, and those that clude both psychological and medical fea do exist suffer from important defects for the tures. It is important to know whether the purpose of measuring intellectual retarda retardation is associated with a neurological tion. For example, the Vineland Social Ma and physical condition, since this may influ turity Scale has been found to be a poor ence both treatment and prognosis. In the meantime, some capacity due to intellectual impairment from provisional decision had to be reached to that due to mental disorder or illness. It may be pendent on how exacting the demands happen appropriate here to consider the alternatives to be at that point in time (28). Pathogenic tioning may be influenced by his environ factors or causal influences may be classified, mental circumstances, as may his mood or physical handicaps may be classified without affective level. Nevertheless, insofar as social regard to their causation, or classification adaptation is taken as the main diagnostic may be principally concerned with recogniz feature of any disorder, there is a danger that able medical conditions. The decision as to fluctuations, for example, in availability of which is preferable depends on considerations work, may lead to purely artifactual altera of what is practical and on which method tions in the prevalence of that disorder. However, this depends on that the prevalence of mental subnormality the purpose for which the classification is re has risen. Which method is best for measure of intellectual retardation; clinical mental retardation is therefore an empirical measures and standardized tests both have question, subject only to the condition that a diagnosis should, above all, be descriptive. In this system, for the second difficulty is that in many cases example, cerebral palsy would be coded rath of mental retardation there is multiple er than the fact that it is thought to be due causation, and certain pathogenic influences, to perinatal damage. For ex formation on how the cerebral palsy was ample, in the fourth-digit system. It is now known that the may be due to perinatal damage or to a vari cerebral damage in premature infants is often ety of postnatal insults occurring during in caused by severe hypoglycemia in the post fancy. It is by no means clear rently hemiparetic than to know what caused which of these four codings should have the disorder many years ago. It was in part this kind of con In cases where there is a one-to-one rela fused overlap that led to the unreliability of tionship between cause and condition the the fourth-digit coding in the Washington coding will of course give the same informa seminar case history exercise. For example, the conditions of variable and often unknown fourth-digit system cannot tell one whether etiology, such as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Because of this, it was chosen for questions of either etiology or physical the field studies testing out the classification disease and instead code the accompanying scheme proposed by the Paris and Washing handicap. However, as with each of the disorder, motor defect, visual handicap, and three methods of classifying associated or etiological biological factors, there are prob cause of their unreliability. Time and testing will show whether reasonable chance that any proposed changes this proves to be the best system. It was agreed at the outset Little time was spent at the seminar in dis that any scheme agreed upon at a seminar cussing classification of mentally retarded will be tested through national and interna adults. It is just as will be reported to future seminars so that necessary in adults as in children to classify findings regarding any one part of the classi the degree of intellectual impairment, asso fication may be taken into account in con ciated biological condition, associated psy sidering other parts of the classification. Summary However, there is a less close relationship between intellectual level and school at In conjunction with the official report of tainment. The issues considered include the however, and the principles of classification integration of child psychiatry and mental are the same at all age levels. Rutter M, Lebovici S, Eisenberg L, et al: A tri-axial which, for the first time, there is a systematic classification of mental disorders in childhood. World Health Organization: International Classifi means of carefully planned case history and cation of Diseases, 8th revision. Kushlik A: Social problems of mental subnormality, there were difficulties in classification, and in Foundation of Child Psychiatry. London, Pergamon, 1968, pp 369-412 classification need revision or deletion be 6. Deutsch M, Katz I, Jensen A (eds): Social Class, 76-90 Race and Psychological Development. Heber R: the concept of mental retardation: defini Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968 tion and classification, in Proceedings of the Con 22. New Society ference on the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, 16:103-104, July 1970 London, 1960. Nihira K: Factorial dimensions of adaptive behavior An Analysis of the Standardization Data. Phenotype phenotype is the actual appearance or characteristic, and is determined by genotype knowing the phenotype will not always directly reveal the genotype (recessive traits can be masked) genotype is the listing of the actual alleles present; if you know the genotype, you should be able to predict the phenotype. Applying the Law of Segregation a monohybrid cross results in a 3:1 phenotype ratio and 1:2:1 genotype ratio. Genetic Maps of Chromosomes linkage group = all genes on a particular chromosome; tend to be inherited together. Genetic Maps of Chromosomes placement of a gene into a position in a linkage group is genetic mapping. Genetic Maps of Chromosomes map distances get less meaningful as they get large as genes get further apart, the odds of multiple crossing over events between them increase when distances approach 50 map units, the genes appear essentially unlinked many chromosomes have an overall map length of well over 50 map units genetic maps are useful in locating the actual physical location of genes. A Pedigree Analysis of Albinism Successive generations marked by Roman numerals Individuals in each generation are marked by Arabic numerals Is albinism dominant Beyond simple genetics: Pleiotrophy pleiotrophy: one gene, many phenotypes one gene affects more than one characteristic usually only one gene product is directly involved, and its status affects many things many disease genes are pleiotrophic (examples, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia). Beyond simple genetics: one phenotype, many genes example: albinism is generally epistatic. Beyond simple genetics: one phenotype, many genes spot epistasis by modification of dihybrid cross results, getting ratios like 9:7 or 9:3:4 instead of 9:3:3:1. Beyond simple genetics: one phenotype, many genes polygenic inheritance when plotted out for a population, polygenic traits produce a normal distribution curve if mating is random with respect to the trait. Methods of studying human inheritance ethical considerations family pedigree analysis karyotyping human genome project. Methods of studying human inheritance: karyotyping many genetic problems occur on the large-scale, chromosomal level studies of karyotypes are often done to test for such problems a karyotype display reveals the composition of chromosomes for an individual a cell sample is taken (white blood cells, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, etc. Karyotype Analysis Chromosomes are identified: Size Shape Centromere position Banding pattern Satellites (tiny knobs at end of some chromosomes). Methods of studying human inheritance: human genome project sequencing the human genome provides a means to greatly accelerate studies of human genetics the underlying genetic causes for gene-based traits can be studied more easily (including traits that involve multiple genes) sequence variations can be readily analyzed more sophisticated genetic testing can be performed, leading to the potential for genetically tailored medical treatment.

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