Feng Gao, MD
- Professor of Medicine
- Member of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute

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Duck viral Virus Any, Wild and 5-100% with the Sudden mortality, often with few or no signs Biosecurity, enteritis (duck although domestic highest mortality in Digestive: watery diarrhea, decreased appetite, thirst (vaccination) plague) adults ducks and older birds Reproductive: decreased egg numbers more geese Nervous: difficulty walking, tremors severely Respiratory: pasted eyelids, nasal discharge affected 4. Pigeon Virus Any Pigeons Mortality may reach Adults neglect squab, resulting in their deaths. Vaccination, Disease domestic young birds where Respiratory: sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing biosecurity (lentogenic or birds mortality may reach Nervous: twisted necks mesogenic) 20% Reproductive: decreased egg numbers 6. There may be no signs in Biosecurity, Pathogenicity domestic may be up to 60% in waterfowl. Infectious Virus Any but Chickens 0-25% Birds may be depressed with ruffled feathers. Vaccination, bronchitis virus most Respiratory: gasping, coughing, sneezing, wet eyes medication for severe in Reproductive: thin-shelled, rough and misshapen eggs, decreased egg secondary chicks numbers bacteria 9. Vaccination 30 weeks unvaccinated flocks Nervous: paralyzed in one or both legs or wings, difficulty standing. Avian Leukosis Virus >30 weeks Chickens Usually <3% Unthriftiness, weight loss, enlarged abdomen Chicks from clean of age although it may Reproductive: decreased egg numbers flocks, biosecurity exceed 20% in some cases 11. Duck virus Virus Young, <6 Ducks Close to 100% in Death may be the first sign of disease. Nervous: birds fall on their sides, kicking ducks, 50% in 1-3 wk old, very (vaccination) low in >4 wk old 12. Infectious Virus Mostly 3-6 Chickens Usually 0-25% but in Prostration and death Vaccination, bursal disease weeks some cases, may be Digestive: vent picking, soiled vent feathers, whitish or watery diarrhea biosecurity up to 100% 13. Avian Virus Mostly 1-3 Chickens May reach 50% in Nervous: difficulty walking, paralysis, tremors Vaccination Encephalomye-litis weeks young birds 14. Vaccination, except turkeys 10-50% in Skin: scabby, raised pocks on the face biosecurity newlyrespiratory form. Digestive: Loss of appetite hatched Respiratory: nasal discharge, difficulty breathing 15. Medication, cholera weeks are ducks, Mortality is highest Respiratory: Gasping, difficulty breathing remove reservoirs, most geese, in turkeys, ducks. Navel is inflamed and the abdomen is Medication, omphalitis than 2 100% or it may be distended. Respiratory: Facial swelling, nasal discharge, coughing, foamy eyes Vaccination, Mycoplasmosis pigeons, Reproductive: Decreased egg numbers, decreased hatchability biosecurity turkeys Skeletal: joint swelling 18. Medication, Chlamydiosis pigeons, cases may have 5Nervous (young ducks): trembling, imbalanced gait biosecurity turkeys 30% morality Respiratory: swollen eyelids, nasal discharge, difficulty breathing Digestive (young ducks): yellow-green diarrhea. Infectious Bacteria Any, Chickens Rapid onset and Respiratory: Facial swelling, especially around the eyes, nasal Vaccination, Coryza disease high mortality. Protozoa Young birds Pigeons Can be up to 50% Young birds lose weight and may die. Sanitation, Trichomoniasis without treatment Digestive: thick, yellow areas inside the mouth, difficulty closing mouth medication 21. Coccidiosis Protozoa Young Most, Variable depending Depression, weakness, decreased weight gain, dehydration. Self immunization, birds, older although on how severe the Digestive: may have mucoid or bloody diarrhea. Protozoa Turkeys: 3Turkeys, Mortality is generally Depression, weakness Medication, put Histomoniasis 12 weeks. External Insects, Any Any Usually low unless Birds can become weak and unthrifty if heavily infested. Cleaning of parasites arachnids infestations are severe Skin: Mites, ticks, fleas and lice can cause itching, loss of environment feathers. Internal Various Any but the Any Mortality is variable Depression, failure to gain weight, anemia. Toxin from Young birds Any although Variable Nervous: difficulty walking, convulsions, feather picking Remove Aflatoxicosis fungus more signs more Reproductive: Reduced fertility and hatch rates. Botulism Toxin from Any Any, although It depends on how many Nervous: paralysis, especially of the neck. Birds will be Remove source fungus that more severe birds consume the toxin flaccid. Chemical Pesticides, Any Any Depends on the toxin, Signs vary depending on the toxin. Remove source toxins disinfectants the amount consumed of toxin, may and other or inhaled, and the need to clean number of birds environment exposed. Occasionally, injured birds may appear Secure housing domestic few birds but do not or body parts may be discovered after an attack. Vitamin Lack of Any Any Usually low in freeVitamin E: Death before 4 days of age Supplement deficiency complete ranging birds. May be Nervous: difficulty walking and standing, 15 30 days of age vitamins in the nutrition moderate to high in Reproductive: Decreased hatchability. When the source of the disease is the hatchery, the disease is called brooder pneumonia. Clinical signs and lesions: Aspergillosis occurs as an acute disease of young birds and a chronic disease in mature birds. Characteristically, there are no rales or respiratory sounds associated with aspergillosis. Mature birds also show respiratory distress, reduced feed consumption, and may have a bluish and dark color of the skin (cyanosis). Lesions typically consist of friable grey, yellow to greenish nodules or plaques, and fibrin deposition and pus in air sacs, lungs, and trachea. Similar lesions can occur in other organs such as the liver, peritoneal cavity and other sites. Mycelial growth with sporulation may be apparent on air sacs, bronchi and in the fungal lesions. Differential diagnosis: Avian aspergillosis signs are nonspecific and depend on the system involved. Pulmonary aspergillosis is usually differentiated from other avian respiratory diseases by the granulomatous lesions at necropsy, but needs to be differentiated from other mycoses and mycobacteriosis. However, exudative fibrinous or purulent air-sacculitis and pneumonia need to be differentiated from mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis, fowl cholera, and chlamydiosis. Aspergillosis affecting the skin needs to be differentiated from ectoparasitic infestations, smothering, cannibalism, and molting (natural loss of feathers) in birds. Cause, transmission, and epidemiology: Aspergillosis fungi are ubiquitous in the environment and grow well at room temperature and higher. All birds (domestic poultry, pigeons, canaries, and zoo bird species), animals, humans, and plants are susceptible. All litter and nest materials (peat moss, peanut hulls, sawdust, peat, bark, and straw) are known to have become contaminated with Aspergillus. Feed and water should be suspect when attempting to identify the source of contamination. Infection is usually caused by inhalation of large amounts of fungal spores, contaminated eggs during incubation and dust from the poultry shelters, coops, and areas where birds aggregate. In smallholder farms in Africa, aspergillosis occurs in free-range poultry during the planting and the harvesting periods. The main sources of the fungi are contaminated poultry environments and moldy cereals that are given to the birds as supplementation. In planting season, farmers use most of their cereals to plant farms; the remnants are used for household use, and rejects are thrown to animals including poultry. In harvesting periods, there are plenty of cereals but poor storage under humid, warm conditions favors fungal growth that can lead to poultry infection when bad grains are used as animal feeds. Diagnosis: Clinical signs and lesions of aspergillosis can indicate the disease; confirmation is by microscopic demonstration of the fungus in the lesions or histologic sections. Fungal species that can cause aspergillosis are Aspergillus fumigatus, and to a lesser extent, A. Old cultures become dark brownish-gray and the texture ranges from velvety to granular or powdery. They terminate in an inverted flask-shaped vesicle, from which sterigmata or phialides arise on the top half of the vesicle. Treatment: Clean and disinfect the house and spray it with 1:2000 copper sulphate or other suitable fungicide. Few and expensive birds can be treated with Nystatin or Amphotericin-B or other anti-mycotic agents. These are given together with antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections. The litter can be sprayed lightly with an oil-base germicide to control dust and air movement of fungal spores. Prevention: It is important to thoroughly clean and disinfect the brooding area between broods. Recovery: Cases will re-occur if fungi can grow in feedstuffs or litter on the farm because it is not handled properly. Clinical signs and lesions: Signs commonly appear during the first week of life and between the second and third weeks. Affected chicks may first show a dull expression of the eyes, followed by progressive incoordination, sitting on hocks, tremors of the head and neck, and finally paralysis or prostration. In advanced cases, many chicks will lie with both feet out to one side (prostrate) and die. All stages (dullness, tremors, prostration) can usually be seen in an affected flock. In adult birds, a transitory drop (5-20 percent) in egg production may be the only clinical sign present. However, in breeding flocks, a corresponding decrease in hatchability is also noted, as the virus is egg-transmitted until hens develop immunity. Cause, transmission, and epidemiology: the disease is most prevalent in chickens less than 6 weeks of age. Pheasants, corturnix quail, and turkeys are natural hosts as well, but less susceptible than chickens. The virus can be transmitted through the egg from infected hen to chick, accounting for disease during the first week of life. The disease can also be spread through a flock by direct contact of susceptible hatchlings with infected birds, accounting for the disease at 23 weeks of age. Diagnosis: Avian encephalomyelitis is definitively diagnosed by histopathology of the brain of infected and affected chicks. It can also be diagnosed by a correlation of typical clinical presentation and serology. Recovery: Once a flock has been infected with avian encephalomyelitis on a premises, future flocks are likely to become infected both through the presence of the virus in the environment and also because chicks can get the virus from their dams. Vaccination is the best method to prevent the recurrence of clinical disease in new birds. Clinical signs and lesions: Avian influenza is categorized as low (mild) or highly pathogenic. It causes facial swellings, blue combs and wattles, diarrhea, respiratory distress and sometimes nervous disorders. Mortality can range from low in the mild form to nearly 100 percent in the highly pathogenic form. Differential diagnosis: Avian influenza must be distinguished from Newcastle disease as clinical signs and lesions are very similar. It should also be differentiated from Mycoplasma infections (chronic respiratory disease) and fowl cholera. Water bodies which have been contaminated with the virus from droppings of waterfowl and shorebirds, the natural carriers of the virus, are important sources of infection for domestic poultry. It is also spread on the farm and between farms by contaminated farm equipment, feed bags, egg crates, vectors such as rodents and insects, and contaminated shoes and clothing. The avian influenza virus can remain viable for long periods of time at moderate temperatures, and can live indefinitely in frozen material. As a result, the disease can be spread through improper disposal of infected carcasses and manure. Confirmation of tentative diagnosis based on symptoms and lesions can be made through isolation of the virus in chicken embryonated eggs, testing the virus for hemagglutination, and serological tests. With the mild form of the disease, good husbandry, proper nutrition, and broad spectrum antibiotics may reduce losses from secondary infections. With the more lethal forms, strict quarantine and rapid destruction of all infected flocks remains the only effective method of stopping an avian influenza outbreak. Aggressive action is recommended even for milder infections as this virus has the ability to readily mutate to a more pathogenic form. A vaccination program used in conjunction with strict quarantine has been used to control mild forms of the disease, although this approach is still controversial. Recovery: Recovery is accomplished through depopulation, disinfection of equipment and poultry houses, and resting of pens. Botulism Other names: Limberneck, Western duck sickness, bulbar paralysis, alkali disease.
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Multifocally collecting ducts are mildly to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is a cosmopolitan grammarkedly dilated and contain pale blue granular to positive, non-spore-forming, facultative anaerobe with fibrillar material admixed with amorphous basophilic numerous serotypes and variable virulence. To the left of the glomerulus(small arrows), there is a tubule (Gram, 1000X) whose epithelium exhibits epithelial necrosis. It is also a common commensal on aquatic proliferative pododermatitis lesions dating back to and marine fishes and invertebrates. At necropsy the digital articular and skin lesions were Infection of livestock with E. It hypothesized that infection in this case normal pharyngeal flora in up to 50% of swine and occurred via the skin wounds. Bacteriologic surveys for potential In many cases there are limited histologic lesions, with sources were not evaluated in this case however, and colonies of intravascular bacteria with little or no dietary or other alternative sources including rodents or inflammation as the primary feature. Erysipelothricosis in birds often has potential for mass mortality events in birds, and the such an acute course that the animal dies before many ability to infect individual birds of high value, E. The jacana in this case was wild caught in producing neuraminidase, an enzyme that cleaves Tanzania and retained in the collection for alpha glycosidic linkages in neuraminic acid, a reactive approximately 12 years in multiple enclosures, most m u c o p o l y s a c c h a r i d e i n c e l l m e m b r a n e s. Chronic erysipelothricosis leads to polyarthritis, synovitis, fibrosis and articular cartilage destruction. Vegetative valvular endocarditis frequently occurs, resulting in vasculitis, myocardial infarcts, destruction of valve endocardium, and splenic and renal infarcts. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Infection in a captive Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Investigations on the pathogenicity of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in laying hens. A large mass was observed on a thoracic present as cysts, of which there are several forms: radiograph, obscuring the heart shadow. Other key features to note are the Gross Pathology: A 9 x 7 x 9 cm gelatinous mass was thick tegument and the deeply basophilic calcareous present in the pleural cavity, replacing and displacing corpuscles which are most numerous on the neck and most normal lung parenchyma. Within many cavities are large, often multiple, viable and degenerate larval cestodes Exposure to feces of the definitive host (typically wild characterized by their segmented integument, canids, but also domestic cats and dogs) or calcareous corpuscles, a scolex with a rostellum consumption of infected secondary rodent hosts are bearing hooklets, and spinous tegument. Exogenous possible modes of transmission to the lemur in this budding from the end opposite, the scolex is present in case. In the remaining lung, there were documented as to how the cysticerci migrate to the multifocal areas of parenchymal collapse of airways, peritoneal or pleural cavities, but once there, these peripheral emphysema, and pools of neutrophils, cases can be remarkably fulminating since the fibrin, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages in alveolar organism can proliferate by budding both spaces and within capillaries. Within one of the fibrous cysts, there are by a large fibrous cyst contain cross sections of several cysticerci. Taenia dog Cysticercus sheep, periton hydatigena tenuicollis cattle, pig eum Conference Comment: There is some variation Taenia ovis dog Cysticercus sheep muscle among slides, and some participants may have received ovis two sections of lung in which the histiocytic and Taenia dog Cysticercus rabbit periton eosinophilic pneumonia and bronchitis are a more pisiformis pisiformis eum, prominent feature due to the presence of larval liver cysticerci in airways. Taenia dog Coenurus rabbit connec Other important cysticerci in veterinary species are serialis serialis tive included in the following chart1: tissue Taenia cat Cysticercus mouse, rat liver Contributor: Michigan State University taeniaeformis fasciolaris Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic (strobilocerc Investigation us) Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health 4125 Beaumont Road Taenia dog Cysticercus reindeer muscle Lansing, Michigan 48910-8104 krabbei tarandi Severe Cysticercus longicollis rium lion birds cysticercosis in a black lemur (Eulemur macaco pacificum macaco). Gross Pathology: Gross examination of surgical biopsy showed a severely ulcerated mucosa with a Signalment: Cat (Felis silvetris catus), 12-year-old diffuse and severe thickening of the gastric wall that spayed female mix breed. At palpation an abdominal mass was of an ulcerated and fibrinous exudative mass detected. Ultrasound showed a heterogeneous and expanding and replacing the wall at the pyloric/fundic thickened gastric wall. The lesion affected the inner layers (mucosa intramural ulcerated mass close to the pyloric sphincter and tunica muscularis) of the gastric wall and that was completely removed. The cat was still alive 5 consisted of branching and anastomosing trabeculae of months after surgical resection. Retiform pattern of dense sclerosing fibroplasia mucosa, lage area of mucosal ulceration (arrow), and large focus of effacing the ulcerated mucosa (top), submucosa, and muscular tunic Splendore-Hoeppli material in the muscular tunic. Scattered throughout the dense fibrous connective tissue separated by highly vascular granulation tissue. Multifocally there eosinophilic infiltration in cats occurs as part of the were necrotic foci with intralesional bacterial colonies feline eosinophilic granuloma complex or in response and prominent eosinophils. The presentation is typical of a feline response to the penetration of bacteria into the gastrogastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia as intestinal wall secondary to mucosal foreign-body previously described. One Conference participants agree with the contributor in hypothesis is to consider that bacterial organisms could this case and favor the diagnosis of feline initiate these lesions. The significant slide variation, and some sections may not reasons for the fibroplasia and eosinophilic response contain identifiable pylorus. Feline survival time, and the presence of bacteria within the gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia. In both conditions, there is a marked trabecular pattern of dense collagen, a heavy infiltrate of eosinophils, and the presence of mast cells (either the neoplastic component or an infiltrate of physiologic mast cells). Clinical signs were similar between each condition, which is expected, including similar rates of presentation for vomiting and weight loss. Frequent sarcoplasm and pyknotic nuclei (degeneration and multiform ventricular premature complexes were noted necrosis). Small numbers of neutrophils and during cardiology exam, as were periods of nonmacrophages are occasionally present at the periphery sustained ventricular tachycardia. Myofiber numbers are diffusely and markedly reduced the animal died during hospitalization. Gross Pathology: the animal exhibited marked Myofibers vary markedly in diameter and frequently symmetrical atrophy of the masticatory, paravertebral, exhibit loss of cross striations, hyalinization, and and proximal limb muscles resulting in pronounced fragmentation (degeneration). The right middle and ventral contain abundant granular basophilic material aspects of both caudal lung lobes were red-purple, (mineral) within the sarcoplasm. Heart: dilation of both ventricles and atria and multifocal, myocardial mineralization and necrosis, multifocal to white-tan streaks within the myocardium, especially coalescing, moderate to marked, with moderate within the interventricular septum near the apex. Diaphragm: myocyte necrosis and loss, multifocal to thickened up to 1 cm in cross section. The proximal coalescing, marked with marked fibrosis and fat third of the stomach was displaced cranially into the replacement. Coalescing bands of fibrous connective tissue separate atrial enlargment and an unstructured interstitial pattern that coalesces the cardiac myofibers. This protein is responsible for deficiencies have not yet been observed in veterinary linking cytoplasmic actin to the transmembrane species outside of the laboratory. Examples of complexes of the sarcoglycans and dystroglycans, spontaneous muscular dystrophies that have been which interact with extracellular matrix components. Other Absence or dysfunction of dystrophin results in references contain a more extensive list of murine necrosis and regeneration of myocytes with musculodystrophy models. Spontaneous muscular dystrophies in respiratory failure following necrosis of diaphragmatic veterinary speciesmodified from 8 myofibers, while in older animals death frequently follows dysphagia and subsequent aspiration Deficient Protein Protein Location Species pneumonia or congestive heart failure. As the murine models fail Dystrophin Cytoskeleton Dog to show severe clinical signs or cardiac lesions (Duchenne Cat comparable to those observed in humans, these canine muscular dystrophy, mdx mouse8,11 models fill an important niche in therapeutic studies. Higher magnification shows marked fibrosis separating myocytes of variable diameter. Heart, myocardium: Degeneration, tongue, excessive drooling, abdominal breathing, and necrosis, and loss, multifocal, with myocardial fibrosis ribcage deformities due to contracture of the and mineralization. Diaphragm: Myofiber atrophy and loss, diffuse, there is paradoxical muscle hypertrophy of the thighs, moderate with myocyte atrophy and marked fatty neck, and shoulders. In chronic cases, the diaphragm is thickened, staining, or by Western blot analysis. In the heart, the left atrophy is the usual course in dystrophin-dependent ventricular wall and right side of the interventricular muscular dystrophy, marked muscular hypertrophy of septum are most severely affected by necrosis, unknown cause is seen in mice, cats, and rat terrier mineralization, and fibrosis. The basal lamina signs of neuromuscular weakness progress until 8-12 of necrotic fibers is preserved, leaving an empty months of age before stabilizing. Affected dogs exhibit sarcolemmal tube capable of fully regenerating the a stiff-legged gait, thickened muscles at the base of the myofibers. Congenital diseases veterinary species include X-linked muscular of feline muscle and neuromuscular junction. The major gross feature Muscular dystrophy with reduced sarcoglycan in a is the replacement of the intermedius, soleus, cat. Vet Clin North Am Small muscle fibers, with initial lesions of type 1 fiber Anim Pract. Canine and feline models of of sarcoplasmic masses at the center or periphery of human inherited muscle disease. Pathologic Basis of disorders such as secondary nutritional degenerative Veterinary Disease. X-linked muscular dystrophy as an animal model of Focal monophasic reactions result from an isolated Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a review. Muscular dystrophies involving the dystrophin-glycoprotein comples: an overview of current mouse models. Signalment: Adult merino sheep of unidentified gender, (Ovis orientalis aries) ovine. Laboratory Results: Aerobic and anaerobic culture performed on the samples of fresh liver yielded no History: this animal was one of multiple affected growth. Multiple animals were ramifying outwards, distorting the lobular architecture displaying signs of marked lethargy and weakness. Numerous hepatocytes appear swollen with moderate to marked anisocytosis and Gross Pathology: A post mortem examination was there are numerous mitotic figures, many of which conducted on one of the affected animals in the field appear abnormal, often arrested in metaphase. There by the local veterinarian, who subsequently submitted are occasional scattered shrunken hypereosinophilic both fresh liver and formalin fixed tissues to the hepatocytes with condensed nuclei, consistent with Western Australian Department of Agriculture and apoptosis. Low numbers of lymphocytes, macrophages extremely dry ruminal contents (suggesting and neutrophils are present, particularly periportally. Marked disruption of hepatocellular architecture with nodulear regeneration, bile plugs, necrotic, rounded up hepatocytes (arrowhead), and mitotic figure (arrow), changes consistent with phomopsin toxicosis in the small ruminant. Photograph courtesy of the Department of Anatomic Pathology, Murdoch University School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences. Diaporthe woodii (anamorph macrophages) with faint intracytoplasmic yellowPhomopsis leptostromiformis) was originally (and golden brown granular pigment. This in hyperplasia and intracytoplasmic pigment turn disrupts mitosis, resulting in mitotic arrest in accumulation. Lupinosis is a mycotoxicosis seen in Outbreaks of the disease are most common in countries animals ingesting lupin stubble or seed (Lupinus spp. Lupinosis occurs occasionally, but not now in years with late finishes and/or increased commonly, in South Africa and New Zealand. Rarely, Conference Comment: A few other noteworthy hepatic encephalopathy or photosensitization is histologic features in this case include a decrease in the observed. Clinical signs are typically seen within two lobule size and a decrease in the distance separating days of introduction to stubble. Most animals within a central and portal areas, reflecting hepatocyte necrosis flock are affected and deaths occur within three or four and atrophy. Variable numbers of sheep within a flock are biliary hyperplasia and hemorrhagic necrosis, with affected and animals are typically weak and in poor maintenance of hepatic trabeculae; sporidesmin, a body condition. Jaundice may or may not be apparent, mycotoxin which targets biliary epithelium and causes and those sheep that are jaundiced are commonly necrosis; microcystin, a toxin of blue-green algae, anemic. The disease course which causes disassociation of centrilobular may also be subacute and intermediate in severity, and hepatocytes and submassive hepatic necrosis and it is this form of the disease that is most commonly hemorrhage; and pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which also observed in Australia. Experimental phomopsin toxicity has been shown to reduce reproductive performance also.
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Because the condition is congenital, secondary changes in the bladder and upper urinary tract are advanced at birth. Some patients may be born with severe renal impairment or develop one soon after birth if recognition is delayed. Some of the common stone-types include calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, magnesium ammonium phosphate and uric acid. It may be complicated by periurethral abscess, superficial extravasation of urine and urethrocutaneous fistulae. It is carried out by trained surgeons usually under local anaesthesia after careful counselling and informed consent. Involving males in issues of reproductive health and family planning has several benefits with a positive impact on society. This is a medical emergency that needs to be recognized before the cardinal signs and symptoms are fully manifest as prompt surgery saves the testes. It can be classified into intra-vaginal torsion which constitute more than 95% and extra-vaginal torsion which is usually found in infants. The synergistic infections of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria coupled with obliterative arteritis results in the extensive gangrene. They cause acute morbidity in adults and may result in long-term complications such as urethral stricture, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer, foetal wastage, prematurity, low birth weight, ophthalmia neonatorum and congenital syphilis. However, owing to the lack of laboratory equipment and manpower in primary care facilities where most patients first present, an accurate diagnosis is often not possible. Failure to treat one infection adequately may result in the development of serious complications. All sexual partners of the patient within the last 3 months need to be seen and treated. If the urethral discharge persists after treatment, repeat treatment and counsel the patient if it is due to non-adherence to therapy or re-infection. In some cases persistence of urethral discharge may be due to infection withTrichomonas vaginalis. A vaginal discharge may be associated with a physiological state such as menses or pregnancy, or with the presence or use of foreign substances in the vagina. A careful risk assessment (see note below) of women with a vaginal discharge may help identify appropriate treatment regimens based on the most likely aetiology of the vaginal discharge. Other considerations for selecting treatment include pregnancy status and patient discomfort. If a woman has a vaginal discharge with no positive risk factor, treat for vaginitis alone. If she has a vaginal discharge, and a positive risk factor, treat for both vaginitis and cervicitis. They may be painful or painless and are frequently accompanied by inguinal lymphadenopathy. A thorough examination will therefore require asking the patient to gently retract the foreskin for careful inspection of the glans penis, coronal sulcus, frenum and urethral meatus. Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency and has to be excluded by a careful history and physical examination. They are sexually transmitted and must be distinguished from non-sexually transmitted local or systemic infections which may cause inguinal lymphadenopathy. Inadequate treatment of buboes can lead to rupture with formation of chronic fistulae and scarring. In women, genital warts can grow on the vulva and walls of the vagina, in the ano-genital area and the cervix. Genital warts can also develop in the oral cavity of a person who has had oral sexual contact with an infected person. Certain types of the virus causing genital warts have been found to cause carcinoma of the cervix. It can affect both adults and children often predisposing them to opportunistic infections and certain malignancies. The virus is not transmitted by everyday social contact such as hugging or kissing, through food or water or by mosquitoes and other biting insects. In adults, a diagnosis requires the presence of at least 2 major signs associated with at least 1 minor sign (see below), in the absence of other known causes of immunosuppression. Health facilities need to keep a log book of records of such accidental exposures and periodically audit the records and plan preventive strategies to forestall such accidents. A thorough history, physical examination and appropriate investigation would usually reveal the cause of the fever. In infants and young children, fever may be associated with: Convulsions, Collapse or Coma. Control convulsions with diazepam (see section onSeizure Disorders) Table 19-1: Guidelines for the Treatment of the Patient with Fever Complaints Diagnosis Action * (See Appropriate * (See appropriate section) section) Rigors, fever (occasionally * Malaria * Take a blood film or perform periodic), sweating, general rapid diagnostic test for malaria malaise, joint pains parasites and treat appropriately Rigors, fever, sweating, * Cerebral Malaria * Take a blood film or perform general malaise, altered rapid diagnostic test for malaria sensorium parasites and treat appropriately Headache, vomiting, * Meningitis * Do not delay treatment while drowsiness, stiff neck, awaiting results of lumbar seizures puncture. Tuberculosis is spread through airborne droplets when a patient coughs, spits or sneezes. Empirical antibiotic treatment for pneumonia may be prescribed while awaiting the sputum smear result. This may be subsequently changed to oral therapy with significant clinical improvement. The bacteria which are spread by the faeco-oral route invade the intestinal wall and spread through the bloodstream to all organs. They may continue to be present in the stool of asymptomatic carriers, who are persons who have recovered from the symptoms of the disease but continue to carry the bacteria. Public education on good personal hygiene, hand washing and appropriate disposal of solid waste would often prevent the disease. Screening of food handlers by carrying out stool cultures to exclude carrier status and safe handling of food, fruits and vegetables are also helpful preventive measures. Adults 200 mg 12 hourly Children 10 mg/kg 12 hourly Note Ciprofloxacin should be used with caution in children. At the first sign of pain or inflammation, patients must discontinue treatment and alternative treatment. It follows the introduction of protozoan malaria parasites into the blood stream by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is a major cause of significant morbidity and mortality especially among children under 5 years of age, pregnant women (sometimes with adverse foetal and maternal outcomes), patients with sickle cell disease and visiting non-resident Ghanaians and expatriates. However, for a definitive diagnosis to be made laboratory tests must demonstrate the malaria parasites or their components since the clinical presentation of the condition is similar in many respects to other common diseases such as typhoid fever, urinary tract infection, septicemia, Pneumonia and meningitis in both adults and children and measles, otitis media, tonsillitis, etc. Rapid diagnostic tests may be used to confirm a diagnosis if microscopy (blood film) is not available. Preventive measures in the community mainly target elimination of the insect vector or prevention of mosquito bites while additional chemoprophylaxis is required for vulnerable individuals. The development of resistance of malaria parasites to anti-malarial medications is a matter of major public health concern. It is therefore necessary to obtain laboratory confirmation of a diagnosis of malaria. Exceptions to this guideline are children under 5 years and cases of suspected severe malaria where laboratory confirmation is not immediately possible. A combination of anti-malarial drugs is preferred to monotherapy as this helps to prevent the development of drug resistance. A complete course of medications at the correct dosages must be given in all cases of malaria. The product packaging clearly indicates which dosing strength applies to which age group. The events causing most deaths in severe malaria are related to cerebral involvement (cerebral malaria), severe anaemia, hypoglycaemia, severe dehydration, renal failure and respiratory acidosis. The diagnosis of severe malaria is based on clinical features and confirmed with laboratory testing. While confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary treatment must be started promptly and not withheld while confirming the diagnosis. To prepare this, draw 2 mls of Quinine 600 mg and add 4 mls of sterile water or saline (not dextrose). Repeat infusion 8 hourly until patient can swallow, then change to Quinine, oral, 10mg/kg (maximum dose 600 mg), 8 hourly to complete 7 days treatment. Note Artemether should not be given in the first trimester of pregnancy unless there are no suitable alternatives. In most other respects, however, the treatment of severe malaria in pregnancy shall be the same as the treatment of severe malaria for the general population. Appropriate drug treatment, as shown in the tables (19-8, 19-9, and 19-10), must be initiated prior to transferring the patient. Note the drug of choice for uncomplicated malaria for pregnant women in the first trimester is oral Quinine. However their use should not be withheld in cases where they are considered to be life saving, or where other antimalarials are considered to be unsuitable. Fourth Dose: May be given, provided it is at least one month after the last dose and at least one month before anticipated delivery. Poor hygiene or contact of bare skin with soil in which the worm or its eggs live predisposes individuals to infestation. It is important to prevent this condition by examining the eyes of all sick and malnourished children. The foreign body may be either in the conjunctival sac, on the cornea or inside the eyeball (intraocular). A history of the likely nature of the foreign body aids in its detection and removal. The foreign body may be seen by careful inspection of the cornea or conjunctival sac. Good light is needed and a magnifying glass may be required to detect corneal foreign bodies. Acute red eye may have a history of injury to the eye or there may be no history of injury. There may be a foreign body on the cornea or on the conjunctiva, under the eyelid. A blunt injury may cause a subconjunctival haemorrhage or bleeding into the anterior chamber (hyphaema). Also refer acute conjunctivitis which shows no improvement after 48 hours of treatment. Glaucoma may produce severe loss of vision and blindness without prior warning symptoms and must therefore be screened for in all adults beyond the age of 40 years, especially those with a positive family history. This occurs when there is an obstruction of the upper airway from the nasopharnyx down to the trachea and main bronchi. The disease tends to run an extremely rapid course (4-6 hours) to respiratory failure and death. It is more common in children, however, the incidence has reduced due to the current immunisation schedule with the pentavalent vaccine. However, it is important to diagnose streptococcal pharyngitis since it may give rise to abscesses in the throat (retropharyngeal and peritonsillar abscess) as well as complications that involve organs like the kidneys and the heart. Streptococcal throat infections require treatment with antibiotics in order to reduce the complications noted above. This infection does not occur in children less than 6 years because their air spaces are not well developed. Therefore it may, especially in children, follow a common cold or a sore-throat or measles infection. Untreated or poorly managed cases may lead to complications such as mastoiditis, chronic otitis media, deafness, meningitis and brain abscess. Viral infections resulting in common cold (Rhinitis), sinusitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, influenza infections and nasopharyngitis are precursors to bacterial infections. If pain is still severe or pus discharge still present, repeat otoscopy, send swab of discharge for bacteriological examination and change to alternative antibiotic therapy.
It is classifed in primary and permanent teeth is due to the immune althree forms: Eosinophilic granuloma anxiety symptoms 10 year old boy discount 60 caps ashwagandha, Hand-Schullerteratons anxiety related disorders buy 60 caps ashwagandha amex, a disturbed epithelial functon in the gingival Christan disease anxiety symptoms aspergers buy cheap ashwagandha online, and Leterer-Siwe disease anxiety free quality 60 caps ashwagandha. Eosinotssues and the presence of Aggregatbacter actnomyphilic granuloma is the most frequent and benign and cetemcomitans [56] anxiety symptoms watery mouth purchase 60 caps ashwagandha otc. Afer erupton of the primary teeth anxiety symptoms for 2 weeks buy ashwagandha 60caps low cost, is characterized as a unior multfocal lesion in single gingiva becomes infamed and then it follows a rapid or various bones. When primary present in children or young adults, featured with the teeth are lost, the infammaton subsides, and gingivae characteristc triad of exophthalmos, osteolytc lesions return to a normal state. A combinaton of conventonal periodontal therapy Clinical signs and symptoms in these children are: (mechanical debridement) and antbiotcs of amoxicillin Periodontts, loss of alveolar bone replaced by sof or amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, with a dose of 20-50 tssue, ulceraton and necrosis of the oral mucosa, remg/kg/day or 20-40 mg/kg/day every 8 hours in primary sembling necrotzing ulceratve periodontts, and predentton, and in permanent dentton amoxicillin with mature loss of teeth. In the fbrous tssue, there is an infltrate seems to control the periodontal disease in these paof infammatory cells of which the majority are histotents [56]. Ullbro evalTreatment can be a combinaton of surgery, chemouated an oral treatment protocol, which showed that therapy, radiotherapy, cortcosteroids and antmitotc compliance of the patent had a strong impact on the drugs [5,61]. Vincristne, cyclophosphamide and methobleeding surfaces and pathological periodontal pockets. Recommended therapy is scaling and root planing, Glycogen storage diseases: these are rare metabolic sof-tssue curetage and use of selected antmicrobial disorders and cause the body to be less able to make agents. There are 18 known types of glycogen hygiene, showed improvement of gingival conditons. The subtype 1b is an autosomal-recessive disease caused by a defciency of microsomal gluCohen syndrome: Cohen syndrome is a rare genetc cose-6-phosphate translocase. Prolonged bleeding is a possible complicaton in this type of pathe afected individuals have ofen granulocytopetents. Cohen syndrome and chronic neutropenia, that early Early preventve treatment including professionperiodontal breakdown is a clinical feature of Cohen al plaque removal and control of gingivits is advisable syndrome and that it does not depend on the severity of [47]. The prevalence is between 1 in 5000 terial infectons and arrest of the myelopoiesis in the and 1 in 10000 [75]. It has been classifed into ten types bone marrow at the level of promyelocyte/myelocyte according to the clinical symptoms and inheritance stage [69]. It has been found that the neutrophils in these gingiva and/or absence of atached gingiva [77]. Another study found that mutatons in C1R or C1S probing depth and severe alveolar bone loss both in may be responsible for Periodontal Ehlers-Danlos synprimary and in permanent dentton [6,72]. These children have ofen a decreased mine the integrity of the periodontal apparatus as 9% response to infammaton, and if antbiotc therapy is of the gingival collagen and 16%-18% of the total collagiven, the results are many tmes not the expected [89]. Fusobacterium nucleatum has been found in actve Furthermore, the medicatons for the treatment of the lesion sites [76]. Therefore, the main goal for the denthough for the patents in whom bleeding abnormality tst when treatng periodontal disease in these patents is recognized, desmopressin can prevent or decrease is to control the microbial dental plaque and ofer an the risk of hemorrhage during surgical procedures [79]. Because of the defcient collagen biosynthesis, aggressive periodontts can occur at an early age. During denCompliance to a treatment protocol with secondtal therapy, these patents need special cauton because ary preventon as in patents with Papillon-Lefevre synof the fragility of the tssues and the healing afer peridrome seems signifcant for a successful outcome [56]. So, the fndings of Tsilingaridis [34] suggest that in children chemical and mechanical plaque control is advised for with Down syndrome, it is important to provide a pripreventon of periodontts [76]. Hypophosphatasia: Hypophosphatasia is a rare metabolic autosomal disorder with a defciency in tssue Periodontal diseases and especially periodontts is nonspecifc alkaline phosphatase actvity. This defcienofen the major clinical characteristc of these systemic cy results in accumulaton of extracellular pyrophosdisorders. Therefore, if a child or adolescent has periphate and causes the inhibiton of skeletal and dental odontts, the dentst should make a diferental diagmineralizaton [80-83]. There are six diferent clinical nosis between periodontts because of familial aggreforms of the disease, and they are divided according to gaton and periodontts because of diminished host the age of the patent and degree of severity. Also or late adolescence within 6-24 months, an adult form, the experience of a specialist in Periodontcs is of value a form of odontohypophosphatasia or as a rare benign in such cases in order to customize the therapeutc and prenatal form [84]. Darby I, Curtis M (2001) Microbiology of periodontal disease root cementum, which leads to inadequate atachment in children and young adults. Committee on research, science and therapy of the share a common clinical symptom, premature exfoliaAmerican Academy of Periodontology (1996) Position ton of teeth [84]. There is no increased gingival infamPaper: Periodontal disease of children and adolescents. Carlsson G, Winiarski J, Ljungman P, Ringden O, Mattsson for periodontal diseases and conditions. Tsilingaridis G, Yucel-Lindberg T, Modeer T (2003) Enhanced levels of prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4, and 16. Barr-Agholme M, Dahllof G, Linder L, Modeer T (1992) Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, capnocytophaga 20. Cutando-Soriano A, Goomez-Moreno G, Bravo M (1993) Free interleukin-2 receptors in children with trisomy 21 22. J in crevicular fuid levels of interleukin-1 beta, leukotriene Periodontol 71: 876-879. Holmstrup P, Glick M (2002) Treatment of periodontal factor alpha in experimental gingivitis in humans. J Biol 9) activities in the saliva and in gingival crevicular fuid of Chem 276: 14230-14241. Tsilingaridis G, Yucel-Lindberg T, Modeer T (2012) T-helper(2001) Clinical periodontal fndings and microfora profles related cytokines in gingival crevicular fuid from adolescents in children with chronic neutropenia under supervised oral with Down syndrome. Zeidler C, Schwinzer B, Welte K (2003) Congenital H, Modeer T (2014) the relationship between matrix neutropenias. Phil J Ancliff, Rosemary E Gale, Ri Liesner, Ian M Hann, Periodontol 2000 6: 88-100. Bellanne-Chantelot C, Clauin S, Leblanc T, Cassinat B, (1999) Loss-of-function mutations in the cathepsin C gene Rodrigues-Lima F, et al. Ye Y, Carlsson G, Wondimu B, Fahlen A, Karlsson-Sjoberg prepubertal periodontitis, and aggressive periodontitis. Ullbro C, Brown A, Twetman S (2005) Preventive periodontal regiment in Papillon-Lefevre syndrome. Expression of granule-associated proteins in neutrophils from patients with severe congenital neutropenia. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Buccal 14: encode subcomponents C1r and C1s of complement. Watanabe H, Goseki-Sone M, Iimura T, Oida S, Orimo H, phosphatase in gingival crevicular fuid. Am J Physiol Cell pathological and genetic evaluations of Chinese patients Physiol 281: 1-11. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1192: environmental risk factors for chronic periodontitis and 190-200. Camptotheca acutreatment of stomach and bladder cancer and minata is a tree native to China and its bark is certain types of leukemia, often in combination a recognized Chinese traditional medicine. Based on the analysis, our molecule libraries, followed by hit-to-lead-toconclusion was that the topotecan-downreguanalogue characterization in vitro and in vivo lated 38 genes and topotecan-upregulated 4 [54]. The logic of using the antiapoptotic surgenes are true Top1-independent events [48]. The key point that we want to emphasize vival, division and apoptosis control [55, 56]. In this regard, it is spindle checkpoint proteins, and elevated cell known that Top1 is a ubiquitously expressed cycle control proteins [72]. Inhibition of survivin in children and adults in various renewal tisexpression or function would result in both bulk sues. Our studies demonstrated that not dependent on the inhibition of Top1 activity when we genetically overexpress or silence were suggested in previous studies. Simiubiquitination and degradation of MdmX (tumor larly, recent studies revealed that suppression suppression effects) [94]. This remaining the potential to even treat the most diffcult-toTop1 activity inhibition may contribute to the treat cancers. This fnding is consistent continued until 2009, and later studies were with the fact that belotecan has never been also unable to obtain strong positive results for reported to be orally administered thus far. Clinical development of be(Table 1), though no full papers were followed lotecan began sometime before 2000 (Table 2361 Am J Cancer Res 2017;7(12):2350-2394 Camptothecin analogues and their molecular targets Table 2. Hematologic toxpreclinical studies, exatecan subsequently weicities, including grade 3/4 anemia and thront into clinical trials (Table 3). Patients have locally advanced of the belotecan and topotecan cycles, respor metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma withectively (P = 0. Grade 4/5 lung infection out prior chemotherapy but may have radiation (belotecan 3. The primary end point was overall sur2363 Am J Cancer Res 2017;7(12):2350-2394 Camptothecin analogues and their molecular targets Table 3. During these studies, ately before clinical use in a light protection 5-Phase I clinical trials were carried out and fashion are required [243]. Interestingly, 2366 Am J Cancer Res 2017;7(12):2350-2394 Camptothecin analogues and their molecular targets Table 6. However, in vivo py-induced neutropenic effects of difomotecan studies using colon and ovarian cancer cellunder different dosing schedules [273]. However, we know that and can be used to explore the potential impact irinotecan cannot be orally administered but of dosing schedule dependencies on neutropeKarenitecin has similar effcacy either ip or po nia prediction [273]. Clonogenic analyses revealed that seof this study to the further development of difoquential treatment of colon cancer cells frst motecan remains to be seen. However, the regulation of head-&-neck A253 carcinoma whether this fnding could bring karenitecin cell cycle by karenitecin as a Top1 functional back to clinical trials again remains to be seen. Nevertheless, further studies of the shown to have higher lactone levels in human role of karenitecin in cancer cell cycle regulablood and be considered as an attractive candition revealed that karenitecin induces chk1 date for clinical development [290]. Based on these inhibitor and also exhibited superior antitumor preclinical studies, a Phase I clinical trial with activity in a panel of human squamous cell carvarious solid tumors was carried out (Table 9). This comare very helpful and thus important to the pound went into clinical trials in Dr. Tumor reimreleased from the conjugate within the tumor plantation experiments demonstrated that the for an extended period of time [316]. Another study with human lymand extending mouse survival compared with phoma xenograft models showed that as comtopotecan [322]. This appears to be a very disapzine drug for metastatic melanoma was inefpointing negative result. Further studies of the T-2513 release 2372 Am J Cancer Res 2017;7(12):2350-2394 Camptothecin analogues and their molecular targets Table 14. Although a number of preclinical human hepatic cancers, most organs had sigstudies were followed up [337-341], no clinical nifcantly higher concentrations of simmitecan studies have yet been reported. However, in comparison with other simi18-35 mg/kg via ip with a schedule of q4d x 2. Thecules could be the key to fnding drugs that ese are encouraging preclinical results and it possess high effcacy and low toxicity for fghtwill be interesting to see whether the encouraging cancer and other human diseases. Acknowledgements A series of 4-substituted anthrax [2, 1-c] [1, 2, the authors thank Dr. David Westover (Previous 5] thiadiazole-6,11-dione derivatives were synPhD student in Dr. We also thank 2375 Am J Cancer Res 2017;7(12):2350-2394 Camptothecin analogues and their molecular targets Ms. Journal of the American Chemical Society human tumor in vivo work was performed in 1966; 88: 3888-3890. J Am Chem Soc 1972; 94: agents that alter expression of survivin (Patent 8615-8616. Review campapoptosis induced by interference with surtothecin: current perspectives. Targeted disruption of the mouse of survivin downregulation associated with topoisomerase I gene by camptothecin selecdrug sensitivity. Survivin mediates resistance to antian2378 Am J Cancer Res 2017;7(12):2350-2394 Camptothecin analogues and their molecular targets drogen therapy in prostate cancer. Targeting survivin cer signature genes reveals aneuploid, anoiovercomes drug resistance in acute lymphokis-resistant, metastasis-enabling phenotype blastic leukemia. Survivin in apoptosis control and cell contributing to the stem cell origin of colon cycle regulation in cancer. Novel Formulations of wateractivity in vivo at various pathophysiological insoluble chemical compounds and methods processes. Sp1 and overcomes irinotecan and topotecan resisc-Myc modulate drug resistance of leukemia tance in human tumor xenograft models. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015; 463: [80] Kanzawa F, Sugimoto Y, Minato K, Kasahara K, 229-234. Camptothecin hyper-repre-requisite phase of breast cancer metastasistant P388 cells: drug-dependent reduction sis.