

Laurel Sampognaro, PharmD

  • Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, Louisiana

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Timolol Twice Reduces aqueous Bronchospasm, bradycardia, Maleate daily secretion arrhythmia, low blood 0. Selective beta blockers Reduces aqueous Same as timolol except no Betaxolol Twice secretion corneal anesthesia. Epinephrine Twice Increases aqueous outflow Irritation, conjunctival 1% Dipivedaily by their beta agonist action congestion, cystoid macular frine 0. Latanoprost Once Enhances uveoscleral Hyperaemia, iris pigmentation, (Xalatan) daily outflow allergy, risk of cystoid macular 0. Travoprost Once Enhances uveoscleral Conjunctival hyperaemia (Travatan) daily outflow 0. Bimatoprost Once Enhances both trabecular More conjunctival hypercaemia (Lumigan) daily and uveoscleral outflow but fewer headache and less 0. Dorzolamide 2-3 times Decreases aqueous Allergy, superficial punctate 2% (topical) daily production keratitis, blurring dryness ii. Surgical Treatment Trabeculectomy, a filtering operation is done when the miotics and fi-blockers fail to control the tension and the field defects progress. The advantage over routine filtering operations are fewer complications by use of smaller or no incision. It is a subconjunctival implant connected to a tube that enters the anterior chamber. Aqueous is shunted through the implant and diffuses away in the subconjunctival tissue. There is no bleb formation which means the aqueous does not drain into the subconjunctival space. Glaucoma 279 Investigation Perimetry should be done at 4-6 monthly interval to demonstrate progression before starting medical treatment. If nocturnal drop of blood pressure is present, avoid high dose of antihypertensive medication. It precipitates an attack of raised intraocular pressure (acute congestive attack). Irido-trabecular contact Stages the clinical course of the disease has been divided into five stages. The condition however does not necessarily progress from one stage to the other in an orderly sequence. Absolute primary angle-closure glaucoma Mechanism of closed angle glaucoma Glaucoma 281 1. The pigmented trabecular meshwork is not visible (Shaffer grade 1 or 0) without indentation or manipulation in at least three quadrants. The patient is asked to lie down in a dark room, in the prone (face downwards) position for 1 hour without sleeping. It is confirmed in one eye during an attack of acute congestive angle closure in the other eye usually. An optical section of the peripheral cornea and anterior chamber is made with the illumination and viewing arms at 60 degrees to each other. It is a corneal topography mapping system which combines scanning slit with placido disc technology. Treatment Prophylactic peripheral laser iridotomy in both eyes will prevent an acute attack. If untreated, the risk of acute pressure rise during the next 5 years is approximately 50%. The normal diurnal variation Intermittent angle closure occurs in an anatomically predisposed eye in which physiological factors such as reading in dim illumination or watching television in a dark room precipitates a pupillary block due to mydriasis. This causes a sharp rise in intraocular pressure for a short period of time followed by a spontaneous resolution of the pupillary block possibly due to: i. Sleep (As the pupil becomes constricted) Emotional stress may also be a precipitating factor. As halos are seen as coloured rings around lighted bulb, they are observed only after dark. The colours are distributed as in the spectrum of rainbow with red colour being outside and violet inner most. Course Some eyes may develop an acute attack or may progress into chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. Diagnosis Diagnosis in the early stages (angle-closure suspect and intermittent or subacute angle-closure) is important since adequate treatment at this stage is easy and certain to prevent the loss of vision. If the patient gives a vague history, the halo can be demonstrated by him on looking through a thin layer of lycopodiun powder enclosed between two glass plates made up as a trial lens. Provocative testsRise in tension can be tested by the provocative tests even if the tension is normal. The pupil dilates and if the rise in tension is more than 8 mm Hg (Schiotz), it is pathological. Full miosis is achieved after the test by the instillation of pilocarpine eyedrops as precaution. The stenopaeic test (Fincham test) Treatment Prophylactic peripheral laser iridotomy is performed in both eyes of all the patients because if untreated the risk of acute pressure rise during the next 5 years is very high (50% approximately). Glaucoma 285 Mechanism of the rise in intraocular pressure in angle-closure glaucoma Pathogenesis the crisis is due to acute ischaemia associated with liberation of prostaglandin-like substances. If the attack lasts for several hours or days, irreversible damage may occur to the ocular tissues. Severe unilateral headache, nausea, vomiting and prostration are often associated. There is sudden onset of intense unbearable pain in the eye due to stretching of the sensory nerves. It is mainly due to ischaemia due to optic neuropathy and partially due to corneal oedema stasis and increased permeability of the capillaries. Redness, lacrimation and photophobia are present due to corneal oedema erosion and conjunctival and ciliary congestion. Peripheral anterior synechiae (organized exudates) occur as a result of prolonged and repeated acute congestive attack. The perfusion of optic nerve head is affected due to decreased blood flow in the capillary and in annulus of Zinn which supplies nutrition to the laminar and post-laminar optic nerve head. It usually passes into the stage of chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma as the angle becomes slowly and progressively closed. Treatment Although the treatment of primary angle-closure glaucoma is essentially surgical, the initial treatment is medical in order to control the raised tension. Medical Treatment It is useful in lowering the raised tension particularly in the acute congestive attack preoperatively. The patient should be positioned supine (lying straight) to allow the lens to shift posteriorly. Acetazolamide 500 mg intravenously and 500 mg orally and/or intravenous mannitol is given after making sure that the patient is not suffering from cardiovascular disease. Pressure with moist cotton swab can be applied on the central part of the cornea if the pupil remains blocked. Initially pilocarpine is instilled every 30 minute and later hourly till maximum miosis is achieved. This is effective in pulling the iris away from the angle and opening the drainage channels. However, the tension is lowered by medical treatment before surgery to prevent occurrence of expulsive haemorrhage. Technique A drop of topical pilocarpine is instilled frequently 30 minutes before laser therapy. The laser with an anterior offset is then used to make an opening measuring 150-200 microns in size is made in the periphery of iris. By making a hole in the periphery of iris, pupillary block is relieved permanently. A partial thickness of a part of limbus (trabecular meshwork and canal of Schlemm) is excised under a scleral flap. The superficial flap of the sclera measuring 5 fi 5 mm is dissected anteriorly upto the limbus.

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Stacking housing units vertically, the cogeneration of electricity is supplied at the lowest possible temor designing single-family houses as twoor three-story houses rather perature, as this minimizes the reduction in electricity generation caused than as one-story houses will increase the opportunities for passive venby withdrawing useful heat from a steam turbine, maximizes the fraction tilation in the summer by exploiting the buoyancy of warm internal air, of waste heat used, and minimizes heat losses during distribution. However, the heat the thickness of insulation is needed in a single-family house as in a load in this case might be so low that a district heating network cannot multi-unit apartment, along with substantially better windows, in order be economically justified unless the building density is very high. Conversely, adoption of about the same insulation levels and window performance in an apartDistrict cooling can be supplied from large, dedicated centralized elecment building as in high performance houses in Sweden reduces the tric chillers or from absorption chillers that are driven with steam from annual energy use to one-third of that of the high performance house steam turbines for electricity generation. In principle, district cooling from large, centralized chillers can provide significant (up to 45%) savings compared to Multifamily housing has a smaller surface to volume ratio than singlethe use of separate chillers in individual buildings (Dharmadhikari et al. This rate of savings is due to the larger full-load efficiency of reducing the relative importance of the external envelope to the total large chillers compared to small chillers, and the ability to operate each cost. Construction material requirements are also reduced, while public chiller in a centralized system at, or close to , its maximum efficiency. Thus, multifamily and multiheat sinks, such as sewage or lake, river, or sea water that would not be unit office and retail buildings simultaneously reduce energy use and available to chillers in individual buildings. However, in practice there investment costs and enhance possibilities for alternatives to automomay be no savings or even an increase in energy use if unfavorable bile use. However, large-scale office and retail buildings exceeding 30 meters in the total cost of district cooling systems can be less than the total cost depth need more energy for lighting, ventilation, and cooling than smallof equipping individual buildings with their own chillers. District cooling systems also eliminthrough the envelope, so more cooling is needed. District heating networks can be coupled with the large-scale underground storage of heat that is collected from solar thermal collectors 10. Heat can A district heating system consists of a network of underground pipes also be supplied with biomass, as part of a biomass cogeneration syscarrying steam or hot water from a centralized heating facility or heat tem or from geothermal heat sources. If both heat and coldness are source to individual buildings, while a district cooling system is a netstored, then heat pumps can be used to recharge the thermal storage work of pipes to carry chilled water. District heating systems provide an reservoirs or to directly supply heat or coldness to the district heatenergy savings if they make use of heat that would otherwise be wasted. This, in the most common source of waste heat is heat produced from the genturn, permits the sizing of wind systems to meet a larger fraction of eration of electricity in fossil fuel or biomass power plants. Conversely, total electricity demand without having to discard as much, or any, district heating supplied entirely from centralized boilers does not save electricity generation potential during times of high wind and/or low any energy, and may in fact increase energy use, compared to the use of demand. Examples are presented of exemplary buildings from tem in order to maintain a steady indoor temperature, and so represents around the world, spanning a wide range of climates, followed by infora load on the heating system. Much more detailed information can be found removed in order to maintain a steady indoor temperature. Heating loads can be dramatically reduced through the use of a high performance thermal envelope, consisting of: (i) high levels of insulation 10. High levels of insubrainstorming session involving all the members of the design team lation, combined with high performance windows and airtightness to develop a number of alternative concepts for achieving the energy and coupled with mechanical ventilation and heat recovery, can readtarget. As a building will be operated over a large where previous practice was for no insulation, rather moderate levels of range of outdoor climates and indoor states, simulation can tell what insulation can substantially reduce heating energy requirements, as well happens in a part-load situation and help the design to achieve high as reduce summer cooling energy use by a factor of two or more (Florides efficiency during part-load conditions. When perimeter heating is eliminated, ductwork formance building envelope and other measures to reduce heating and or hot water piping can be made shorter, as all the radiators can be cooling loads; (iii) maximize passive heating, cooling, ventilation, and located closer to the central core of the building, with associated cost daylighting; (iv) install efficient systems to meet remaining loads; (v) savings but also savings in fan and pump size and energy use. If the ensure that individual energy using devices are as efficient as possible default design involves floor-mounted fan-coil units, their elimination and properly sized; and (iv) ensure the systems and devices are properly will increase the amount of useable floor space. The waxes will not rise in temperature above their melting point shingles; as they melt, just as ice will not rise above 0fiC as it melts. At night the waxes refreeze if they can be cooled for a one-story house in Cyprus, adding 5cm of polystyrene insuto below their melting point with cool night air, releasing the heat that lation to the roof reduces the cooling load by 45% and the heatthey absorbed during the day as they melted. Vegetation integrated into building surfaces, such as walls and roofs, also contributes to cooling by reducing heat gains In hot-humid climates, the energy required to dehumidify air can and through evapotranspiration. This portion of the cooling load will not be reduced through measures such as shading, Thermal mass does not reduce the heat gain by a building and so does external insulation, or use of thermal mass and windows with low-solar not represent a reduction in cooling load (as defined here). However, a heat gain, so these measures will provide a smaller percentage savings high thermal mass reduces the temperature increase for a given heat in overall cooling loads. However, materials that absorb moisture can gain and, for short temperature spikes, can eliminate the need for air be placed at the internal surface of rooms so as to maintain nearly conconditioning. On dry days, the moisture can be released housing built with traditional adobe bricks and modern hollow concrete back to the air through ventilation. This can greatly reduce the energy blocks (having minimal thermal mass) in Baja California, and found the required for dehumidification. However, unless temperatures drop Thermal mass will be less effective in reducing daytime temperaturesufficiently at night to remove the heat that enters the thermal mass by related cooling loads in humid climates because of the smaller day-night day, the temperature of the thermal mass will build up over a period temperature difference in hot-humid climates than in hot-dry climates. The nighttime removal of daytime heat can be enhanced ing forms that promote air movement between and through buildings, through deliberate nighttime ventilation of the building with outside air in order to employ low thermal mass to minimize the storage of heat so when the outside air is sufficiently cool, as discussed in the next subthat buildings can cool quickly whenever temperatures decreases (Kochsection. Modest levels of insulation are also effective in reducing cooling loads by about half in hot climates. Thermal mass, combined Natural ventilation can be achieved through: with external insulation and nighttime ventilation, can largely eliminate cooling requirements in hot-dry climates. In both hot-dry and hot-humid climates, however, the remaining residential buildings; cooling loads can be handled through a variety of low-energy systems. These features largely pertain example is the Building Research Establishment offices in Garston, to building form and envelope, and the applicability of earth pipe, evapUnited Kingdom, which is illustrated in Figure 10. These and other building features Chapter 10 online appendix; and internal energy loads are discussed in the following subsections. A purely at the top of a tower and allowed to evaporate, thereby cooling passive cooling technique requires no mechanical energy input at all. Some examples of passive been used in the Visitor Center at Zion National Park, United States and passive-low-energy cooling techniques are described below. It reduces the perceived outgoing exhaust air or incoming fresh air between the glazing temperature due to the greater ability of moving air to remove heat from in a double glazed window. Evaporative cooling can provide comfortable condithrough the occupied space to cool the building prior to its use the tions most of the time in most parts of the world (see Harvey, 2006). Where artificial air conditioning is still needed by day, external A number of residential evaporative coolers are on the market in the air can be pre-cooled by passing it through the ceiling that has been United States. Effective night ventilation requires a high exposed side air through the evaporative cooler and directly into the space to thermal mass, an airtight envelope, minimal internal heat gains, and a be cooled, or into ductwork that distributes the cooled air. Simulations building configuration that induces natural airflows so that minimal fan for a house in a variety of California climate zones indicate savings in energy is required. Evaporative this way, as simulations for both places have shown (Kolokotroni, 2001). For a three-story office building increases as the incident solar radiation increases, matching the need in La Rochelle, France, Blondeau et al. The combination of external insulation, thermal mass, and night ventilaWater can also be circulated through underground pipes and pre-cooled tion is particularly effective in hot-dry climates, as there is a large diuror pre-heated. This is ideal in conjunction with radiant floor heating or nal temperature variation in such climates, and placing the insulation radiant ceiling cooling, and has been used in Europe, usually with a heat on the outside exposes the thermal mass to cool night air while minpump to enhance the heat extraction from or transfer to the ground. As previously noted, low thermal mass and an open design with plenty of cross ventilation are normally recommended in hot humid climates, although 17 Wet bulb temperature is a type of temperature that refiects the physical properties of a system with a mixture of a gas and a vapor, usually air and water vapor. It is the Tenorio (2007) finds that in humid tropical areas of Brazil, thermal mass lowest temperature that can be reached by the evaporation of water only (Hart & combined with night ventilation and selective use of air conditioning Cooley Inc. Heat pumps provide one means of decarcombined with conventional heating for regeneration are sometimes bonizing building heating, once the electric grid itself is decarbonized. A great advantage of desiccant cooling systems is that they avoid overcooling the air and then reheating it for dehumidification purposes. The volume of air circulated in this case Passive heating techniques is normally much greater than what is needed for ventilation purposes, Passive heating refers to the simple absorption of solar radiation inside in order to remove contaminants and provide fresh air. Efficiencies (ratio of heat supplied to fuel use) range from 75% the entire floor serves as a radiator by circulating warm water through to 95%, not including distribution losses. Space heating and hot water for consumptive ture of the hot water provided to such systems. They found that radiant cooling reduces 4 energy use by an amount ranging from 6% in Seattle to 42% in Phoenix. In a system where most of the cooling is done with chilled water, In very humid climates, the task of air conditioning is to reduce both the airflow is reduced to that needed only for fresh air purposes, meanhumidity and temperature. Calculations by cool and dehumidify the air directly to the desired final conditions withLoudermilk (1999) indicate that for an office in Chicago about one-third out overcooling and reheating. Options for reducing the amount of ventilation requirements, rather than using a fixed ventilation rate or hot water demand include using low flow showerheads (up to 50% savvarying it according to some inflexible schedule. Where there are simultaneous inflows and outflows of water, as during showers, more than 50% of the heat in hot wastewater can be captured Introducing high performance air conditioners is another way to save and used to preheat cold incoming water or air (Vasile, 1997). Cooling and heating individual rooms by using air conditioners is as common in smalland medium-size non-residential buildings as in If hot water is stored in a tank between periods when it is being homes. Large losses can also occur from pipes that deliver hot water in Japan by recent technology development (Figure 10. These losses can be largely eliminated through 683 Energy End-Use: Buildings Chapter 10 tankless point-of-use water heaters, which are common in Europe and nents of the lighting system (described in Rubinstein and Johnson, Asia. Solar water heaters can supply 50% or more of hot water requirements in most parts of the world and require a storage tank. Light output is measured in lumens (lm), which takes into account differences in the sensitivity of our eyes to different wavelengths of light. This ter, after accounting for solar heat gain, and with minimal impact on would reduce electricity requirements by up to a factor of two compared cooling loads in summer. It also involves adjusting remarkable energy savings could be increased yet further through the system and its controls to achieve the best possible performance. Consequently, the control systems never operate as intended Ultimately, energy use can be minimized by proxying, in which a varin many buildings. In in sleep mode, unlike the current situation where those devices are a program involving over 80 buildings mentioned by Piette et al. Virtualization involves software that allows one server to take on the functions of several, while the others reduce power.

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SymmetriMicroblepharon cal soft swellings above the inner canthus are sometimes this is the condition in which the lids are abnormally small; seen in elderly people. Derconditions usually occur only in cases of microphthalmos matochalasis is the presence of loose folds of skin and or congenitally small eyes. Microphthalmos may be associmuscle due to weakening of connective and elastic tissue ated with a congenital orbitopalpebral cyst. A fne incision is made in the crease of the upper lid, production of collagen, creating a tightening and smoothenand beneath the eyelashes in the lower lid. The droopy eyelid is Summary corrected, the pouches and bags removed and the excess the eyelids serve to protect the eye, reconstitute the tear skin smoothed and tightened. The lacrimal puncta lie near the posterior border of the free margin of the lid about 6 mm from the inner canthus, where Lacrimal Glands the lashes end. The punctum is relatively avascular and is the lacrimal glands of each eye have a superior or orbital situated upon a slight elevation, larger in elderly people, the gland, the inferior or palpebral gland, and the accessory lacrimal papilla. All these are serous acinous normal circumstances only when the lid is slightly everted. The upper and lower canaliculi usually join of the orbital plate of the frontal bone; 10 or 12 lacrimal together to form a common canaliculus which opens ducts pass from it to open upon the surface of the conjuncimmediately into the outer wall of the lacrimal sac. The palpebral of mucosa at this point forms the valve of Rosenmuller, gland consists of only one or two lobules situated on the preventing refux of tears. The accessory or Krause glands portion or fundus extends slightly above the level of the are microscopic groups of acini, lying below the surface medial palpebral ligament and the sac itself is surrounded of the conjunctiva between the fornix and the edge of by fbres of the orbicularis muscle. Closure of the eyelids occurs from Horizontal canaliculus lateral to medial, bringing fuid in the conjunctival sac Vertical canaliculus medially. Blinking causes the attachment of the preseptal orbicularis muscle to the lacrimal sac to contract, widening Valve of Rosenmuller the sac and producing a negative pressure which sucks the tears into the sac. On opening the eye this pressure is relieved and the tears are then emptied into the nose by gravity and contraction of the orbicularis. The tear flm lubricates the ocular surface; it facilitates lid movements and creates a smooth surface for the passage of light. It provides nutrition to the cornea, and also protects the ocular surfaces from injury and infection. The posterior mucus layer formed by the conjunctival glands, is closely attached to the corneal epithelium and helps the tear flm to spread evenly and Valve of Hasner adhere to the eye. The tears have some bacteriostatic properties owing to the presence at the anterior part of the outer wall of the inferior meatus of an enzyme, lysozyme. Another fap of mucosa forms the valve of tiva does not result from extirpation of the superior and Hasner, closing this opening when necessary (Fig. The periorbita splits to form the lacrimal fascia that covers the anterior and posterior surfaces of the sac. The deep Nerve Supply heads of the orbicularis are attached posterior to the sac, with some fbres being attached to it. The superfcial head the nerve supply to the lacrimal gland is from the autonoof the orbicularis passes anterior to the sac and is attached mous nervous system by parasympathetic and sympathetic to the lacrimal crest. The surface marking of the nasolacrifbres which travel along the cranial nerves to reach the mal duct is a line from a point just outside the inner canthus gland. The parasympathetic innervation is secretomotor to the groove between the ala of the nose and the cheek. The and originates from the superior salivatory nucleus, travels nasal duct is narrowest at the upper end. The canaliculi are via the seventh nerve and the greater superfcial petrosal lined by non-keratinized, stratifed squamous epithelium, nerve, synapses in the pterygopalatine ganglion, and is carthe lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct by columnar epitheried by the zygomatic nerve (branch of the zygomatic divilium lying upon a corium which contains a venous plexus. The sympathetic innervation is vasomotor in function and originates from the superior cervical ganglion, then travels via the deep petrosal nerve to the pterygopalatine ganglion, Lacrimal Secretion passes through without synapse and travels in the zygothe lacrimal secretion is a slightly alkaline fuid containing matic nerve to reach the lacrimal gland. Tears in the conjunctival Dacryoadenitis sac are sucked into the lacrimal sac and forced through the nasal duct into the nose during the act of blinking, Dacryoadenitis occurs occasionally in general infections when the fbres of the orbicularis contract around the sac (mumps, infuenza, etc. This may be associated with a follicular conjunctivitis, periorbital oedema, uveitis and sometimes optic neuritis. Occasionally, the central nervous system is involved, but fortunately the disease is usually self-limiting. Mikulicz Syndrome Mikulicz syndrome is characterized by symmetrical enlargement of the lacrimal and salivary glands. Dacryops Dacryops is a cystic swelling in the upper fornix due to retention of secretion following blockage of one of the lacrimal ducts. It can only be distinguished from retention cysts of Krause glands by its position. Tumours of the Lacrimal Gland % Tumours of the lacrimal gland show a very marked resemblance to those of the parotid. Benign mixed lacrimal gland tumours present in middle life as slowly progressive painless swellings in the upper lid and later proptosis. A painful tumour or one with bone invasion or calcifcation should be a biopsied through a & trans-septal incision. The globe is pushed (B) inferonasal dystopia due to a tumour arising from the orbital lobe; downwards and inwards (Fig. This is among the Aetiology: commonest ocular disorders, especially among postmenopausal women and the elderly. The strip is removed l Drugs such as diuretics, decongestants, antihypertenfrom the eye after 5 minutes and the wet portion measives, etc sured. Wetting of less than 10 mm is indicative of an l Sarcoidosis aqueous tear deficiency. The result is divided by the value of the Classifcation: critical lower limit to express the concentration as the tear 1. Primary lacrimal gland deficiencies Symptoms arising from a dry eye may be mimicked by b. Secondary lacrimal gland deficiencies chronic blepharoconjunctivitis due to the staphylococcus, c. Obstruction of the lacrimal gland ducts rosacea keratoconjunctivitis or allergic conjunctivitis. Disorders of lid aperature and lid/globe congruity and treatment appropriate to the cause and severity of the or dynamics disease instituted (Table 29. The most suitable preparations for a dry eye are long lasting and preservative-free. Tests for Dry Eye Any accompanying infammation may be treated with Features which help in the diagnosis of a moderately dry mild steroids or cyclosporin 0. The tear flm stained with sodium fuorescein 1% is servatives, can be inserted below the tarsus of the lower lid observed with a slit-lamp and the time noted after instructwhere it dissolves slowly providing a continuous source of ing the patient to blink. A tear flm break-up time of less than obstruction of the canaliculi with gelatin plugs and if it is 10 seconds is suggestive of a dry eye with defciency of seen to provide relief, it is worth considering a permanent mucin. Other vital dye staining tests for dry eye include obstruction of the lower puncta by cauterization. Excess staining the ocular surface with rose Bengal 1% or lissamucus may be treated by 5% acetyl cysteine drops buffered mine green which stains devitalized, desiccated corneal and to a pH of 8. It is placed at the junction of the outer one-third Infammation of the lacrimal sac is known as dacryocystitis. Congenital dacryocystitis is tear fluid fails to diffuse over the lid margin along the almost always chronic, while acquired dacryocystitis may strip within 2 minutes, it is removed to another site be acute or chronic. Dacryocystitis is a constant menace eyelid hygiene) to the eye since minute abrasions of the cornea are of almost Treatment of contributing ocular daily occurrence and such an abrasion is liable to become factors such as blepharitis or infected and give rise to an ulcer. The condition tends to progress and the walls of the sac ultimately become atonic, the contents Anti-infammatory agents (topical cyclosporine and corticosteroids), never being evacuated except by external pressure. An systemic omega-3 fatty acids acute infammation may arise at any time leading to the supplements formation of a lacrimal abscess. Punctal plugs Congenital dacryocystitis is due to incomplete canaliSpectacle side shields and moisture zation of the lacrimal system, most often at the valve of chambers Hasner. Hydrostatic pressure is applied by massaging Severe In addition to above treatments: downwards and medially with a clean thumb behind the lacrimal crest. Congenital dacryocystitis needs aggressive Systemic cholinergic agonists therapy as the infection can spread to become an orbital Systemic anti-infammatory agents cellulitis, leading further to even meningitis. Common Mucolytic agents organisms cultured in children are Staphylococcus aureus, Autologous serum tears Haemophilus infuenzae, beta-haemolytic streptococci and Contact lenses pneumococci. Correction of eyelid abnormalities Permanent punctal occlusion Treatment Tarsorrhaphy In the newborn, antibiotic drops and frequent expression of the contents of the sac cure most infections. If, however, Adapted from Report of the Management and Therapy Subcommittee 1 year elapses without marked improvement, an anaesthetic of the International Dry Eye Workshop. The superior punctum and canaliculus are dilated with a Nettleship punctum dilator and a small lacrimal probe Chronic Dacryocystitis (No. The essential symptom is epiphora, agpassed gently but frmly inwards until the point is felt gravated by such conditions as exposure to wind. The probe is then rotated downmay be a swelling at the site of the sac (a mucocele) and the wards and towards the midline, and pushed down the nasal caruncle and neighbouring parts of the conjunctiva are freduct until it touches the foor of the nose; it should be quently infamed. On pressure over the sac, mucopus or pus remembered that the duct is short in the newborn. Little regurgitates through the puncta, or more rarely passes down force is required if applied correctly in the line of the duct. Chronic dacryocystitis is commonly attribthe passage of a probe once will cure most congenital uted to the effects of stricture of the nasal duct arising from cases. A balloon dilatation of the duct or placement of a chronic infammation, usually of nasal origin. This accumularecent cases with a view to reducing the swelling of the tion of secretions and tears within the lacrimal sac is easily infamed mucosa and restoring patency. The conjunctival Chapter | 29 Diseases of the Lacrimal Apparatus 477 sac is anaesthetized, the punctum dilated and the sac syand upper part of the cheek, so that the condition may be ringed out with a lacrimal syringe. There is severe pain, and is inserted into the canaliculus, and two or three syringefuls often slight fever. The abscess usually points below and to of an antibiotic solution are passed; probably all the fuid the outer side of the sac owing to gravitation of the pus to will regurgitate through the upper canaliculus. If it bursts spontaneously, pus contion should be repeated daily and in many cases the fuid tinues to be discharged for some time, and a permanent will pass freely down into the nose in a few days. General treatment by oral and topical antibiotic drugs A number of cases can be cured in this manner, particularly should be instituted at once. If seen at the beginning of the if the patient is told to squeeze out the contents of the sac process, an attempt may be made to draw the contents of frequently in the intervals between syringing. In some early cases the mucopus can may also be visualized radiologically after injecting lipithen be coaxed down the nasal duct. Obstruction at the junction of the nasolacrimal duct and the commonest symptom of lacrimal disorders is epiphora. Increased producthis operation an opening is made in the nasal bone contion is seen in conjunctival irritation or psychogenic stimuli necting the lacrimal sac to the middle meatus and if propsuch as a tragedy. Epiphora is the term reserved for an overerly performed, removes the obstruction and retains the fow of tears from the eye because of an obstruction, stenofunction of drainage. The patient complains of a constant fow of Acute Dacryocystitis tears, exacerbated by exposure to wind and prolonged near A lacrimal abscess may be due to acute infammation of work. Constant wetting of the lid may lead to excoriation the sac or to suppuration starting in the pericystic tissues and wiping of the eyes downwards may exacerbate the de(Fig. The redness and swelling rapidly extend to the lower lid Investigations Evaluation of a patient complaining of epiphora must be thorough so that the cause can be identifed and treated. The lacus lacrimalis at the medial canthus appears full and the marginal tear strip high. Lacrimal syringing is performed after dilatation of the punctum with a punctum dilator. Pulling the lower lid temporally straightens the ampulla allowing entry into the horizontal canaliculus. Bilateral reflux of contrast material into the conjunctival sac (curved arrows). If present more than 8 mm from the punctum, the obstruction is probably at the common canaliculus.

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Occasionally there may be diplopia due to limitation of movement of the eyeball as a result of injury or fibrosis of medial rectus muscle heel pain yoga treatment purchase 100 mg cafergot fast delivery. Atrophic Pterygium No treatment is required unless it is progressing towards the pupillary area or causing disfigurement pacific pain treatment center victoria purchase genuine cafergot on-line. Progressive Pterygium Indications for surgery include visual impairment pain clinic treatment options buy cafergot discount, astigmatism blue sky pain treatment center/health services discount cafergot online, cosmetic reasons pain treatment with methadone discount cafergot 100mg fast delivery, limitation of ocular movement and diplopia midsouth pain treatment center germantown tn 100mg cafergot with amex. Hold the neck of the pterygium with the fixation forceps and dissect the apex from the cornea. The pterygium is then freed from the sclera along its length and from conjunctiva by doing subconjunctival dissection. The head, neck and body of the pterygium (3-4 mm) are excised leaving a bare area of the sclera at the edge of the cornea (bare sclera technique). A part of conjunctiva is also excised and the cut ends of the conjunctiva may be sutured to the episcleral tissue or together. Earlier on pterygium was allowed to grow until it crosses pupillary area to prevent cornea haze. It is indicated specially when the pterygium is in the pupillary area or in cases of corneal thinning. Beta-radiation from the strontium-90 source is applied to the limbus postoperatively. Alternatively, mitomycin C, an anti-metabolite may also be effective in the prevention of recurrence. It is used as eye drops in the concentration of 2 mg powder dissolved in 5 ml of normal saline or 5% glucose starting from first postoperative day and continued for 7 days. Subconjunctival Haemorrhage (Ecchymosis) Rupture of conjunctival blood vessel causes a bright red, sharply delineated area surrounded by normal looking conjunctiva. Subconjunctival haemorrhage is common since the conjunctival vessels are loosely supported. Ultimately it gets absorbed within 2-3 weeks depending on the amount of haemorrhage. Xerosis [Dry eye] It is a dry, lustreless condition of the conjunctiva due to the unstable tear film, exposing the conjunctival and corneal epithelium to evaporation. It supplies atmospheric oxygen to cornea, has antibacterial function and washes away debris. This is because the palpebral fissure is widened and blink rate is decreased while using computer. Soft contact lenses actively deplete the mucus layer to maintain their hydration level. Contact lenses also decrease the corneal sensation, a factor which may be necessary for the tear secretion. There may be excessive mucus secretion (white coloured) due to deficiency of aqueous layer. Staining with alcian blue shows the presence of particulate matter in the tear film due to excess mucus. If the wetting is less than 6 mm after 5 minutes, it is diagnostic of dry eye (normal range is 10-25 mm). The above procedure is repeated while stimulating the nasal mucosa with fumes of ammonia or a wisp of cotton. The room is darkened and the procedure is the same as Schirmer test I and interpretation of the results is also similar. Less than 5 mm wetting of the filter paper confirms the diagnosis of hyposecretion of tears. The rapidity of appearance of dry spots on the cornea between blinks becomes an index of the adequacy of the mucin layer. Immediately scan the cornea with cobalt blue illumination of the slitlamp for the first sign of dry (fluorescein free) areas. If the tear film breaks in less than 10 seconds, it is diagnostic of mucus deficiency (normal range is 15-35 seconds). Deworming should be done periodically in children as intestinal worms can cause vitamin A deficiency. Tarsorrhaphy (Lateral) is indicated in facial nerve palsy with exposure keratitis and corneal ulcer. It includes mucous membrane grafting, conjunctival transplant, amniotic membrane transplant keratoprosthesis, correction of ectropion, entropion, trichiasis etc. In some cases autologuous nasal mucous membrane (stem cell) transplantation have been tried with good results. Argyrosis There is staining of the conjunctiva a deep brown colour due to prolonged application of silver salt (nitrate, proteinate, etc. Precancerous melanosis is a diffusely spreading pigmentation of the conjunctiva seen in elderly persons. It is treated by enucleation of the globe or exenteration of the orbit in cases of extraocular extension. As a complication of acute mucopurulent conjunctivitis, the corneal ulcers that develop are a. It consists of keratocytes, regularly arranged collagen fibrils and ground Structure of cornea substance. The cell density is about 3000 cells mm2 at birth which decreases with advancing age. It is derived from the ophthalmic division of the 5th cranial nerve through the nasociliary branch. This is possible by maintaining corneal transparency and replacement of its tissues. Usually organisms in the conjunctival sac, lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis), infected foreign body, etc. Etiology It is always exogenous infection commonly due to pyogenic organisms which invade the cornea from outside such as Staphylococcus, Pneumococcus, Pseudomonas, E. The irregular arrangement of fibrous tissue results in opacity, as the new fibres refract the light irregularly. Slit-lamp examination shows irregular margins of the ulcer and details of anterior segment of the eye. It is so very faint that the finer details of iris are clearly visible through the opacity. A thin diffuse nebula covering the pupillary area interferes more with vision than localized dense leucoma not covering the whole pupillary area. Ectatic Cicatrix [Keratectasia] (ectasia = bulge forwards, cicatrix = fibrous scar) There is marked thinning at the site of ulcer. Descemetocele [Keratocele] Few ulcers specially those due to pneumococcus and septic organisms extend rapidly. The only benefit is that the nutrition of the cornea improves, pain is relieved and scarring takes place. The opening in the cornea is lined by the epithelium therefore it does not heal leading to fistula formation. Dislocation or subluxation of lens occurs due to stretching and rupture of zonule. Purulent iridocyclitis and panophthalmitis usually occurs in gonococcal infection and hypopyon ulcers. Control of infection Infection is controlled by intensive local use of antibiotic drops. It paralyses the ciliary muscles and provides comfort to the eye by preventing ciliary spasm. There is associated iritis always in cases of corneal ulcer due to penetration of endotoxin across the endothelium in the anterior chamber.

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