

Joseph J. Eron, MD

  • Professor of Medicine
  • Director, Clinical Core, UNC Center for AIDS Research
  • Division of Infectious Disease
  • University of North Carolina School of Medicine
  • Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Reports will be generated based on Provider inventory reporting and Provider input of doses used hiv infection throat purchase 200mg acivir pills with amex. This information is a requirement that is posed to Providers that want to administer the Covid19 vaccine antiviral therapy journal acivir pills 200mg overnight delivery. More discussions about the best way to remind patients will need to occur to ensure effectiveness hiv infection symptoms within 24 hours generic 200 mg acivir pills with mastercard. For example symptoms of primary hiv infection video discount acivir pills 200mg visa, if the patient is a health care personnel hiv infection rate saskatchewan cheap 200mg acivir pills with mastercard, the selected reminder/recall intervention may be a text reminder hiv infection by kissing 200 mg acivir pills free shipping. Describe planned backup solutions for offline use if internet connectivity is lost or not possible. Describe how your jurisdiction will monitor data quality and the steps to be taken to ensure data are available, complete, timely, valid, accurate, consistent, and unique. These resources will be available on a publicfacing website currently under development, but jurisdictions will likely need to tailor messaging and resources specific to special populations in their communities. Because vaccine supplies are anticipated to be limited initially, allocation is to be determined openly and fairly with input from internal and external partners. Vaccination messaging will be developed for the intended audiences and assessed regularly, so plans may evolve as needs change. Key Audiences In Phase 1, the supply of vaccine will be limited to those people critical for response and those at highest risk. Key messaging will be tailored for healthcare workers, health insurers, employers, government and community partners, and the public. Targeted will be healthcare personnel; residents and staff of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and congregate living facilities; people at increased risk for severe illness; and people age 65 and older. Business and industry leaders, members of racial and ethnic minority groups and tribes will be included in informational/educational marketing campaigns along with the general public. In Phase 3 when there is anticipated to be widespread vaccine availability, all unvaccinated groups will be targeted, especially those portions of the population which are skeptical about vaccine safety and effectiveness. Special attention will be directed to populations or communities with low vaccine coverage. Recent translation requests include the following: Korean, Mandarin, and Vietnamese. Staffing and hours of availability will be adjusted based on call and email volume. Communicators will confer with local entities to help ensure equitable access to immunization sites and their hours of operation. At clinic sites, questionnaires will be made available to help assess effectiveness and direct future material/message development. At clinic sites, questionnaires will be made available to help assess effectiveness and direct future material/message development Phase 3 messaging will reinforce information about immunization recommendations that include their importance, benefits, and risks. Expedited Procedures for Risk/Crisis/Emergency Communication After consultation and approvals, messages can be communicated, usually within the hour, through the news media and social media channels. Trained staff in the Bureau of Prevention, Promotion, and Support can prepare, receive necessary approvals, and disseminate information within a short timeframe. If the Department has communicated this information to providers through a different route in the past, the Office of General Counsel will suggest using that option as well. It would allow health care providers to input their vaccine requests (orders) online, thereby improving efficiency and accountability. Providers enrolled in this program will be able to place vaccine orders, review previous orders, return vaccines, review previous vaccine returns, print packing slips, report wasted vaccines and review previous vaccine wastages within the application. Every supervisor is required to attend training on the Employee Performance Appraisal System. There are three phases in the appraisal period: Preappraisal; Midappraisal; and Final Appraisal (Probationary or Annual). When receiving new items which cost more than $500 or more, a property history sticker is required and affixed to the item. The fndings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily refect positions or policies of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Members are infuential, creative, out-of-the-box thinkers who vigorously probe a single topic each year and develop actionable recommendations to advance innovative ideas for the development, distribution, and use of vaccines, as well as evidence based and cost-efective approaches to immunization. The package of big ideas presented here, and the rigorous evidence and consensus-driven insights on which they rest, reassure us that smart strategies are available not only to maintain, restore, and strengthen confdence in the value of vaccines, but also to underscore the broad societal obligation to promote their use. Implementing those strategies requires concerted commitment, and we are deeply grateful to the members of the Vaccine Science & Policy Group, who have helped us identify pathways to progress. Tilghman, president emerita and professor of molecular biology and public afairs at Princeton University. Both organizations have a long track record of engaging in non-partisan, cross-disciplinary dialogue that helps to meet the greatest challenges facing society. We are proud of the synergy we have built together and thankful for the opportunity all of us have had to learn from one another. The strength and credibility of our collaboration has already been refected in the positive response to our inaugural report, Accelerating the Development of a Universal Infuenza Vaccine, issued in July 2019. McDonnell Distinguished University Tanisha Carino Professor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Executive Vice President and Princeton University; Chief Corporate Afairs Ofcer Director, Center for BioComplexity, Princeton Alexion Environmental Institute, Princeton University Michael Conway Diego Miralles Senior Partner Chief Executive Ofcer McKinsey & Company Vividion Therapeutics Kathryn Edwards Kelly Moore Sarah H. While development of an efective vaccine to control the resulting pandemic is likely at least a year away, the danger of infectious diseases has been made shockingly real across the globe, and the gift of efective immunization has once again become apparent. As co-chairs of the Sabin-Aspen Vaccine Science & Policy Group (the Group), we recognize a profound responsibility to bring forward an innovative plan to strengthen vaccine acceptance and tame the risk of hesitancy. We are truly grateful to 9 Forew ord this able team of leaders, who represent both domestic and global perspectives and bring professional experience across a wide range of disciplines to our convening. Their vigorous discussions, informed by background research papers and expert presentations, generated three big ideas for addressing vaccine hesitancy and promoting the critical importance of timely immunization. Together, these ideas address the primary barriers to vaccine acceptance and provide a framework for progress. We are committed to sharing these big ideas through the rich networks of the Group, the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Aspen Institute, and our many partners, and advocating for strategies that will turn them into action. Parents and caregivers in many countries have doubts about the safety or value of vaccination (Facciola et al. Because the dimensions of hesitancy are complex and not fully understood, the medical and public health communities and their allies must rapidly expand their understanding of the problem and the actions needed to address it. A global resurgence of measles since 2018 has underscored the pressing need to bolster vaccine acceptance (Vaccine hesitancy: A generation at risk, 2019). Vaccines are a remarkably safe and efective method of preventing deadly and disabling infectious diseases. These discussions led to a clear recognition of three points: (1) vaccination levels, after reaching record heights, have plateaued or even declined slightly in many countries (Paules, Marston, & Fauci, 2019); (2) various factors have undermined confdence in or contributed to complacency about vaccination (Wellcome Global Monitor, 2019); and (3) the vaccination enterprise needs new knowledge and tools to overcome challenges to vaccine acceptance. The circulation of false information about vaccines, when combined with faltering trust in the institutions that deliver them, undercuts confdence in vaccination. In places where vaccination, and medicine in general, have lowered the deadliest risks of vaccine-preventable infectious disease, vaccination can come to seem less pressing. As with any complex subject, many people continue to rely on surrogate authority fgures to inform their decisions. But in the information age, the internet and social media have brought crushing waves of vaccine misinformation to new parents, raising doubts among enormous groups of people who previously might have been unaware of any controversy over this eminently sensible activity. Yet the extent to which misinformation contributes to declines in vaccination is not always clear, in part because comprehensive data describing which communities are under-vaccinated, and why, is lacking. A polarized, politicized, post-fact environment has an undeniable impact both on trust and 17 FraminG the challenGe on vaccinations. But demand problems may also refect poor experiences in the clinics of a failing public health system or real or perceived failures in immunization safety. The Group examined fndings on why people accept or delay vaccines, or reject them altogether, and explored ways to shape education, communication, and methods of behavioral change to maintain vaccination as a social norm. Trust: Community Immunity Versus Herd Mentality Trust in vaccination depends not only on the nurse, doctor, or mobile team that administers the vaccine, but also on the authorities who enable and drive vaccination. In countries where corruption and violence have created fear, mistrust, or open opposition to government-endorsed vaccination programs, the problem of trust may extend beyond the scope of vaccination policy. That said, public health authorities have managed to convince warring parties in countries such as El Salvador and Colombia in the 1980s, and more recently in Yemen, to give safe passage to vaccination teams (Ferguson, 2019). In some tribal regions in India, for example, a history of neglect has lowered confdence in government run vaccination programs unless they employ local healers (Priya, Pathak, & Giri, 2020). In the United States, outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases have been reported among Amish (Gastanaduy et al. Anti-vaccine groups can make inroads through such leaders; by the same token, leaders who are immune to such propaganda can reassure followers and tamp down the infuence of falsehoods. However, because of its extreme contagiousness, immunization rates against measles must remain above 95% to provide this community-level protection, which is at risk in many U. The current peril in which vaccination programs fnd themselves results from the interaction of these basic human foibles with false and misleading information carried on massive social media platforms (DiResta & Wardle, this volume). People in general feel a greater moral responsibility for any harm that comes about through something they have done than for a task they have neglected, and the hypothesized harm from vaccination may appear more immediate than the danger of the pathogens against which vaccines protect. Beyond that fundamental decision, external factors that impinge on behavior, such as convenience, incentives, costs, and mandates, also afect vaccination decision-making. It has been sharing best practices, including gathering data on vaccine demand and hesitancy in low and middle-income countries in 20 FraminG the challenGe order to use this knowledge to nudge and support national programs (VaccinesToday, 2019). While the latter has successfully eradicated wild Type 2 and Type 3 polio strains, its endgame increasingly involves battling outbreaks linked to mutant viruses from the live attenuated polio vaccine and the communication challenges that surround this phenomenon. The Mechanization of Doubt Changes in how people gather and digest science and health information have fed vaccination hesitancy. This is part of a larger problem of bias confrmation among consumers of social media (Self, 2016). Some even claim that vaccines have been intentionally laced with ingredients that cause cancer or infertility. In the past, social media and search Anti-vaccine activists on social engines generally ranked sites by popularity media have found ways to rather than any evaluation of their worth, expand their constituency by meaning parents seeking information about reaching out to groups with other vaccines for the frst time were likely to unconventional, paranoid, or conspiratorial beliefs. As the California legislature moved to tighten restrictions on vaccine exemptions in 2015, for example, anti-vaccine activists repeatedly changed their messaging to attract people interested in tangential controversies and theories, as internet researcher Renee DiResta has reported (DiResta & Lotan, 2015). However, revelations about the clandestine use of social media to sway audiences, including the massive Russian campaign against the 2016 U. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google have recently devoted more resources to nudge viewers toward science-based health information. They have changed the way they present information on vaccination to highlight more legitimate sources, but do not ban or earmark verifably false information (DiResta & Wardle, this volume; Schif, 2019).

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The new star in the constellation Cassiopeia caused Tycho to dedicate himself to astronomy; one immediate decision was to establish a large observatory for regular observations of celestial events. Tycho called the observatory Uraniborg, after Urania, the Muse of 57 7 the 100 Most Influential Scientists of All Time 7 astronomy. Surrounded by scholars and visited by learned travelers from all over Europe, Tycho and his assistants collected observations and substantially corrected nearly every known astronomical record. Tycho was an artist as well as a scientist and craftsman, and everything he undertook or surrounded himself with had to be innovative and beautiful. He established a print ing shop to produce and bind his manuscripts in his own way, he imported Augsburg craftsmen to construct the fn est astronomical instruments, he induced Italian and Dutch artists and architects to design and decorate his observatory, and he invented a pressure system to provide the then uncommon convenience of sanitary lavatory facilities. Spoiled by Frederick, however, Tycho had become both unreasonably demanding of more money and less inclined to carry out the civic duties required by his income from state lands. To his earlier observations, particu larly his proof that the nova of 1572 was a star, he added a comprehensive study of the solar system and his proof that the orbit of the comet of 1577 lay beyond the Moon. W hat Tycho accomplished, using only his simple instruments and practical talents, remains an out standing accomplishment of the Renaissance. Tycho attempted to continue his observations at Prague with the few instruments he had salvaged from Uraniborg, but the spirit was not there, and he died in 1601, leaving all his observational data to Kepler, his pupil and assistant in the fnal years. The most notable of these were his theories of the infnite universe and the multi plicity of worlds, in which he rejected the traditional geocentric astronomy and intuitively went beyond the Copernican heliocentric theory, which still maintained a fnite universe with a sphere of fxed stars. Bruno is, per haps, chiefy remembered for the tragic death he suffered at the stake because of the tenacity with which he main tained his unorthodox ideas at a time when both the Roman Catholic and the Reformed churches were reaf frming rigid Aristotelian and Scholastic principles in their struggle for the evangelization of Europe. Works In the spring of 1583 Bruno moved from Paris to London and was soon attracted to Oxford, where, during the sum mer, he started a series of lectures in which he expounded 59 7 the 100 Most Influential Scientists of All Time 7 the Copernican theory maintaining the reality of the movement of the Earth. In February 1584 he was invited to discuss his theory of the movement of the Earth with some doctors from the University of Oxford. However, the discussion degenerated into a quarrel, and a few days later he started writing his Italian dialogues, which consti tute the frst systematic exposition of his philosophy. In the Cena de le Ceneri (1584; The Ash W ednesday Supper), he not only reaffrmed the reality of the helio centric theory but also suggested that the universe is infnite, constituted of innumerable worlds substantially similar to those of the solar system. In the same dialogue he anticipated his fellow Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei by maintaining that the Bible should be followed for its moral teaching but not for its astronomical implications. He also strongly criticized the manners of English society and the pedantry of the Oxford doctors. In the De la causa, principio e uno (1584; Concerning the Cause, Principle, and One) he elaborated the physical theory on which his conception of the universe was based: form and matter are intimately united and constitute the one. At Helmstedt, however, in January 1589 he was excommuni cated by the local Lutheran Church. To publish these, he went in 1590 to Frankfurt am Main, where the senate rejected his application to stay. Nevertheless, he took up residence in the Carmelite con vent, lecturing to Protestant doctors and acquiring a reputation of being a universal man who, the Prior thought, did not possess a trace of religion and who was chiefy occupied in writing and in the vain and chimerical imagining of novelties. During the late summer of 1591, he composed the Praelectiones geometricae (Lectures on Geometry) and Ars deformationum (Art of Deformation). In Venice, as the guest of Mocenigo, Bruno took part in the discussions of progressive Venetian aristocrats who, like Bruno, favoured philosophical investigation irrespec tive of its theological implications. He defended himself by admitting minor theological errors, emphasizing, however, the phil osophical rather than the theological character of his basic tenets. During the seven-year Roman period of the trial, Bruno at frst developed his previous defensive line, dis claiming any particular interest in theological matters and reaffrming the philosophical character of his speculation. This distinction did not satisfy the inquisitors, who demanded an unconditional retraction of his theories. Bruno then made a desperate attempt to demonstrate that his views were not incompatible with the Christian con ception of God and creation. Bruno fnally declared that he had nothing to retract and that he did not even know what he was expected to retract. As a sym bol of the freedom of thought, he inspired the European liberal movements of the 19th century, particularly the Italian Risorgimento (the movement for national political unity). Because of the variety of his interests, modern scholars are divided as to the chief signifcance of his work. His ethical ideas, in contrast with religious ascetical ethics, appeal to modern humanistic activism, and his ideal of religious and philosophical tolerance has infu enced liberal thinkers. On the other hand, his emphasis on the magical and the occult has been the source of criticism as has his impetuous personality. Bruno stands, however, as one of the important fgures in the history of W estern thought, a precursor of modern civilization. His formulation of (circular) inertia, the law of falling bodies, and parabolic trajectories marked the beginning of a fundamental change in the study of motion. His insistence that the book of nature was 63 7 the 100 Most Influential Scientists of All Time 7 written in the language of mathematics changed natural philosophy from a verbal, qualitative account to a mathe matical one in which experimentation became a recognized method for discovering the facts of nature. Finally, his dis coveries with the telescope revolutionized astronomy and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican helio centric system, but his advocacy of that system eventually resulted in an Inquisition process against him. Telescopic Discoveries In the spring of 1609 Galileo heard that in the Netherlands an instrument had been invented that showed distant things as though they were nearby. Others had done the same; what set Galileo apart was that he quickly fgured out how to improve the instrument, taught himself the art of lens grinding, and produced increasingly powerful telescopes. In the fall of 1609 Galileo began observing the heavens with instruments that magnifed up to 20 times. He also found that the telescope showed many more stars than are visible with the naked eye. These discoveries were earthshaking, and Galileo quickly produced a little book, Sidereus Nuncius (The Sidereal Messenger), in which he described them. Hulton Archive/ Getty Images 65 7 the 100 Most Influential Scientists of All Time 7 Galileo also had discovered the puzzling appearance of Saturn, later to be shown as caused by a ring surrounding it, and he discovered that Venus goes through phases just as the Moon does. Although these discoveries did not prove that the Earth is a planet orbiting the Sun, they undermined Aristotelian cosmology: the absolute differ ence between the corrupt earthly region and the perfect and unchanging heavens was proved wrong by the moun tainous surface of the Moon, the moons of Jupiter showed that there had to be more than one centre of motion in the universe, and the phases of Venus showed that it (and, by implication, Mercury) revolves around the Sun. As a result, Galileo was confrmed in his belief, which he had Christoph Scheiner, observing sunspots, c. This work was a brilliant polemic on physical reality and an exposition of the new scientifc method. Galileo told the pope about his theory of the tides (developed 67 7 the 100 Most Influential Scientists of All Time 7 earlier), which he put forward as proof of the annual and diurnal motions of the Earth. The pope gave Galileo per mission to write a book about theories of the universe but warned him to treat the Copernican theory only hypothetically. The book, Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo, tolemaico e copernicano (Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican), was fnished in 1630, and Galileo sent it to the Roman censor. Because of an outbreak of the plague, communications between Florence and Rome were interrupted, and Galileo asked for the censoring to be done instead in Florence. The Roman cen sor had a number of serious criticisms of the book and forwarded these to his colleagues in Florence. After writ ing a preface in which he professed that what followed was written hypothetically, Galileo had little trouble getting the book through the Florentine censors, and it appeared in Florence in 1632. In the Dialogue Galileo gathered together all the argu ments (mostly based on his own telescopic discoveries) for the Copernican theory and against the traditional geo centric cosmology. But in the work, Galileo ridiculed the notion that God could have made the universe any way he wanted to and still made it appear to us the way it does. The pope convened a special commission to examine the book and make rec ommendations; the commission found that Galileo had not really treated the Copernican theory hypothetically and recommended that a case be brought against him by the Inquisition. However, Galileo was never in a dungeon or tortured; during the Inquisition process he stayed mostly at the house of the Tuscan ambassador to the Vatican and for a short time in a comfortable apartment in the Inquisition building. In Siena he had begun a new book on the sciences of motion and strength of materials. The book was published in Leiden, Netherlands, in 1638 under the title Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze atte nenti alla meccanica (Dialogues ConcerningTwo New Sciences). Galileo here treated for the frst time the bending and breaking of beams and summarized his mathematical and experimental investigations of motion, including the law of falling bodies and the parabolic path of projectiles as a result of the mixing of two motions, constant speed and uniform acceleration. By then Galileo had become blind, and he spent his time working with a young stu dent, Vincenzo Viviani, who was with him when he died on Jan. Kepler himself did not call these discoveries laws, as would become customary after Isaac Newton derived them from a new and quite different set of general physi cal principles. A list of his discoveries, however, fails to convey the fact that they constituted for Kepler part of a com mon edifce of knowledge. Besides the theory of heavenly motions, one had the prac tical construction of planetary tables and instruments; similarly, the theoretical principles of astrology had a cor responding practical part that dealt with the making of annual astrological forecasts about individuals, cities, the human body, and the weather. The ideas that Kepler would pursue for the rest of his life were already present in his frst work, Mysterium cosmo graphicum (1596; Cosmographic Mystery). In 1595 Kepler realized that the spacing among the six Copernican plan ets might be explained by circumscribing and inscribing each orbit with one of the fve regular polyhedrons. If the ratios of the mean orbital distances agreed with the ratios obtained from circumscribing and inscribing the polyhe drons, then, Kepler felt confdently, he would have discovered the architecture of the universe. Remarkably, Kepler did fnd agreement within 5 percent, with the exception of Jupiter. Kepler did not yet have an exact mathematical description for this rela tion, but he intuited a connection.

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Since the overall coverage is not very high hiv infection pics purchase acivir pills with american express, pertussis in major parts of the country continues mainly to be a problem of young children antiviral meds for cats discount acivir pills master card. However hiv infection elderly discount acivir pills online visa, many states having very good immunization rates behave like developed countries with high coverage in pediatric age group with resultant more frequent disease in adolescents and adults process of hiv infection and how it affects the body order generic acivir pills canada. There is an urgent need of an efective surveillance to evaluate both the burden of infection and the impact of immunization stages hiv infection graph order acivir pills 200mg with amex. There is insufcient marginal benefit to consider changing from wP-containing vaccine to aP containing vaccine hiv infection per year discount acivir pills 200 mg with amex. However, the continuous decline in reported pertussis cases in last few decades has demonstrated good efectiveness of wP vaccine (of whatever quality) in India. Licensed Vaccines 149 Protection against severe pertussis in infants and early childhood can be obtained with primary series of either wP or aP vaccine. Goal is to achieve early and timely vaccination initiated at 6 weeks and no later than 8 weeks of age, and achieve high coverage (90%) with at least three doses of assured quality pertussis vaccine at all levels (national and subnational). There is scarcity of data on comparative safety, immunogenicity, and efcacy of individual wP vaccines produced in various countries. Similarly, there is no data on either the efficacy of individual wP product or comparative evaluation of different available wP combinations in the Indian market. However, many of these countries have now reported upsurge and frequent outbreaks of the disease despite using highest quality aP vaccines with a very high coverage (close to 100%) since mid 1990s. However, in the absence of any known correlate of protection for aP vaccines, mere presence of antibodies cannot be relied as a surrogate for efcacy or protection. In view of parental anxiety and concerns for its reactogenicity, aP vaccine can also be administered even in the primary series. The primary aim is to increase the vaccination coverage with either of the vaccines. A hexavalent vaccine with whole cell pertussis component is also available in market which is having very limited data. However, the aP vaccines may be preferred to wP vaccines in those children with history of severe adverse efects after previous dose/s of wP vaccines, children with progressive neurologic disorders, if resources permit. There is no evidence of superiority for any aP vaccines based on number of components. Boosters: The frst and second booster doses of pertussis vaccines should also be of wP vaccine. However, considering a higher reactogenicity, aP vaccine/combination (Table 1) can be considered for the boosters, if resources permit. Early completion of primary immunization is desirable as there is no efective maternal antibody for protection against pertussis. Schedule for catch up vaccination: T ree doses at 0, 1, and 6 months interval should be offered. The second childhood booster is not required if the last dose has been given beyond the age of 4 years. It is essential to immunize even those recovering from pertussis as natural disease does not ofer complete protection. Only aP-containing vaccines should be used for vaccination in those aged >7 years. Tetanus toxoid, and reduced quantity diphtheria and acellular pertussis during pregnancy: Maternal immunization, particularly of pregnant Licensed Vaccines 153 women may be an efective approach to protect very young infants and neonates. Tdap has to be repeated in every pregnancy irrespective of the status of previous immunization (with Tdap). Even if an adolescent girl who had received Tdap 1 year prior to becoming pregnant will have to take it since there is rapid waning of immunity following pertussis immunization. Interchangeability of brands: In principle, the same type of wP containing or aP-containing vaccines should be given throughout the primary course of vaccination. However, if the previous type of vaccine is unknown or unavailable, any wP vaccine or aP vaccine may be used for subsequent doses, as it is unlikely to interfere with the safety or immunogenicity of these vaccines. Studies show that diphtheria antibody levels decline over time resulting in increasing susceptibility of adolescents and adults to diphtheria. For diphtheria, the average duration of protection is about 10 years following a primary series of three doses of diphtheria toxoid. Boosting at the age of 12 months, at school entry, and just before leaving school are all possible options. When childhood vaccination programs break down as happened in the former Soviet Union in the early 1990s, massive outbreaks of diphtheria involving primarily adults have occurred. T us, it is desirable to regularly boost adult immunity against diphtheria in addition to tetanus every 10 years. The first dose should be administered at the time of frst-contact/as early as possible and the second dose of Td should be administered 1 month later and at least 2 weeks before delivery. Tdap/Td in Wound Management All patients presenting with skin wounds or infections should be evaluated for tetanus prophylaxis. For partially immunized children, catch-up vaccination entails administration of at least three doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine including previous doses received. It is recommended in children below 7 years of age where pertussis vaccination is contraindicated. Additionally, boosting of pertussis immunity is important to protect against childhood pertussis (Boxes 1 and 2). Guidelines for the production and control of the acellular pertussis component of monovalent or combined vaccines. Association of childhood pertussis with receipt of 5 doses of pertussis vaccine by time since last vaccine dose, California, 2010. Mouse protection tests in the study of pertussis vaccine; a comparative series using the intracerebral route for challenge. Unexpectedly limited durability of immunity following acellular pertussis vaccination in preadolescents in a North American outbreak. Hospital-based active surveillance of childhood pertussis in Austria from 1996 to 2003: estimates of incidence and vaccine efectiveness of whole-cell and acellular vaccine. Risk factors for acellular and whole-cell pertussis vaccine failure in Senegalese children. Efectiveness of adolescent and adult tetanus, reduced-dose diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine against pertussis. Number and order of whole cell pertussis vaccines in infancy and disease protection. Preventing tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis among adults: use of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis Licensed Vaccines 159 vaccine [online] Available from. Maternal immunization with tetanus diphtheria-pertussis vaccine: efect on maternal and neonatal serum antibody levels. Prevention of pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria among pregnant and postpartum women and their infants. Updated Recommendations for Use of Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, 2010 [online]. Haemophilus infuenzae type b (Hib) is an important invasive pathogen causing diseases such as meningitis, bacteremia, pneumonia, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, and epiglottitis. Noncapsulated Hib disease causing bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and pneumonia is not amenable to prevention at present and can occur at all ages. Globally, in 2010, there were estimated 120 million episodes of pneumonia in children younger than 5 years and of these 14 million progressed to severe episodes. The clinical spectrum of these children included meningitis (70%), pneumonia (18%), and septicemia (5%). These statistics coupled with the evidence of large number of Hib pneumonia brought out in the above studies highlight the urgency to take efective measures against Hib disease in India. A trial in Gambian infants has shown 21% protection against episodes of severe pneumonia. The vaccine has also been shown to impart Licensed Vaccines 163 herd protection by reducing nasopharyngeal carriage. Most of the cases of invasive Hib disease occurred in the late second year of life. The major factor responsible for this phenomenon was omission of the second year booster. Waning of Immunity and Need of Boosters Vaccine-induced immunity wanes over time and reduced carriage of the organism in the environment compounds the problem by lack of natural boosting. It is also recognized now that immunological memory is insufcient for protection against Hib disease. Primary immunization with either pentavalent vaccine is reported to induce an excellent immunity lasting till the second year of life. It concluded that the disease burden of Hib is sufciently high in India to warrant prevention by vaccination, the vaccine is safe and efcacious. In India pentavalent vaccine (Pentavac by M/s Serum Institute of India) was introduced in Kerala and Tamil Nadu in 2011 and later extended to the states of Goa, Pondicherry, Karnataka, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Gujarat, and Delhi during the second half of 2012 to the frst quarter of 2013. As Hib disease is essentially confned to infants and young children, catch-up vaccination is not recommended for healthy children above 5 years. However, the vaccine should be administered to all individuals with functional or anatomic hyposplenia irrespective of age. Multi-center surveillance for pneumonia and meningitis among children (<2 year) for Hib vaccine probe trial preparation in India. Naturally acquired and conjugate vaccine-induced antibody to Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) polysaccharide in Malian children: Serological assessment of the Hib immunization program in Mali. Introduction of Hib containing pentavalent vaccine in national immunization program of India: The concerns and the reality! Haemophilus infuenzae type b disease and vaccination in India: Knowledge, attitude and practices of pediatricians. Polysaccharide capsule surrounding the cell wall is responsible for virulence, type specifc identifcation, and stimulation of protective antibody in the host. More than ninety immunologically distinct capsular polysaccharides have been identifed (but most clinical cases are caused by relatively few types. The distribution of serotypes that cause disease varies by age, disease syndrome, disease severity, geographic region, and over time. The composition and quantity of capsular polysaccharide plays roles in virulence, the strain producing the largest amount of polysaccharide is likely to be the most virulent. Licensed Vaccines 169 Infants and young children are thought to be the main reservoir of this agent with cross-sectional point prevalences of nasopharyngeal carriage ranging from 27% in developed to 85% in developing countries. The organism can infect the middle ear, sinuses, and lungs by contiguous spread, causing noninvasive diseases like otitis media, sinusitis, nonbacteremic pneumonia, or can invade the blood stream causing invasive diseases like meningitis, sepsis, and bacteremic pneumonia. Mode of Transmission Pneumococci are transmitted from person to person by respiratory droplets. Most disease is episodic, but epidemic disease has been reported in enclosed situations, such as military barracks and prisons and in children attending day care centers. Serotype Distribution A review of more than 70 studies has shown that out of > 90 serogroups only 10 serogroups are responsible for most pediatric infections; serogroups 1, 6, 14, 19, and 23 are the major encountered serogroups in each continent around the world in pediatric age group. Serotype 18C is common in regions with a large proportion of high income countries. Some serotypes such as 6B, 9V, 14, 19A, 19F, and 23F are more likely than others to be associated with drug resistance. Burden of Pneumococcal Diseases Pneumococcal diseases occur worldwide, though the incidence of disease and mortality varies by region. However, large outbreaks of meningitis caused by serotype 1 have been reported from the African meningitis belt. Disease occurs in all age groups, with the highest rates of disease in children under 2 years of age and among the elderly. However, the magnitude of morbidity from pneumococcal pneumonia is difcult to ascertain because of the difculty with its microbiological diagnosis. This infection accounts for 18% of all severe pneumonia cases and 33% of all pneumonia deaths worldwide. Approximately, one in fve episodes is a lower or severe lower respiratory infection.

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States will be required to create new policies and procedures to enact the requirements of the law, which will likely increase errors as the changes are implemented. The improper payment targets identified in Table 1A reflect the anticipated brief rise in errors while states adjust to the changes. The establishment of a robust internal control system can prevent and detect improper payments, and recover any improper payments that were made. The tables include an assessment of the status of internal control over payments against five internal control standards for each program. The Medicare claims processing systems track each claim from receipt to final resolution. Analysis is performed to further validate the accurate application of correct input data for payment calculations. The Medicare program also has various techniques in place to use, share, and communicate information to prevent improper payments and ensure the information is timely, accurate, and reliable. It also accounts for any overpayments, underpayments, refunds received by state Medicaid agencies, and income earned on grant funds. Additionally, states are required to operate a Medicaid fraud and abuse control unit that is separate from the state Medicaid agency unless the state demonstrates that there is minimal fraud in its Medicaid program and that beneficiaries will be protected from abuse and neglect. These strategies and the associated control environment are tailored to the nature of Foster Care improper payments resulting from administrative and documentation errors rather than from fraud and abuse. This yields information regarding priority areas to inform risk assessment and guide corrective action planning. The Foster Care program also has various techniques in place to use, share, and communicate information to prevent improper payments and ensure the information is timely, accurate, and reliable. This report includes detailed, case-level descriptions of all ineligible payments, underpayments, disallowances, promising practices, areas needing improvement, and next steps for the state. Meanwhile, amounts that were identified in previous years continued to be collected. Notifications of improper payment were sent to plan sponsors in February 2015, totaling approximately $2. Some of our programs have results to report in this area and those results are included in the following tables. If a program is not listed on a certain table, it is because they do not yet have results in that area. The values in the Medicare Part C and Medicare Part D rows represent overpayments reported and returned by Medicare Advantage organizations and Part D sponsors, respectively. The Child Care Error Rate Measurement information reflects overpayments that are identified through the statistical sampling process. For the Child Care Error Rate Measurement Amount Recaptured information, states are required to recover child care payments that are the result of fraud and have discretion as to whether to recover misspent funds that were not the result of fraud, such as in cases of administrative error. Funds included under the Original Purpose column were returned to the Medicare Trust Funds after taking into consideration agency expenses to administer the program and recovery auditor contingency fees. The state Medicaid recovery auditors row only includes information on the federal share of recoveries, which are returned to Treasury. In those cases where data available to agencies clearly shows that a potential recipient of a Federal payment is ineligible for it, subsequent payment to that recipient is unacceptable. So as "to ensure that only eligible recipients receive Government benefits or payments," the President directed the establishment of a "single point of entry" through which agencies would access relevant data in a network of databases to be collectively known as the "Do Not Pay List" before determining eligibility for a benefit, grant or contract award, or other federal funding. While the Department has identified 530 potential improper payments over the past year as part of these daily matches (as shown in Table 7), there was only one confirmed improper payment for $6,521. This includes information on payments that were flagged as potentially improper, but were determined proper after further review. In response to this disaster, Congress passed the Disaster Relief Act, which was signed into law on January 29, 2013 and provided $50. Every grantee who spends Superstorm Sandy funds receives an erroneous payments onsite monitoring visit in the quarter following the quarter when funds are spent, or as soon thereafter as possible. Superstorm Sandy transactions for each quarter are reviewed using a standard onsite monitoring tool to identify potential and actual erroneous payments. Most of the identified erroneous payments were caused by human error, such as transposed numbers. The largest single error amount identified was for $22,772 and was due to an error in the allocation of the salary and fringe benefits for a supervisory employee. For this error, the grantee neglected to adjust its cost allocation methodology to reflect the change in duties for the employee once her Sandy-related duties ended. Additionally, some of the erroneous payments were self-identified by the grantee as part of their internal monitoring processes. Technical assistance to grantees has consequently emphasized the need for ongoing internal monitoring of transactions by grantees and comparison of amounts paid to source documentation. These expenses include social, health, and mental health services for individuals, and repair, renovation and rebuilding of health care facilities (including mental health facilities), childcare facilities, and other social services facilities. The two approaches are a case record review process and a vendor payment review process. The case record review examines payments or benefits provided to or on behalf of individuals, families or households. The vendor payment review examines individual payments made to service vendors and assesses if the vendors provided adequate documentation. Many of the recorded errors were due to missing documentation at the time of the review. The state ultimately retrieved much of the documentation missing at the time of the review, which would have reduced the calculated error rate to approximately five percent. These errors included: (1) missing signatures on payment processing forms required as part of payment approval; or (2) clerical errors in calculating payment amounts based on vendor claims. These errors included: (1) case records missing necessary eligibility documentation. The 30-day response period allowed states to clarify payment policies or provide missing documentation that may have been mistakenly left out during the organization and assembly of files for review. Further information on specific root causes and corrective actions is located below. These strategies will reinforce the importance of ensuring that all documentation required for payment processing is present and complete before payments are approved. These activities will also emphasize careful examination of receipts and invoices to ensure that payments made by the states properly reflect established payment schedules and reimbursement protocols. These strategies will reinforce the importance of: (1) collecting all client eligibility documentation prior to provision of service benefits; (2) ensuring that eligibility documentation is properly examined, and that ineligible individuals do not receive service benefits; and (3) ensuring that benefits provided to clients match their documented needs. These strategies will reinforce the importance of record maintenance and organization. If the number of payments in any review period is less than 110, then 100 percent of the payments will be reviewed. For example, multiple programs had unallowable expenses (purchases of household goods) due to misinterpretation of allowable expenses for basic, essential items. In addition, both states identified internal corrective actions to prevent errors. No further expenditures or reimbursements were made after that period; therefore, there will be no further monitoring or reporting on improper payments. This additional documentation includes grantees internally generated reports or extracts of expenses. The four funded programs were: 1) Behavioral Health Treatment; 2) Disaster Distress Helpline; 3) Resiliency Training for Educators; and 4) Medication Assisted Treatment of Opioid Addiction Restoration. The total gross improper payments of $18,166 were due to errors in the calculation of direct and indirect expenses. The sampling unit is the total quarterly expenditures for a single award, while the sampling frame is the collection of all reports filed containing expenditures during the sampling period. The list of expenditure reports is sorted by stratum and random number, and the appropriate number of items from each stratum is reviewed. Table 1: Summary of Financial Statement Audit Audit Opinion Unmodified for Four Financial Statements. New: the total number of material weaknesses that have been identified during the current year. Resolved: the total number of material weaknesses that have dropped below the level of materiality in the current year. System Requirements Lack of substantial compliance noted Lack of substantial compliance noted 2. Accounting Standards No lack of substantial compliance noted No lack of substantial compliance noted 3. The Meaningful and Secure Exchange and Use of Electronic Information and Health Information Technology 4. Administration of Grants, Contracts, and Financial and Administrative Management Systems 5. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me, or your staff may contact Christopher Seagle, Director of External Affairs, at (202) 260-7006 or Christopher. As of September 2015, 29 states and the District of Columbia are expanding Medicaid eligibility to include a larger group of qualifying adults pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act) and Medicaid waivers. Further, states that have not expanded eligibility have also seen increases in Medicaid enrollment. As of 2011, approximately 75 percent of Medicaid beneficiaries nationwide are enrolled in managed care. To be effective, oversight must include robust program integrity measures, have and use accurate and timely data, and ensure that beneficiaries have sufficient access to services. Fraud or abuse by managed care plans themselves, such as manipulating bids to increase reimbursement, also pose program integrity challenges. States are required to collect and submit encounter data that document the managed care services that beneficiaries receive, but some states do not submit any data and others do not submit all of the required data elements. However, national Medicaid data are not complete, accurate, or timely, and additional data are needed to enhance national program integrity activities. However, data within that system was often incomplete and did not provide useful information to states in order to carry out the Affordable Care Act requirement for terminating providers. Misalignment of costs and payments at certain state-operated facilities can inflate federal costs. In another example, Pennsylvania used a state tax on Medicaid managed care plans to draw down almost $1 billion in federal funds over a three-year period. Additionally, the lack of transparency related to state waiver programs present challenges to ensure that payments are consistent with efficiency, economy, and quality of care, and do not improperly inflate federal costs. Required reporting is a crucial part of creating a comprehensive data source and effective oversight. This measure includes payments for unnecessary services, billing or coding errors, and payments for claims that did not meet documentation or other Medicare coverage requirements. High Medicare improper payment rates exist for various services, including home health, skilled nursing, and evaluation and management services. Audits of hospitals have uncovered and sought to remedy improper billing and payments for myriad issues, such as incorrect billing for transfers to post-acute care and inaccurate patient diagnosis codes. Furthermore, accurate billing by hospitals for short inpatient stays versus outpatient observation stays has been an area of considerable challenge and concern.

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